Easy to learn, Secure, Business-ready, Resilient & Fast Message Queue system
Most of systems (Kafka, RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, NSQ, NATS, ...) are either too complex to use/deploy or too "low-level". First mission: stay simple to learn, simple to use and simple to deploy.
We want a system
- which provides a beautiful admin dashboard
- where each client is authenticated with assymetric JWTs (no user/password to maintain for each client!)
- where it is easy to define who has the right to listen/send what
It follows this principle one channel endpoint/version = one JSON format
Kitten-MQ guarantees that a message will be delivered at least once, though duplicate messages are possible. Consumers should expect this and de-dupe or perform idempotent operations.
- no SPF, master/slave broker
- authentication with assymetric pub/priv key
- automatic subscription of clients
- channel right management (optional), if
is defined in broker config - schema validation per channel (optional), if
is defined in broker config
npm install kitten-mq --save
- Install
cd /tmp
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Ideolys/kitten-mq/master/bin/install.sh | sudo bash
1) Install and start a broker: a server that manage and distribute messages among clients
The broker creates a directory in
and its config file in/var/www/kitten-mq/kitten-mq.config.json
[sudo] npm install -g kitten-mq
# On ubuntu, deploy as systemd service (PRODUCTION ENV)
sudo $(npm root -g)/kitten-mq/bin/kittenMQ-systemctl
# On OSX, of for debugging
kitten-mq start
2) Configure the broker and reload the configuration
Adapt the configuration file for your needs var/www/kitten-mq/kitten-mq.config.json
(cf. "Broker configuration" below )
and relaod configuration without restarting kitten-mq:
kitten-mq reload
3) Use it in your code on client side
npm i kitten-mq --save
let kittenMQ = require('kitten-mq');
let config = {
hosts : [
'mybrokerurl.com:443@serviceId#123456789' // list of brokers mirror URLs for High Avaibility
// <url|ip>:<port>@<serviceId>#<private-token-of-broker>
clientId : 'easilys-APP-KEY' // The client id, it must be globally unique
keysDirectory : 'path_to_keys_directory',
keysName : 'key_name',
// When the client connects for the first time, it pushes the public key on the broker (subscription)
// Then, the broker will accept connections for this client only if tokens are generated with the same pub/priv key
let mq = kittenMQ.client();
mq.connect(config, (err) => {
// This callback is called only once
// Now, you are ready to send message to a specific channel
// If the broker is not available, it will re-try automatically until the sending queue is full, then the callback is called with errors
mq.send('endpoint/v1/120', 'coucou', (err) => {
// You can broadcast the message to all destination IDs of a channel
mq.send('endpoint/v1/*', 'coucou', (err) => {
// You can listen channel, the message is sent to as many listeners as there are
mq.listen('endpoint/v1/120', (err, msg) => {
// Or consume channel, the message is sent to one consumer at a time (round-robin distribution)
mq.consume('endpoint/v1/120', (err, msg, done, info) => {
done(false); // requeue if false is passed
done(false, 1); // requeue with a delay of 1 second
// You can use wildcard to listen many channels, and aknowledge
mq.listen('endpoint/v1/*', (err, msg, info) => {
// you can also pass an object to describe the channel
let _channel = {
endpoint : 'endpoint',
version : 'v1',
ids : [123, 22, 33]
let listener = mq.listen(_channel, (msg) => {
listener.addId(10, (err) => {}); // you can add id to listen at runtime
listener.removeId(222, (err) => {}); // or remove id to listen at runtime
The broker must have a config file which defines client rights between channels
serverId : 'mybroker-service-1', // broker unique id, defined on the broker side
registeredClientsPath : '/var/www/kitten-mq/clients',
keysDirectory : '/var/www/kitten-mq/keys',
keysName : '/var/www/kitten-mq/logs',
isMaster : true, // Only the Master is allowed to send messages to listeners and consumers
// Slaves receive messages and aknowledges
socketServer : {
port : 1234, // server port
host : 'localhost',
logs : '/var/www/kitten-mq/packets',
packetsFilename : 'broker.log', // name of the file to saved unsent packets
token : null // auth token for clients. Example: aaaaaaa-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbccccccc
maxItemsInQueue : 1000, // max item in queue in one queue (channel)
requeueLimit : 5, // limit of requeues for one packet
requeueInterval : 100 // requeue interval in seconds
// OPTIONAL: Rights management of channels
// - No rules: clients are able to read & write for all queues
// - One or more rule: clients are restricted to read/write in specified queues
rules : [
client : 'easilys-*', // if * is used, it auto accepts new clients which match this client name (only easilys is concerned)
read : ['!invoice/*', 'public_message/*'], // Syntax allowed are: "endpoint/version/id", "endpoint/version/*" or "endpoint/*"
// "!" means the client cannot listen on *. It must listen on a specific channel id
// for example "invoice/v1/my-supplier-id-my-ref". Then this channel is "reserved" for this client
// exclusively. Other clients cannot listen to the same channel.
