Permanent memoization to file based on function arguments
Decorate a costly function with @memoize_to_folder('directory')
automatically save the output of that function to a file,
which will be loaded if the same function is called again with the same arguments.
Also keeps track of printed statements, and will recall them on the next call to the same function.
Attempts to name files in a human-readable format, but reverts to hashing if the filenames grow too long.
from Memoizer import memoize_to_folder
def nth_prime(n):
primes = [2]
p = 3
while True:
for prime in primes:
if p % prime == 0 or prime > math.sqrt(p):
if p % prime:
if len(primes) >= n:
print("The nth prime is {}".format(primes[n-1]))
return primes[n-1]
p += 2
p = nth_prime(100000)
print("Found the 100000th prime: {}".format(p))
Run twice, and watch the massive speedup!
- Fix bug in stdout recall
- Time original and new function execution