Simplified version of the collective experiment created at the MusicTechFest in Berlin during the Hack The Audience workshop (cf. 201605-musictechfest-grain-field)
To install the application (requires node.js
and optionally git
- check out the repository using
or download and unzip the code - open a shell/terminal and change the current directory to the downloaded (unzipped) project directory
- run
npm install
To run the application:
- run
npm run watch
in the project directory in an open a shell/terminal - start the controller client, open the URL
<server address>:<port>/controller
in your browser - start the recorder client, open the URL
<server address>:<port>/recorder
in your browser - start player clients, open the URL
<server address>:<port>
in your browser
The port used by default is 8000
In the simplest case the recorder client should run on the same computer as the Node.js server, to avoid the necessity of using a certificate.
The application is based on the Soundworks framework.