Arpeggio streamlines the onboarding process for projects grounded in Clean Architecture and Domain-driven Design (DDD) on Rust, TypeScript, and Python.
Welcome to Arpeggio, a curated and minimalistic coding template that includes a set of artifacts that help kickstart projects based on Domain-Driven Design (DDD). Moreover, Arpeggio adopts a layered architecture approach by offering an organized directory and data structure definitions in line with the Clean Architecture premise, which incorporates SOLID principles.
It's crucial to understand that DDD IS NOT about coding or defining data states, but rather a process of modeling specific business use case concepts. Consequently, this project IS NOT a formula for a best-of-all domain model, assuming such a thing exists. While this project serves as a straightforward coding template for DDD-based projects, its implementation alone won't guarantee well-designed domain models. In other words, a well-defined domain model relies on thorough business case concept analysis that underpins all the implemented artifacts (Aggregates, Entities, Value Objects, Services, Repositories, Factories, and Modules), regardless of the paradigm or approach (OOP, FP, etc.) you eventually adopt.
For this project to be useful and to avoid any confusion while practicing the DDD guidelines, consider these seven starting points:
Keep in mind that you are modeling concepts. It's easy to get sidetracked by data-driven ideas or infrastructure implementation details. In the initial stage, our goal is to model business use case concepts. For example, "in an E-commerce context, Users can place Orders, which can be tracked by a unique Identifier Number and consist of at least one Order Line. These Order Lines include details such as the ordered Product and its Quantity."
Your modeled concepts should correspond to a specific business use case only and must naturally express it. Technically, this means that the invariants of a domain model, its corrective policies, and its lifecycle should align with its intended business use case. For example, in a Courier Context, you might want to change an Order Status from "In transit" to "Delivered", respecting all the invariants and policies it implies. Conversely, in the E-commerce Context, you might not be concerned with changing the Order Status, but rather the Order Details such as Products, Delivery Address, Payment Information, etc.
Analyze your business domain from a user's perspective. This involves a deep dive into the use case you plan to resolve. By doing so, you can identify insights that will help you understand the real-world concepts you're aiming to model. For example, as a user, "I place an Order for purchase Products of my interest, I want those Products to be delivered to my home Address and, if possible, apply a Discount Code over the Products price."
Start designing models from scratch with a behaviorally semantic approach. This way, you imbue the model with meaning right from the start, incorporating aspects of the Ubiquitous Language that you might use during modeling. Ultimately, your model will narrate a sequence of events and facts, much like a story. For instance, “a Client creates an Order. This Order validates its Order Lines for consistency and reserves the specified Products for a certain period while the Payment is processed. Finally, the Order is placed and a domain event is triggered.” Imagine then another Aggregate from a supposed Courier Context subscribing to this Order Placed domain event to initiate the delivery process. And so, the story continues…
Models can naturally evolve and change over time. It's common to refactor or add new behaviors to the model as new insights are uncovered or different solutions are explored. There's a variety of design patterns or approaches to implement, and no single "best" solution. The tactical Aggregate Pattern from DDD is particularly useful because it creates models that are sufficiently decoupled to allow changes and provide warnings if inconsistencies arise. Don't hesitate to improve your models when necessary.
Avoid designing overly complex models. One of the primary goals of DDD is to maintain consistency boundaries. This means that any changes to the domain objects must preserve a state of consistency and integrity. For some business use cases, models may become so complex that they appear to endlessly expand, both conceptually and in terms of memory consumption at runtime. Therefore, it's crucial to keep models simple by dividing them into multiple small aggregates that can reference each other by their Aggregate Root identity.
Additionally, avoid mixing read models with domain models, or write models. In other words, there's no need to load the Order Aggregate model into memory for read-only operations. Instead, create a Read Order Model that displays the necessary information for your system.
