3.1: Merge pull request #139 from interconnectit/revert-138-master
This version has the following changes.
- Safety checks to prevent deletion when installed incorrectly. However, you should still take care when dealing with files on your server.
- JavaScript popup confirmation on 'Delete Me'.
- Port number option in both the GUI and CLI. Use --port nnn to set a non-default MySQL port.
- Fixed Drupal bootstrap behaviour. Start up of script uses Drupal data as guide, no longer relies on a full successful Drupal initialisation before script will allow you to proceed.
- Driver selection improved so that PDO will be attempted first if PDO+mysql is available, with mysqli being used as a fallback. This fixes 'driver not found' errors.
- Removed mysql_ functions and replaced with mysqli_.
- Improved JS preview overlay for dry runs. This means that the right pane will always show the most accurate data possible. If serialised strings are present, highlights are not displayed.