Determine a person's gender based on a name. To determine if it is more likely male or female, it compares the name against the top 10,000 male and 10,000 female names from all US births 1930 - 2013. Data from the social security administration, so it works best for US names.
(If you want to make your own custom build of the names dataset, instructions to do this can be found in
npm install gender-guess
var gender = require('gender-guess')
name: 'Thor',
gender: 'M',
confidence: 0.9999
// Sorry Marvel, looks like Thor is still male.
name: 'Natasha',
gender: 'F',
confidence: 0.997
You can also include full names. It will take only the first part of the name (until the first space) to guess gender.
gender.guess('John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt')
name: 'John',
gender: 'M',
confidence: 0.9962
If it cannot find a name it will return all values as null.
gender.guess('Bilbo Baggins')
name: null,
gender: null,
confidence: null
Pro tip: some names are more ambiguous than others. Consider setting a limit in your code to only accept gender guesses that reach a certain confidence level. (In the future we'll add that as a native option.)