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gui text editor Notes

Chris Jones edited this page Jan 3, 2020 · 4 revisions


Working with Atom

To get Atom up and running run the below commad after you have it installed

apm install --packages-file /path/to/where/you/saved/packages.list

Giving [credit]( where credit is due.

It can be beneficial to add a custom filetype for files ending with .fish to have syntax highlighting for fish functions files, and not having to manually set the file type in the lower right hand corner of the atom editor.

To accomplish the above mentioned task, open the atom preferences with command+, on macOS. Then look for a button labeled Open Config Folder.

Add the below lines to the config.cson file.

"": [


within the below block,



Working with VSCode

For a great writeup / doc about how Javascript can be written inside VS Code see

Setting up VS Code on Windows 10

choco install vscode
choco install dotnetcore
choco install dotnet4.7.2
choco install netfx-4.7.2-devpack

Useful Links


  • vscode why does terminal is vscode display nasty blue when running color test.

my πŸ™‹ educated guess, is it's an issue related to tern.js

  • vscode look into some sort of automated process for generating a toc for mardown docs.
  • vscode make all new windows (?+shift+n) the same size as the previous window.
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