XDDOS - https://discord.io/XDDOS
XDDOS has the following features:
different attack methodsauto proxy generator
so you dont have to worry about proxiesuser friendly CLI
dont worry about hard to remeber startup commands- also supports startup commands
- auto ip resolver you can use domain names or ip addresses
- chat spam bots
- many bypasses
CPS is Connection per second. Use -1 as cps to use max power
To get protocols go to https://wiki.vg/Protocol_version_numbers and see Version number
- For user friendly CLI/auto mode:
java -jar XDDOS.jar
- for manual startup:
java -jar XDDOS.jar [ip] [protocol] [method] [time] [cps] [y/n]
(y/n is optional y if you want to use auto proxy generator and n to use your own proxy) (IMPORTANT - if u are using n it will use proxies.txt as proxy file)
- To run botjoiner for 10 seconds with 10 cps and use auto proxy generator:
java -jar XDDOS.jar localhost:25565 47 botjoiner 10 10 y
- To run botjoiner for 10 seconds with 10 cps and use your own proxy:
java -jar XDDOS.jar localhost:25565 47 botjoiner 10 10 n
- To run botjoiner for 10 seconds with MAX POWER or CPS and use auto proxy generator:
java -jar XDDOS.jar localhost:25565 47 botjoiner 10 -1 y
- To use user friendly CLI:
java -jar XDDOS.jar
- BigHandshake
- BigPacket
- BotJoiner
- BotRiad
- BungeeDowner
- ChatSpam
- ColorCrasher
- CpuDowner
- DoubleJoin
- EmptyNames
- EmptyPacket
- ExtremeJoin
- ExtremeKiller
- Handshake
- InstantDowner
- InvalidData
- InvalidNames
- InvalidSpoof
- IpSpooffFlood
- Join
- LegacyPing
- LegitnameJoin
- LocalHost
- LongHost
- LongNames
- Memory
- nabCry
- NettyDowner
- Network
- NullPing 2.0//newnullping
- NullPing
- Ping
- PingJoin
- Query
- Queue
- QuitExceptions
- RandomExceptions
- RandomPacket
- ServerFucker//this is sf
- Slapper
- SmartBot
- Spoof
- TCPBypass
- TCPHit
- UltimateKiller
- UltimateSmasher
- UnexpectedPacket
- uuidCrash
- WaterfallBypass
- XDJoin
- xDSpam
- YooniksCry
Sorry i forgot to give credits before
I used MCBot as base and and some methods of MCSTORM
I made this project to just improve me skills in java and have some fun
i am not pro dev so ya i used base and try to understand how its done after getting a good understanding
i did some tweaks in some part of code and added somethings of my own and released it public
and not sell it like MiniFlex who just straight up coppy MCSTROM and was selling it