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iscilab2020 authored Dec 6, 2023
1 parent 9a74023 commit ae8776a
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Showing 53 changed files with 4,382 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added Dataset/AmbientLight/twoman0bg_blue.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/AmbientLight/twoman0bg_green.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/AmbientLight/twoman0bg_red.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/AmbientLight/twoman1bg_blue.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/AmbientLight/twoman1bg_green.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/AmbientLight/twoman1bg_red.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/AmbientLight/twoman2bg_blue.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/AmbientLight/twoman2bg_green.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/AmbientLight/twoman2bg_red.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/AmbientLight/twoman3bg_blue.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/AmbientLight/twoman3bg_green.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/AmbientLight/twoman3bg_red.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/SingleSnapshot/USF_man_blue.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/SingleSnapshot/USF_man_green.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/SingleSnapshot/USF_man_red.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/SingleSnapshot/play1_blue.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/SingleSnapshot/play1_green.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/SingleSnapshot/play1_red.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/SingleSnapshot/twoman0bg_blue.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/SingleSnapshot/twoman0bg_green.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/SingleSnapshot/twoman0bg_red.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/SingleSnapshot/work_blue.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/SingleSnapshot/work_green.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/SingleSnapshot/work_red.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/USF_man_blue.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/USF_man_green.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/USF_man_red.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/play1_blue.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/play1_green.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/play1_red.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/shelf_only_blue.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/shelf_only_green.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/shelf_only_red.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/work_blue.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/work_green.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Dataset/work_red.mat
Binary file not shown.
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions Functions/EstRangeGivenAngleDistAccelerated.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
function [rho_est, radiosity_tp, rho_hist, rad_hist, cost_fun] = EstRangeGivenAngleDistAccelerated(px,py,h,...
Ntp,Ntp_sub,superFacets_ang,meas_ave,step_size,BGmodel,rho_0,rad_0, iter_max)
%FORWARDMODELDOORWAYCAMRANGE computes the contribution of light sources in the visible
% region (or visible side) to the visible (or relay) surface. This can be
% used a an approximate model for cancelling out background contributions.
% Usage:
% [h, Dh, rho_vals] = EstRangeGivenAngleDist(px,py,h,Ntp,Ntp_sub,superFacets_ang,rho_min_max)
% Input:
% * px (Mx-vector): The measurement plane x-positions of the pixel locations.
% * py (My-vector): The measurement plane y-positions of the pixel locations.
% * h (scalar): The measurement plane x-positions of the pixel locations.
% * Ntp (Mx-vector): The measurement plane x-positions of the pixel locations.
% * Ntp_sub (My-vector): The measurement plane y-positions of the pixel locations.
% * rho_hid (scalar): The measurement plane x-positions of the pixel locations.
% Output:
% * Amat (MxMy-by-ns): Matrix whose columns are contribution from the
% n-th source.
% * angles_tp (MxMy-by-ns): Matrix whose columns are contribution from the
% n-th source.
% * angles_tp_sub (MxMy-by-ns): Matrix whose columns are contribution from the
% n-th source.
% Last Modified by $John Murray-Bruce$ at the University of South Florida
% v1.0 26-Feb-2023 15:17:32

max_iter = 1000; %500

if nargin<=9
rho_0 = 0.5; 1.25;0.75; 0.5; 0.75;1.2;
rho_0 = 0.75;
if nargin<=10
rad_0 = 1;

% Set to true to see plot and values of range estimates with each iteration
diagnosticsConvergence = true;

superFacets_ang_bin = (superFacets_ang>1e-10);
[~, num_SF] = size(superFacets_ang_bin);

if nargin==7
step_size = 5e-5;
elseif nargin == 8
implicitBGsub = false;
elseif nargin == 9
implicitBGsub = true;
step_size_bg = 1e-8;
bg_intensity = 0.01*[1 1]';
BGmodel = BGmodel/max(BGmodel(:));
elseif nargin == 10
implicitBGsub = true;
step_size_bg = 1e-8;
bg_intensity = 0.01*[1 1]';
if isempty(BGmodel)
implicitBGsub = false;
elseif nargin==11
implicitBGsub = true;
step_size_bg = 1e-8;
bg_intensity = 0.01*[1 1]';
if isempty(BGmodel)
implicitBGsub = false;
elseif nargin==12
implicitBGsub = true;
step_size_bg = 1e-8;
bg_intensity = 0.01*[1 1]';
if isempty(BGmodel)
implicitBGsub = false;
max_iter = iter_max;

if numel(step_size)==1
step_size = [step_size step_size];

if isempty(rho_0)
rho_0 = 0.75;