Lastly, it's crucial to ensure that the business use cases are complex enough in terms of consistency boundaries before employing Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in your project. This is because simpler solutions may suffice, such as a CRUD/Script service with POJO-based models. Therefore, DO NOT underestimate the power of brainstorming. Also, keep these tips in mind when modeling aggregates:
- Opt for multiple small aggregates over large-cluster ones.
- Use reference by identity between aggregates.
- If an aggregate's memory size becomes too large, split it into multiple instances.
- Employ eventual consistency to maintain harmony between separate aggregate instances.
In a musical context, an arpeggio is a sequence of notes that are part of a chord or share the same tonality, played in succession rather than simultaneously. To put it more simply, imagine taking the notes of a chord from a scale and playing them one after another to create a melodic pattern.
Consider for a moment the structure of a layered software architecture as akin to a musical scale where the implementations that occur within each layer are the individual notes, and when triggered, they do not sound all at once but are instead activated in a deliberate sequence.
Take, for instance, a Use Case from from a given process. This Use Case can be likened to a chord, and its execution involves a series of steps—akin to the notes in that chord. These steps are implemented across different layers, from the Infrastructure to the Domain. Then, the Use Case execution results in a harmonious operation that's reminiscent of an arpeggio, where each note contributes to the overall melody. This approach ensures that the system's maintainability and scalability are orchestrated in a cohesive and coordinated manner.
Arpeggio's core artifacts are arranged as per the separation of concerns proposed by Clean Architecture. These include the domain directory for the entities layer, the application directory for the business use cases layer, the adapters directory for the interface adapters layer, and the infrastructure directory for the frameworks and drivers layer. Here's what each directory contains:
- Domain directory: This includes the base artifacts for a Domain-driven Design modeling. It contains the following directories:
- Events: This includes Domain Event Bus and Subscriber interfaces, and the Domain Event abstraction for domain events logic.
- Models: Here, you'll find the Entity, Aggregate Root, and Value Object abstractions, and a pair of built-in definitions for Date and Identity.
- Repositories: This contains a Criteria Pattern interface that aims to facilitate querying data from the repository.
- Specifications: This includes a set of classes that follows the Specification Pattern proposed by the Domain-driven Design approach.
- Application directory: This contains the Input Port and Output Port interfaces that will guide the Use Cases and Presenters implementations.
- Adapters directory: This includes the interface for the Controllers that will interact with the Use Case implementations.
- Infrastructure directory: This provides a basic in-memory Domain Event Bus implementation to start handling domain events immediately.
Lastly, it's crucial to note that these core definitions are not intended to be used as a framework. They are designed to be adaptable to changes based on system requirements and specific business use cases.
This definition is intended as a starting point for cases where you need to move quickly and can delay decisions about domain rules around identity policies. Furthermore, to uphold the Single Responsibility Principle, each entity model should implement its own identity definition or consider using it under a Shared Kernel relationship in the system.
It's worth noting that the generation of identity (ID) does not have a one-size-fits-all solution. The best approach depends on whether it aligns with the project’s architectural design principles. However, there are two implementation approaches to consider:
- As a domain service: If you wish to separate the repository from managing identities (IDs), you could delegate this to a Domain Service. This service would then be injected into Use Cases at the Application layer.
- As a repository pattern method: This alternative solution involves delegation to the Repository Service through a method that returns it. If repository services handle persistence, it could be logical for them to also manage indexing or calculating the next available identity in the “bucket”.
This definition intends to facilitate the date creation and update handling, it is important to note that dates take on certain value when using Domain Events and/or applying Event Sourcing Pattern.
Developers often grapple with the "return ID after creation" requirement, which conflicts with the Commands from the CQRS pattern. With Clean Architecture's Use Cases approach, this issue can be addressed based on the following assumptions:
- In Clean Architecture, Use Cases (input ports) respect the Commands rule, which states that results should not be returned after execution.
- By applying the Inversion of Control Flow approach, Presenters (output ports) are injected into Use Cases. These are also execution-only interfaces. The system can then capture intermediate data, such as newly created IDs for client-display purposes. This is done without explicitly returning any results, but it does allow communication about what has been done while executing the Commands.
