A bridge plugin for ironSource SDKs.
flutter pub get ironsource_mediation
- The ironSource SDK dependency is included in the plugin, so you do not have to add manually to your build.gradle.
- Play Services dependencies must be added to PROJECT_ROOT/android/app/build.gradle.
// PROJECT_ROOT/android/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-appset:16.0.2'
implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads-identifier:18.0.1'
implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement:18.3.0'
- The ironSource SDK pod is included in the plugin, so you do not have to add it to your Podfile.
Add the SKAN ID of ironSource Network on info.plist
Set NSAllowsArbitraryLoads: true
on info.plist to allow http as some mediated networks require http calls. (Note: ironSource Network calls are all encrypted.)
- Make sure that your info.plist does not contain other ATS exceptions such as NSAllowsArbitraryLoadsInWebContent.
TODO: Remove or keep this?
Implement the ATT prompt to request user authorization for app-related data.
- Note: This is not part of ironSource SDK but a bridge for
AppTrackingTransparency ATTrackingManager
. - You have to add
to your info.plist if you intend to call this API.
Future<void> checkATT() async {
final currentStatus = await ATTrackingManager.getTrackingAuthorizationStatus();
if (currentStatus == ATTStatus.NotDetermined) {
final returnedStatus = await ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization();
print('ATTStatus returned: $returnedStatus');
Read more about Apple's ATT and user privacy guideline here.
class LevelPlayRewardedAdVideoListenerClass with LevelPlayRewardedVideoListener {
void onAdLoaded(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad is successfully loaded
void onAdLoadFailed(LevelPlayAdError error) {
// Provided when the ad fails to load. Ad Unit information is included
void onAdDisplayed(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad is displayed. This is equivalent to an impression
void onAdDisplayFailed(LevelPlayAdError error, LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad fails to be displayed
void onAdClicked(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the user clicks on the ad
void onAdClosed(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad is closed
void onAdInfoChanged(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad info is updated. Available when another ad has loaded, and includes a higher CPM/Rate
void onAdRewarded(LevelPlayReward reward, LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// The user completed to watch the video, and should be rewarded.
// The reward parameter will include the reward data.
class LevelPlayInterstitialAdListenerClass with LevelPlayInterstitialAdListener {
void onAdLoaded(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad is successfully loaded
void onAdLoadFailed(LevelPlayAdError error) {
// Provided when the ad fails to load. Ad Unit information is included
void onAdDisplayed(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad is displayed. This is equivalent to an impression
void onAdDisplayFailed(LevelPlayAdError error, LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad fails to be displayed
void onAdClicked(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the user clicks on the ad
void onAdClosed(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad is closed
void onAdInfoChanged(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Provided when the ad info is updated. Available when another ad has loaded, and includes a higher CPM/Rate
class LevelPlayBannerAdViewListenerClass with LevelPlayBannerAdViewListener {
void onAdLoaded(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Ad was loaded successfully
void onAdLoadFailed(LevelPlayAdError error) {
// Ad load failed
void onAdDisplayed(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Ad was displayed and visible on screen
void onAdDisplayFailed(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo, LevelPlayAdError error) {
// Ad failed to be displayed on screen
void onAdClicked(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Ad was clicked
void onAdExpanded(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Ad is opened on full screen
void onAdCollapsed(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// Ad is restored to its original size
void onAdLeftApplication(LevelPlayAdInfo adInfo) {
// User pressed on the ad and was navigated out of the app
class LevelPlayNativeAdListenerClass with LevelPlayNativeAdListener {
void onAdLoaded(LevelPlayNativeAd? nativeAd, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
// Invoked each time a native ad was loaded.
void onAdLoadFailed(LevelPlayNativeAd? nativeAd, IronSourceError? error) {
// Invoked when the native ad loading process has failed.
void onAdImpression(LevelPlayNativeAd? nativeAd, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
// Invoked each time the first pixel is visible on the screen
void onAdClicked(LevelPlayNativeAd? nativeAd, IronSourceAdInfo? adInfo) {
// Invoked when end user clicked on the native ad
Future<void> init() async {
final appKey = '[YOUR_APP_KEY]';
final userId = '[YOUR_USER_ID]';
try {
List<AdFormat> legacyAdFormats = [AdFormat.BANNER, AdFormat.REWARDED, AdFormat.INTERSTITIAL, AdFormat.NATIVE_AD];
final initRequest = LevelPlayInitRequest.builder(configState.appKey)
await LevelPlay.init(initRequest: initRequest, initListener: this);
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
final LevelPlayRewardedAd _rewardedAd = LevelPlayRewardedAd(adUnitId: [YOUR_AD_UNIT]);
void initState() {
void _loadRewarded() {
Future<void> _showRewarded() async {
if (await _rewardedAd.isAdReady()) {
_rewardedAd.showAd(placement: [YOUR_PLACEMENT]);
// Rest of the class
final LevelPlayInterstitialAd _interstitialAd = LevelPlayInterstitialAd(adUnitId: [YOUR_AD_UNIT]);
void initState() {
void _loadInterstitial() {
Future<void> _showInterstitial() async {
if (await _interstitialAd.isAdReady()) {
_interstitialAd.showAd(placement: [YOUR_PLACEMENT]);
// Rest of the class
final _bannerKey = GlobalKey<LevelPlayBannerAdViewState>();
final _adSize = LevelPlayAdSize.BANNER;
final _adUnitId = 'YOUR_AD_UNIT_ID';
final _placementName = 'YOUR_PLACEMENT';
void _loadAd() {
// or store LevelPlayBannerAdView in variable and call '_bannerAdView.loadAd();'
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
key: _bannerKey,
adUnitId: _adUnitId,
adSize: _adSize,
listener: this,
placementName: _placementName,
onPlatformViewCreated: () {
LevelPlayNativeAd? _nativeAd;
void initState() {
_nativeAd = LevelPlayNativeAd.builder()
/// Load native ad
void _loadAd() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
height: _height,
width: _width,
nativeAd: _nativeAd,
templateType: _templateType,
onPlatformViewCreated: () {
Refer to the example app for the more detailed implementation sample.
- Make sure to read the official documents at [ironSource Knowledge Center](TODO: replace with the real KC link) for proper usage.
- Some configurations must be done before initialization.
- LevelPlayBannerListener is deprecated - Please use LevelPlayBannerAdViewListener with LevelPlayBannerAdView instead.
- LevelPlayInterstitialListener is deprecated - Please use LevelPlayInterstitialAdListener with LevelPlayInterstitialAd instead.
- You can use the ironSource LevelPlay's mediation feature by adding adapters/SDKs to your project.
- Some networks require additional configurations.
- Make sure to use the compatible adapter versions.
Make sure to follow ironSource Knowledge Center document for additional setup.
- Add dependencies to
- Add required settings to
Make sure to follow ironSource Knowledge Center document for additional setup.
- Add pod dependencies to
YOUR_PROJECT/ios/Podfile: target 'Runner'
- Add required settings to
- For Podfile, transitive dependencies error will be thrown with
. The workaround is to add the code below to Podfile:
use_frameworks! :linkage => :static