This document provides a detailed explanation of the parameters used for configuring the motor driver.
Commutation Array
CA[1]: Digital Hall sensor A polarity (integer)
- 1 = HIGH (default)
- 0 = LOW
CA[2]: Digital Hall sensor B polarity (integer)
- 1 = HIGH (default)
- 0 = LOW
CA[3]: Digital Hall sensor C polarity (integer)
- 1 = HIGH (default)
- 0 = LOW
CA[4]: Actual Hall sensor connector to Hall A connector pin (integer)
- 1 = A
- 2 = B
- 3 = C (default)
CA[5]: Actual Hall sensor connector to Hall B connector pin (integer)
- 1 = A
- 2 = B (default)
- 3 = C
CA[6]: Actual Hall sensor connector to Hall C connector pin (integer)
- 1 = A (default)
- 2 = B
- 3 = C
CA[16]: Feedback direction (integer)
- 0 = Use feedback reading as is
- 1 = Invert the direction of the feedback reading (default)
CA[17]: Commutation sensor (integer)
- 0…4 = Reserved for compatibility
- 8 = Digital Hall sensor commutation aided by external feedback
CA[18]: Feedback bits ("counts") per revolution, after resolution is multiplied by 4, in the range [6…530,000,000] (integer)
- 4000 (default)
CA[19]: Number of motor pole pairs (integer)
- 1…50
- 4 (default)
CA[20]: Digital Hall sensors present (integer)
- 0 = No digital Hall sensors connected
- 1 = Digital Hall sensors connected (default)
CA[21]: Position sensor present (integer)
- 0 = Ignore position sensor inputs
- 1 = Position sensor will be used for commutation
CA[22]: Main feedback type (integer)
- 0 = Reserved
- 1 = Input from Resolver
- 2 = Input for quadrature incremental encoder signals (default)
- 3 = Input for analog sine/cosine signal
- 4 = Input for Tachometer signal
- 5 = Input for Tachometer signal
- 6 = Input for digital Hall signals
- 7 = Reserved
- 8 = Input for Potentiometer feedback
- 9 = Input for Analog Halls feedback
- 10 = Input for Absolute Coarse/Fine Encoder type
- 11 = Input for analog sine/cosine signal and absolute position value over several serial protocol formats
CA[25]: Motor direction (integer)
- 0 = Reverse phase driving so that the motor direction with positive torque command is reversed
- 1 = Keep the original motor direction, as connected by user (default)
MC: Maximum peak driver current (Read-only parameter, float)
PL[1]: Motor maximum peak current (float)
- Range: 0…MC
- 30.0f (default)
PL[2]: Motor maximum peak duration (float)
- Range: 1…3
CL[1]: Maximum allowed continuous motor phase current (float)
- Range: 0…MC/2
- 10.0f (default)
HL[2]: High speed limit (integer)
- Range: Velocity range
- 3000 (default)
LL[2]: Low speed limit (integer)
- Range: Velocity range
- -3000 (default)
HL[3]: High position limit (integer)
- Range: -2^31 < HL[3] < 2^31 – 1
- 999999990 (default)
LL[3]: Low position limit (integer)
- Range: -2^31 < LL[3] < 2^31 – 1
- -999999990 (default)
GS[14]: Maximum speed error for which KP[N] is cleared in speed controller if no encounter count exceeds GS[0] (integer)
- Range: 0...0…2^31 - 1
- 6300 (default)
PI Parameter
KP[1]: PI current control filter (float)
- 0.593f (default)
KI[1]: PI current control filter (float)
- 828.0f (default)
KP[2]: PI velocity control filter (float)
- 60.0f (default)
KI[2]: PI velocity control filter (float)
- 2000.0f (default)
Mode of Operation
PM: Profiler Mode (integer)
- 0 = For UM=2, AC, DC, and SF are not used (default)
- 1 = For UM=2, AC, DC, and SF are used normally
SF: Smooth Factor (integer)
- Defines the motion smoothing factor for PTP and jogging motions
- 0 (default)
AC: Acceleration (integer)
- Defines the maximum acceleration in counts/second²
- 8307415 (default)
DC: Deceleration (integer)
- Defines the maximum deceleration in counts/second²
- 8307415 (default)