% Computational FOV
camFOV_edge_x = min(px);
min_angle_psi = atan(h/camFOV_edge_x);

Nt = Ntp(1);
Np = Ntp(2);
% Hidden volume discretization
psi_hid = linspace(min_angle_psi, pi/2-0.001, Np*Ntp_sub(2));
theta_hid = linspace(0.0,pi/2-0.001,Nt*Ntp_sub(1));

[TH, PH] = meshgrid(theta_hid,psi_hid);
TH = TH(:); PH = PH(:);
angles_tp_sub = [TH, PH];
superFacets_ang_mask = kron(reshape(sum(superFacets_ang_bin,2),Ntp),ones(Ntp_sub));
superFacets_ang_mask = superFacets_ang_mask(:);
lenSFmask = length(superFacets_ang_mask);
indexSF = (1:lenSFmask)';
indexSF = indexSF(superFacets_ang_mask>0);

if numel(rho_0)==1
rho_t = rho_0*ones(1,num_SF); % 0.5 for others (1.5 only for Rf-Bc; Testing 0.1)
rho_t = rho_0';

if numel(rad_0)==1
rad_t = rad_0*ones(1,num_SF);
rad_t = rad_0';
temp_vec = 1:prod(Ntp);
subFacet_indices = temp_vec(sum(superFacets_ang_bin,2)>=1);

for ii=1:num_SF
rho_mask_temp = kron(reshape(superFacets_ang_bin(:,ii),Ntp),ones(Ntp_sub));
rho_mask_tp(:,ii) = rho_mask_temp(:);
rhoVals_tp_mask = rho_mask_tp(indexSF,:);

% radiosity_tp = ones(1,num_SF);
radiosity_tp = rad_t';

radiosity_tp_prev = radiosity_tp;
rho_est_prev = rho_t';

rho_hist = zeros(num_SF,max_iter);
rad_hist = rho_hist;
% cost = zeros(1,max_iter);
y_rho = rho_est_prev;
u_rad = radiosity_tp_prev;
tp = 1;
superFacets_ang = superFacets_ang(subFacet_indices,:);
for ii = 1:max_iter
rhoVals_tp = sum(rhoVals_tp_mask.*y_rho',2);
[Am_rho_j, DelAm_rho_j] = fmDWRangeGivenAngleDist(px,py,h,subFacet_indices,angles_tp_sub,indexSF,Ntp,Ntp_sub,rhoVals_tp');

temp_g_rad = (Am_rho_j*superFacets_ang);
grho = sum(temp_g_rad .* u_rad',2);
Dgrho = (DelAm_rho_j*superFacets_ang.* u_rad');

if implicitBGsub
grho = grho + BGmodel*bg_intensity;
bg_intensity_k = bg_intensity - 2*step_size_bg*BGmodel'*(grho-meas_ave);
bg_intensity = bg_intensity_k;

rho_est = max(y_rho - 2*step_size(1)*Dgrho'*(grho - meas_ave),0);
rad_est_ktp = max(u_rad - 2*step_size(2)*temp_g_rad'*(grho - meas_ave),0);
% rho_est = abs(y_rho - 2*step_size(1)*Dgrho'*(grho - meas_ave));
% rad_est_ktp = abs(u_rad - 2*step_size(2)*temp_g_rad'*(grho - meas_ave));

t = (sqrt(1+4*tp^2)+1)/2;
% alpha_k = (ii-1)./(ii+2);
y_rho = rho_est + ((tp-1)/t).*(rho_est - rho_est_prev);
u_rad = rad_est_ktp + ((tp-1)/t).*(rad_est_ktp - radiosity_tp_prev);
rho_est_prev = rho_est;
radiosity_tp_prev = rad_est_ktp;

rho_hist(:,ii) = rho_est;
rad_hist(:,ii) = rad_est_ktp;
cost_fun(ii) = norm(grho-meas_ave)^2;

rho_t = rho_est';
radiosity_tp = rad_est_ktp';

if (diagnosticsConvergence)&&(mod(ii,20)==0)
figure(100); clf
plot([1:ii],rho_hist(:,[1:ii])'); title('$\rho$ estimates')
ylim([0 max([0.01;rho_hist(:)])]); xlim([0 max_iter])
plot([1:ii],rad_hist(:,[1:ii])'); title('intensity estimates')
ylim([0 max([0.01;rad_hist(:)])]); xlim([0 max_iter])
plot([1:ii],cost_fun(1:ii));title('data fidelity')
ylim([0 max([0.01;cost_fun(:)])]); xlim([0 max_iter])



function [Amat, DelAmat] = fmDWRangeGivenAngleDist(px,py,h,subFacet_indeces,angles_tp_sub,indexSF,Ntp,Ntp_sub,rhoVals_tp)
%FMDWRANGEGIVENANGLEDIST computes the measurements for given superfacets
%given its angular extent, assuming some fixed ranges rhoVals_tp dependent
%on the angles (theta and psi).