When it comes to Queries from the CQRS pattern, implementing Use Cases that retrieve read models and pass them to Presenters is straightforward. However, the intriguing aspect is that, based on the Repository Pattern, we can achieve Responsibility Segregation between Commands and Queries. This is done by delegating it as a detail of the repository's implementation, which is responsible for using or preparing different schemas according to the system's writing or reading requirements.
Let's delve into a practical exercise that involves a modeling process. This exercise uses a Domain-driven Design approach and is built using the Arpeggio template. As previously stated, this is not a foolproof recipe-like solution, but rather a simple example intended to illustrate and hopefully clarify the development of a business use case using Arpeggio and the DDD approach.
Imagine we want to develop a Task Service for tracking user tasks. Initially, we plan to create a feature for task management. Therefore, the models we draft should consider the invariants and domain rules for managing commands over these tasks. We will incorporate these models into the Backoffice Bounded Context.
Figure 1. Backoffice Bounded Context
Continuing with the Backoffice Bounded Context idea from our in-progress Task Service, we'll analyze the business use case we need to model. At first glance, it may seem straightforward: "the user manages a list of to-do items". However, aiming for a Domain-driven Design approach rather than a data-driven one, we delve deeper into what a to-do item entails.
A to-do is a task description that the user will mark as complete when finished. The user may also find it helpful to have a creation date for each to-do to assist in priority planning.
While these concepts may not seem complex, let's look more closely at the statement: "user could find it useful to see a creation date to better plan its priorities". On closer reading, we discover an important insight: our business use case is about planning, not just managing to-do items. This implies that the Task Service user needs to make personal plans.
Therefore, we decide to focus on the Plan Concept. In this context, a plan is a named list of to-dos responsible for maintaining list consistency. This imposes certain domain rules:
- Prevent duplications
- Control to-do manipulation, which means:
- Do not allow removal or editing if the plan is complete
- Check plan completeness after marking to-dos as done
- Plan name can be a maximum of 500 characters in length
- To-do descriptions can be a maximum of 1200 characters in length
Translating the above conceptual analysis into a UML diagram and incorporating DDD concepts, we can derive a model as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Plan aggregation on Backoffice Bounded Context
The reasons for the above model are as follows:
- The Plan model becomes an aggregate root due to its role in maintaining consistency within the cluster. This model includes a name, a list of to-dos, and a creation date.
- The To-do model is represented as an entity due to the mutability requirement of the use case. This is primarily derived from the mark-as-done behavior, which necessitates an identity. This model includes a description, its current status, and a creation date. For the status, we chose to implement an enum rather than a value object because enums already adhere to the immutability property. In practice, there is no real need to implement a value object based on enum values to keep things simple.
- While identity value objects are not illustrated in the figure, it's well-known in DDD that all entity models have an identity, and the aggregate root is also an entity. Therefore, both our Plan aggregate root and Todo entity have identities.
Note that we have not yet discussed data structures, coding definitions, database schemas, etc. Even though the Plan Concept example is a basic use case that could potentially be addressed with a POJO and a CRUD service, remember that this early stage of analysis is unrelated to such implementation details. We have simply analyzed concepts and created preliminary models based on discovery and brainstorming exercises. Ideally, these exercises involve the participation of the development team and so-called Domain Experts. It may take multiple iterations and reviews over a concept to uncover as many insights as possible that will support the models our system will depend on.
With the first version of our Plan Aggregation model complete, we can begin building the Task Service MVP using the Arpeggio template. This template simplifies the translation from our conceptual model to functional code. Before we start, let's create a class diagram for a more detailed and concrete perspective:
Figure 3. Plan aggregation UML class diagram
In Figure 3, two classes, IdentityObject and DateObject, are omitted from the diagram. As previously mentioned, these are built-in Value Objects included in the Arpeggio core definitions. The key point is that we now have a candidate model for domain objects, their attributes, and relationships.
