ddb70e5 Add artifact signing with cosign key as well
17590b9 Add UserAgent for HTTP requests made while calling OCI registries and fetch version info based git tag
b3c6747 Update cuemod init also to accept oci URLs in --tools flag
6b9cdd4 Update auth through GetCreds() in Pull and Push commands
c4bb0d6 Fix: update GetCreds to conditionally fetch credentials
4918840 Add verification of cuemod by providing cosign public keyt
94d648b Update release workflow to sign and verify all the build artifacts during a new tagged release
a5a9054 Add artifact push subcommand with cosign sign functionality
5fddc57 Add artifact build subcommand to build a tarball from provided input
09dd12e Add artifact subcommand, for OCI operations
87ea054 Add tf subcommand for validating Terraform files
e9f16ec Add showJSON helper subcommand
7399582 Add cel subcommand for validating Kubernetes manifests with CEL policies
a70f90d Add dockerval subcommand for validating Dockerfile indipendently
666e868 Add k8s subcommand for vidating Kubernetes manifests with Rego policies
a25a03b Add usage examples for container subcommand run gofumpt formatter
b18444f Refactor integrating Cobra framework for CLI commands
f3f9373 Update to accept YAML files as reqinput in cue mode
e362f72 Update policy to accept URLs from regular URL and raw.githubusercontent
31ac571 Update Read reqinput directories from local and GitHub URL
da740d3 Refactor cmd directory and add k8s rego validation
ceeccd3 Update target path of genval executable in Makefile to cwd instead of ./bin/genval currently
f56003b Merge pull request #5 from intelops/cueval
840b0ee Add conrtibuting instruction for adding a Cue schema
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