write : ['email/*', 'faxes/*']
client : 'email-service-1', // the first client that connects with this name reserve the connection forever (pub/priv key associated).
// Then, a client with the same name can connect only if it has the same pub/priv key
read : ['email/*'],
write : ['invoice/*']
channels : {
'easilys/v1' : {
prefetch : 1 // @optional number of unacknowledged messages @default 1
ttl : 1 // @optional time to live (in second) for messages in queue @default no ttl
map : {
id : ['int'],
The broker defines statistics at GET /statistics
if config parameter isManagementInterface
is set to true
Available statistics are:
Name | Description |
kitten_mq_info_uptime | Broker's uptime |
kitten_mq_messages_sent_count | Number of messages sent to clients |
kitten_mq_messages_sent_per_seconds_average | Average of number of messages sent to clients per seconds |
kitten_mq_messages_received_count | Number of messages added to queues |
kitten_mq_messages_received_per_seconds_average | Average of number of messages added to queues per seconds |
kitten_mq_messages_acked_count | Number of messages acked |
kitten_mq_messages_acked_per_seconds_average | Average of number of messages acked per seconds |
kitten_mq_queue_messages_count | Number of messages added to a queue |
kitten_mq_queue_messages_dropped_count | Number of messages dropped by a queue |
kitten_mq_queue_messages_timeout_count | Number of messages in timeout in a queue |
To display the CLI helper
or kitten-mq -h
You can show the queues list :
You can target a specific queue list :
kitten-mq list -q easilys/v1
Or directly a specific channel for this queue :
kitten-mq list -q easilys/v1 --channel movement
To display the list of messages, use the option -m
To empty a queue, use the command line kitten-mq delete
A broker is a server which receives message from clients and push them to other clients
Kitten-MQ works like a radio. There are channels where everyone (if allowed) can speak or listen to.
Channel names must follow this pattern : endpoint/version/destination_id
can be any alphanumeric string without special characters (-
are allowed), consider it like the beginning of a REST APIversion
defines the JSON format versionv1, v2, ...
can be any urlencoded string you want (at least/
must be urlencoded)
One tuple endpoint/v1
defines a JSON format
KittenMQ duplicates messages of a channel to as many listeners, but is there are multiple consumers for the same channel, only one consumer will receive the message among other
To reload the broker configuration: kitten-mq reload
Kitten-mq broker is designed to work with several brokers.
A Kitten-mq client broadcasts a message to all brokers. Then, only one broker (master) is in charge of pushing the message to the corresponding listeners and/or consumers. When the message reached the consumer / listener, it will broadcast to the brokers an acknowledge.
First, use the command soft-stop
to gracefully shutdown the master broker.
Second, update the configuration of a second broker to define it as master.
Third, reload the configuration. The messages will start to be pushed to consumers and/or listeners.
Finally, you can update the old master broker and restart it. Be sure to not defined it as master.