This model enables us to define our aggregation behaviors. Based on our previous analysis, these behaviors can be summarized as follows:
- The user wants to compile a list of to-dos grouped into a named plan
- The user needs to be able to add a to-do to the list
- The user should be able to remove a to-do from the list if it is no longer viable
- The user might need to modify a to-do description due to misspellings or improvements
- The user needs to mark to-dos as done to track the progress of a plan
Figure 4. Plan aggregation behavioral UML class diagram
In Figure 4, certain domain object attributes are omitted to decrease cognitive load and emphasize the business use case through behavior-like naming in the domain object methods. Comparing Figure 4 to the previous list, we see a static method, create(), which allows users to create a new Plan in accordance with the list's first item. There are also methods such as addTodo(), removeTodo(), changeTodoDescription(), and markTodoAsDone() to manage the to-dos, meeting the second to fifth items on the list. Further methods include changeName(), isCompleted(), and so on. Now, our model has a behavioral semantic that represents its intended business use case.
With this initial version of our domain model, which adheres to the enterprise's business rules, we can start building the application's business rules. We will use the Clean Architecture approach to define the Use Cases (Input Ports) objects that will interact with this behavioral domain model. Additionally, to apply the CQRS pattern, we will categorize these use cases into Commands and Queries:
Figure 5. Backoffice Bounded Context Commands and Queries UML use case diagram
The next goals for our Task Service MVP involve the detailed implementation of the use cases depicted in Figure 5, the execution of these use cases by the adapters, and addressing infrastructure concerns such as repositories and services. In this context, Arpeggio offers a set of basic interface definitions for Input and Output Ports and Controllers, simplifying this process. It also provides a memory-based implementation of a Domain Event Bus, which can be useful when delaying decisions on how domain events will be managed or whether the system will implement domain events (and thus tolerate eventual consistency).
To demonstrate this, let's create a sequence diagram of the 'Add Todo' use case flow. This will show how a user request is processed by various components and passes through each layer of the architecture.
Figure 6. Add Todo use case on Backoffice Bounded Context UML sequence diagram
At first glance, Figure 6 might seem complex for a "simple" use case. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that these are purely component interactions, each having a responsibility based on its layer. Furthermore, the flow is straightforward: the Controller receives the User request and prepares the request model for the Use Case. The Use Case then executes only business logic rules over the domain layer objects (repository, aggregate, and domain event bus). This complies with the Command's requirement of not returning any value. Instead, it calls the Presenter's success or failure method with the response model. This informs the User and serves as a sort of Anti-corruption Layer between the domain model and the User.
In conclusion, you can see the result of this development process in the programming language-specific examples below:
The open-source nature of this project encourages collaborative improvement, inviting users to incorporate their preferences and practical insights into its development. Consequently, there may be room for enhancement in the Arpeggio template or areas for discussion. This is particularly true given the numerous concepts, patterns, and principles that form its basis. One of the most appealing aspects of software development is its limitless capacity for evolution and the numerous ways it can address real-world scenarios.
The following is a list of authors, articles, and blogs that were influential in the development of this project. Predominantly, it's based on the teachings from The Big Blue Book by Eric Evans and The Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin.
- Vaughn Vernon about Effective Aggregate Design
- Martin Fowler about Bounded Context and DDD Aggregate
- Alexey Zimarev about Aggregate pattern in DDD
- Probably the best DDD sample app on the Internet
- Coding for Domain-Driven Design: Tips for Data-Focused Devs
- Strengthening your domain aggregate construction
- Domain Event DOs and DONTs
- Entity of Value Object: that is the question
- Bounded Contexts relationships
- Implementing Clean Architecture
If the lecturer is interested, the following is a list of other intriguing texts that were explored:
- The Aggregate Design canvas and an example
- Udi Dahan about avoiding deletion on Don’t delete, just don’t
- The Domain Model Trilemma
- A Clean Architecture Practical example
- Hexagonal Architecture, DDD & CQRS in Typescript by Codely
- DDD articles by Khalil Stemmler