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Releases: intel/ScalableVectorSearch


28 Feb 06:33
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v0.0.7 Pre-release

SVS 0.0.7 Release Notes

  • Implemented batch iterator support for hybrid search

  • Added support for custom threading and memory allocation

  • Introduced a timeout feature for search calls

  • Introduced reuse_empty flag in dynamic Vamana, enabling users to choose whether to reuse empty entries that may exist after deletion and consolidation

  • Enhanced heuristics in the Vamana construct to improve efficiency when adding a small number of points.

Note that the shared library binaries are built with gcc-11


04 Dec 22:46
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v0.0.6 Pre-release

SVS 0.0.6 Release Notes

Please note that this repository only contains the open-source portion of the SVS library, which supports all functionalities and features described in the documentation, except for our proprietary vector compression techniques, specifically LVQ [ABHT23] and Leanvec [TBAH24]. These techniques are closed-source and supported exclusively on Intel hardware. We provide shared library and PyPI package to enable these vector compression techniques in C++ and Python, respectively.


07 Feb 19:04
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v0.0.3 Pre-release

SVS 0.0.3 Release Notes

Highlighted Features

  • Turbo LVQ: A SIMD optimized layout for LVQ that can improve end-to-end search
    performance for LVQ-4 and LVQ-4x8 encoded datasets.

  • Split-buffer: An optimization that separates the search window size used during greedy
    search from the actual search buffer capacity. For datasets that use reranking (two-level
    LVQ and LeanVec), this allows more neighbors to be passed to the reranking phase without
    increasing the time spent in greedy search.

  • LeanVec dimensionality reduction is now included as
    an experimental feature!
    This two-level technique uses a linear transformation to generate a primary dataset with
    lower dimensionality than full precision vectors.
    The initial portion of a graph search is performed using this primary dataset, then uses
    the full precision secondary dataset to rerank candidates.
    Because of the reduced dimensionality, LeanVec can greatly accelerate index constructed
    for high-dimensional datasets.

    As an experimental feature, future changes to this API are expected.
    However, the implementation in this release is sufficient to enable experimenting with
    this technique on your own datasets!

New Dependencies

  • MKL:
    Required by LeanVec.
  • toml: Required by testing infrastructure.

pysvs (Python)

Additions and Changes

  • Added the LeanVecLoader class as a dataset loader enabling use of
    LeanVec dimensionality reduction.

    The main constructor is shown below:

        loader: pysvs.VectorDataLoader,
        leanvec_dims: int,
        primary: pysvs.LeanVecKind = pysvs.LeanVecKind.lvq8,
        secondary: pysvs.LeanVecKind = pysvs.LeanVecKind.lvq8


    • loader is the loader for the uncompressed dataset.
    • leanvec_dims is the target reduced dimensionality of the primary dataset.
      This should be less than loader.dims to provide a performance boost.
    • primary is the encoding to use for the reduced-dimensionality dataset.
    • secondary is the encoding to use for the full-dimensionality dataset.

    Valid options for pysvs.LeanVecKind are: float16, float32, lvq4, lvq8.

    See the documentation for docstrings and an example.

  • Search parameters controlling recall and performance for the Vamana index are now set and
    queried through a pysvs.VamanaSearchParameters configuration class. The layout of this
    class is as follows:

    class VamanaSearchParameters
    Parameters controlling recall and performance of the VamanaIndex.
    See also: `Vamana.search_parameters`.
        buffer_config (`pysvs.SearchBufferConfig`, read/write): Configuration state for the
            underlying search buffer.
        search_buffer_visited_set (bool, read/write): Enable/disable status of the search
            buffer visited set.

    with pysvs.SearchBufferConfig defined by

    class pysvs.SearchBufferConfig
    Size configuration for the Vamana index search buffer.
    See also: `pysvs.VamanSearchParameters`, `pysvs.Vamana.search_parameters`.
        search_window_size (int, read-only): The number of valid entries in the buffer
            that will be used to determine stopping conditions for graph search.
        search_buffer_capacity (int, read-only): The (expected) number of valid entries that
            will be available. Must be at least as large as `search_window_size`.

