This project contains a server written in NodeJS that reads data from a Temperature Guard unit and displays each sensor data while pushing continuous updates to browser clients using
The code is based on the specifications from the Microtechnologies Temperature Guard Integration Guide.
The device contains a Java applet that is accessed using a web browser when visiting the standard HTTP port. The applet contains a table with the following information and a way to display a chart for one of two time frames.
- Unit ID:
- Last Updated: date/time
- Trending Time Frame: 1 Hour, 8 Hours
- Display Table
- Select (checkbox)
- Sensor (Name from Spec: Zone 1 Temp)
- Name (Computer room)
- Reading
- Units (deg F, %RH, etc)
- Status (OK, N/C)
- Lower Limit
- Upper Limit
- Time Out Of Limit
A Device contains an array of Sensor configurations and their offsets in the response bytes. A Device can parse the response bytes into an array of objects that contains each sensor config and the current reading data.
Sensor types:
- Temperature
- Config
- name
- type (Temperature)
- upperlimit
- lowerlimit
- units (Degrees)
- Reading
- value
- outoflimits (true or false)
- timeoutoflimits
- connected (true or false)
- resolution (1, 10, etc)
- scale (C or F)
- Config
- Humidity
- Config
- name
- type (Humidity)
- units (%)
- upperlimit
- lowerlimit
- Reading
- value
- outoflimits (true or false)
- timeoutoflimits
- connected (true or false)
- scale (RH)
- Config
- Door (2 kinds)
- Config
- name
- type (Door1 or Door2)
- Reading
- state (open, closed, loss of power)
- outoflimits (true or false)
- timeoutoflimits
- Config
- Water
- Config
- name
- type (Water)
- Reading
- present
- loss of power
- outoflimits (true or false)
- timeoutoflimits
- Config
- Power
- Config
- name
- type (Power)
- Reading
- state (on, off)
- outoflimits (true or false)
- timeoutoflimits
- Config
- Aux Alarm
- Config
- name
- type (Aux)
- Reading
- state (on, off)
- outoflimits (true or false)
- timeoutoflimits
- Config
Clone the sensor configuration on each reading and set the current reading values.
Object.create(proto [, propertiesObject])
Dynamically create a display for each type of sensor that is connected and refreshed when new data arrives.
Need to find an open source digital font to include. Digital Dream
Use a responsive layout engine like bootstrap to adjust for desktop, tablet and mobile browsers.
/v1/device [GET]
/v1/device/{id} [GET]
/v1/device/{id}/sensors [GET]
/v1/device/{id}/sensors/{sid} [GET]
Convert the config section on the first message to the DataTable column definitions.
Take the data returned and add a new row to the DataTable created on load.
Call draw(view) for the Table and the Graph with their views against the DataTable
Need a way to group the table data by the timestamp and only get the most recent value for the table.
Need a way to get the timestamp