Mx = length(px);
My = length(py);
pz = h;
[Px, Py] = meshgrid(px,py);
meas_p = [Px(:), Py(:), pz*ones(Mx*My,1)];

TH = angles_tp_sub(indexSF,1)'; PH = angles_tp_sub(indexSF,2)';
denom_t = sqrt(1 + tan(TH).^2 + tan(PH).^2);
jacobian_factor = (sec(PH).^2.*sec(TH).^2)./(denom_t.^3);

[visMat] = dwvisibility_tp([TH' PH'], meas_p);
temp_VisJacobian = jacobian_factor.*visMat;

radial_falloff = ((rhoVals_tp./denom_t - meas_p(:,1)).^2 + ...
(rhoVals_tp./denom_t.*tan(TH) - meas_p(:,2)).^2 + ...
(rhoVals_tp.*tan(PH)./denom_t - meas_p(:,3)).^2 );
temp_rad = ((rhoVals_tp./denom_t - meas_p(:,1))./denom_t + ...
(rhoVals_tp./denom_t.*tan(TH) - meas_p(:,2)).*(tan(TH)./denom_t ) + ...
(rhoVals_tp.*tan(PH)./denom_t - meas_p(:,3)).*(tan(PH)./denom_t ) );

Del_radialfalloff = ((2*rhoVals_tp).*radial_falloff - (2*rhoVals_tp.^2).*(temp_rad))./(radial_falloff.^2);

Amat = ((rhoVals_tp.^2)./radial_falloff).*temp_VisJacobian;

DelAmat = Del_radialfalloff.*temp_VisJacobian;

% Nt = Ntp(1);
% Np = Ntp(2);
if prod(Ntp_sub)>1
reduceMat_temp = zeros(prod(Ntp.*Ntp_sub),length(subFacet_indeces));
for ii=1:length(subFacet_indeces)
[subFacet_r, subFacet_c] = ind2sub(Ntp, subFacet_indeces(ii)); % subfacet 2D location (row, col)
subFacet_rows_cols = ([subFacet_r, subFacet_c]-1).*Ntp_sub + (1:Ntp_sub)';
[xa, xb] = meshgrid(subFacet_rows_cols(:,2), subFacet_rows_cols(:,1));
reduceMat_temp(sub2ind(Ntp.*Ntp_sub, xb(:), xa(:)),ii) = 1;
reduceMat = reduceMat_temp(sum(reduceMat_temp,2)>=1,:);
% reduceMat = kron(eye(Nt), kron(ones(Ntp_sub(1),1), kron(eye(Np), ones(Ntp_sub(2),1))));
% reduceMat = reduceMat(indexSF,:);
Amat = Amat*reduceMat./prod(Ntp_sub);
DelAmat = DelAmat*reduceMat./prod(Ntp_sub);


function [visMat] = dwvisibility_tp(s_tp,measurementplane)
%DWVISIBILITY computes and returns the visibility matrix of the point
% defined by s_rtp (in XZ-projected spherical coordinates) for all points
% in the measurement/observation plane.
% Usage:
% [visMat] = dwvisibility(s_rtp,measurementplane)
% Input:
% * s_rtp (TP-by-2 matrix): The spatial location of the hidden scene point
% in XZ-projected spherical coordinates.
% * measPlane (MxMy-by-3 matrix): The xyz-locations on the measurement plane.
% Output:
% * visMat (MxMy-by-TP matrix): Binary matrix indicating whether a hidden scene
% point s_rtp is unoccluded (1) or occluded by the
% doorway whose head is at z = 0, and coincides
% with the y-axis.

% Last Modified by $John Murray-Bruce$ at the University of South Florida
% v1.0 26-Feb-2023 18:03:32

psi_s = s_tp(:,2)';
theta_s = s_tp(:,1)';
visibility_v = (( atan(measurementplane(:,2)./measurementplane(:,1)) - (theta_s)<0));
visibility_h = (( atan(measurementplane(:,3)./measurementplane(:,1)) - ( psi_s )<0));
visMat = visibility_h.*visibility_v;

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