    Example usage is shown below.

    index = pysvs.Vamana(...);
    # Get the current parameters of the index.
    parameters = index.search_parameters
    # Possible Output: VamanaSearchParameters(
    #    buffer_config = SearchBufferConfig(search_window_size = 0, total_capacity = 0),
    #    search_buffer_visited_set = false
    # )
    # Update our local copy of the search parameters
    parameters.buffer_config = pysvs.SearchBufferConfig(10, 20)
    # Assign the modified parameters to the index. Future searches will be affected.
    index.search_parameters = parameters
  • Split search buffer for the Vamana search index. This is achieved by using different
    values for the search_window_size and search_buffer_capacity fields of the
    pysvs.SearchBufferConfig class described above.

    An index configured this way will maintain more entries in its search buffer while still
    terminating search relatively early. For implementation like two-level LVQ that use
    reranking, this can boost recall without significantly increasing the effective
    search window size.

    For uncompressed indexes that do not use reranking, split-buffer can be used to decrease
    the search window size lower than the requested number of neighbors (provided the
    capacity is at least the number of requested neighbors). This enables continued trading
    of recall for search performance.

  • Added pysvs.LVQStrategy for picking between different flavors of LVQ. The values
    and meanings are given below.

    • Auto: Let pysvs decide from among the available options.
    • Sequential: Use the original implementation of LVQ which bit-packs subsequent vector
      elements sequentially in memory.
    • Turbo: Use an experimental implementation of LVQ that permutes the packing of
      subsequent vector elements to permit faster distance computations.

    The selection of strategy can be given using the strategy keyword argument of
    pysvs.LVQLoader and defaults to pysvs.LVQStrategy.Auto.

  • Index construction and loading methods will now list the registered index specializations.

  • Assigning the padding keyword to LVQLoader will now be respected when reloading a
    previously saved LVQ dataset.

  • Changed the implementation of the greedy-search visited set to be effective when operating
    in the high-recall/high-neighbors regime. It can be enabled with:

    index = pysvs.Vamana(...)
    p = index.search_parameters
    p.search_buffer_visited_set = True
    index.search_parameters = p

Experimental Features

Features marked as experimental are subject to rapid API changes, improvement, and

  • Added the experimental_backend_string read-only parameter to pysvs.Vamana to aid in
    recording and debugging the backend implementation.

  • Introduced pysvs.Vamana.experimental_calibrate to aid in selecting the best runtime
    performance parameters for an index to achieve a desired recall.

    This feature can be used as follows:

    # Create an index
    index = pysvs.Vamana(...)
    # Load queries and groundtruth
    queries = pysvs.read_vecs(...)
    groundtruth = pysvs.read_vecs(...)
    # Optimize the runtime state of the index for 0.90 10-recall-at-10
    index.experimental_calibrate(queries, groundtruth, 10, 0.90)

    See the documentation for a more detailed explanation.


  • Versions 0.0.1 and 0.0.2 of VamanaConfigParameters (the top-level configuration file
    for the Vamana index) are deprecated. The current version is now v0.0.3. Older versions
    will continue to work until the next minor release of SVS.

    To upgrade, use the convert_legacy_vamana_index binary utility described below.

  • The attribute pysvs.Vamana.visisted_set_enabled is deprecated and will be removed in the
    next minor release of SVS. It is being replaced with pysvs.Vamana.search_parameters.

  • The LVQ loader classes pysvs.LVQ4, pysvs.LVQ8, pysvs.LVQ4x4, pysvs.LVQ4x8 and
    pysvs.LVQ8x8 are deprecated in favor of a single class pysvs.LVQLoader. This class
    has similar arguments to the previous family, but encodes the number of bits for the
    primary and residual datasets as run-time values.

    For example,

    # Old
    loader = pysvs.LVQ4x4("dataset", dims = 768, padding = 32)
    # New
    loader = pysvs.LVQLoader("dataset", primary = 4, residual = 4, dims = 768, padding = 32)
  • Version v0.0.2 of serialized LVQ datasets is broken, the current version is now
    v0.0.3. This change was made to facilitate a canonical on-disk representation of LVQ.

    Goind forward, previously saved LVQ formats can be reloaded using different runtime
    alignments and different packing strategies without requiring whole dataset recompression.

    Any previously saved datasets will need to be regenerated from uncompressed data.

