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Bull Queue Transporter for Integreat (Redis backed queue)

This implementation is based on Bull.

npm Version Maintainability

Getting started


Requires node v18 and Integreat v1.0.

Installing and using

Install from npm:

npm install integreat-transporter-bull

Example of use:

import Integreat from 'integreat'
import bullTransporter from 'integreat-transport-bull'
import defs from './config'

const great = Integreat.create(defs, {
  transporters: { bull: bullTransporter() },

// ... and then dispatch actions as usual

Example source configuration:

  id: 'store',
  transporter: 'bull',
  auth: true,
  endpoints: [
      options: {
        queueId: 'bull-queue',
        maxConcurrency: 5,

Note: In the example above, auth is set to true, to let Integreat know we don't require any authenticaton for this service. This is the correct way to do it when you have a Redis database without authentication or when you include the password in the url (this is not recommended, although it is a normal convention for Redis). You may, however, pass a Redis username and/or password through an authenticator set on the auth prop of the service defintion. The expected props are key for the username and secret for the password. You may also specify the username and password on the options object (see below).

Available properties for the options object:

  • queue: An existing bull queue object to reuse instead of having the transporter create its own
  • queueId: The queue id for the bull queue. Default is great
  • subQueueId: Bull support different job types in the same queue. By setting subQueueId, jobs will be pushed to the queue with this string as job type, and in effect creating a "sub-queue". When you don't specify subQueueId`, the default job type will be used.
  • maxConcurrency: Specifies how many parallell jobs Integreat may pick from the queue. Default is 1.
  • dontListen: When true, Integreat will not listen for new jobs on the queue. This is much the same as setting maxConcurrency to 0, but it also prevents Integreat from creating a queue listener. Default is false.
  • redis: A redis connection url or an object with the properties listed below.
  • keyPrefix: When this is set, all Redis keys will be prefixed with this string. Default prefix is bull
  • bullSettings: Advanced settings passed directly to bull. See the AdvancedSettings object in the bull documentation.

The available properties for the redis options object are as follow:

  • uri: The entire URL of Redis database
  • host: The Redis server hostname, default is localhost
  • port: The Redis server port, default is 6379
  • auth: The Redis username as key and Redis password as secret
  • tls: Set to true to enable TLS. Default is false

You may choose to set the uri or specify the individual properties.

Dispatching an action to the queue

When an action is dispatched in Integreat, in a setup with a queue, any action with meta.queue set to true will be passed to the queue. When an action is pulled from the queue, it is again dispatched to the queue service, if it is listening.

meta.queue may also be a Unix timestamp (millieseconds since epoc, aka 1970-01-01), in which case the action will be delayed until the timestamp is reached, and then dispatched as normal.


Run Integreat with env variable DEBUG=integreat:transporter:bull, to receive debug messages.

Running the tests

The tests can be run with npm test.


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This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE file for details.