Build System Changes

Building pysvs using cibuildwheel now requires a custom docker container with MKL.
To build the container, run the following commands:

cd ./docker/x86_64/manylinux2014/

libsvs (C++)


  • Added svs::index::vamana::VamanaSearchParameters and
    svs::index::vamana::SearchBufferConfig. The latter contains parameters for the search
    buffer sizing while the former groups all algorithmic and performance parameters of search
    together in a single class.
  • API addition of get_search_parameters() and set_search_parameters() to svs::Vamana
    and svs::DynamicVamana as the new API for getting and setting all search parameters.
  • Introducing split-buffer for the search buffer (see description in the Python section)
    to potentially increase recall when using reranking.
  • Overhauled LVQ implementation, adding an additional template parameter to
    lvq::CompressedVectorBase and friends. This parameter assumes the following types:
    • lvq::Sequential: Store dimension encodings sequentially in memory. This corresponds
      to the original LVQ implementation.
    • lvq::Turbo<size_t Lanes, size_t ElementsPerLane>: Use a SIMD optimized format,
      optimized to use Lanes SIMD lanes, storing ElementsPerLane. Selection of these
Read more


02 Nov 18:52
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v0.0.2 Pre-release

SVS 0.0.2 Release Notes

pysvs (Python)

  • Deprecated num_threads keyword argument from pysvs.VamanaBuildParameters and added
    num_threads keyword to
  • Exposed the prune_to parameter for pysvs.VamanaBuildParameters (see description below
    for an explanation of this change).
  • Added preliminary support for building pysvs.Flat and pysvs.Vamana directly from
    np.float16 arrays.

libsvs (C++)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed nthreads member of VamanaBuildParameters and added the number of threads as
    an argument to svs::Vamana::build/svs::Vamana::build.
  • Added a prune_to argument to VamanaBuildParameters. This can be set to a value less
    than graph_max_degree (heuristically, setting this to be 4 less is a good trade-off
    between accuracy and speed). When pruning is performed, this parameter is used to
    determine the number of candidates to generate after pruning. Setting this less than
    graph_max_degree greatly reduces the time spent when managing backedges.
  • Improved pruning rules for Euclidean and InnerProduct. Vamana index construction should
    be faster and yield slightly improved indexes.
  • Added an experimental external-threading interface to svs::index::VamanaIndex.
  • Overhauled extension mechanisms using a tag_invoke style approach. This decouples the
    svs::index::VamanaIndex implementation from extensions like LVQ, reducing header
    dependence and improving precision of algorithm customization.

Save/Load API

  • Enabled context-free saving and loading of simple data structures. This allows simple
    data structures to be saved and reloaded from TOML files without requiring access to the
    saving/loading directory. Classes implementing this saving and loading allow for more
    flexible storage.
  • Overhauled the implementation of saving and loading to enable more scalable implementation.
  • svs::data::SimpleData family of data structures are now directly saveable and loadable
    and no longer require proxy-classes.

Breaking Serialization Changes

  • Changed LVQ-style datasets from v0.0.1 to v0.0.2: Removed centroids from being stored
    with the ScaledBiasedCompressedDataset. Centroids are now stored in the higher level LVQ

Back-end Changes

Changes to library internals that do not necessarily affect the top level API but could
affect performance or users relying on internal APIs.

  • Improved the performance of the LVQ inner-product implementation.
  • Moved dynamic uispatcher from the Python bindings into libsvs.
  • Data structure loading has been augmented with the svs::lib::Lazy class, allowing for
    arbitrary deferred work to be executed when loading data structures.
  • Removed the old "access mode" style API for multi-level datasets, instead using
    tag_invoke for customization.
  • Reduced binary footprint by removing std::function use for general multi-threaded
  • Updated ANNException to use fmtlib style message directly rather than std::ostream
    style overloading. The new syntax turns
    ANNEXCEPTION("Expected ", a, ", got ", b, "!");
    ANNEXCEPTION("Expected {}, got {}!", a, b);

Binaries and Utilities

  • Added a benchmarking framework in /benchmark to automatically run and aggregate index
    construction and search for large scale benchmarks. Documentation is currently sparse
    but planned.

Third Party

  • Bump fmtlib from 9.1.0 to 10.1.1.


13 Oct 19:10
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v0.0.1 Pre-release

Initial tagged version of the code as a VLDB'23 artifact.