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Common Actions

A set of reusable GitHub actions that can be used to simplify your workflows.

Note for any git history action

If you use any action that works on git history (such as changelog, jira tickets etc.), you MUST enable deep checkout in your checkout action, otherwise you will get cryptic git errors:

- uses: actions/checkout@v4
    fetch-depth: 0

Java / Gradle

Setup Gradle build environment

Setup java and enable dependency caching for gradle projects.

Example usage:

- uses: inovait/actions-common/gradle-setup@v13
    java-version: 17


Setup Android build environment

Setup java, Android SDK and enable dependency caching.

Example usage:

- uses: inovait/actions-common/android-setup@v13
    java-version: 17

Run with emulator

Start Android emulator and run specified command when emulator is active. When your command finishes, emulator is stopped.

For now, this action always starts API 30 ADT emulator image. We can add multiple emulator types later, if needed.

Example usage:

- name: Run Android Emulator tests
  uses: inovait/actions-common/android-run-with-emulator@v7
    command: './gradlew connectedAndroidTest'


Generate changelog from specified commit range

(See changelog's README.MD for more info)

Action will generate Markdown changelog from list of commits.

Example usage:

  - name: Generate Changelog
    uses: inovait/actions-common/git-changelog-generator@v8
      from: efe8dc92136a28e3f9ace97e7af9ae456fd9e2d0
      to: e31a0104ee0f9831e061a62c555c9db211885b1f
      git_commit_url_prefix: ''
      jira_url: ''
      target_file: "CHANGELOG.MD"

Generate changelog since last successful build

Action will generate Markdown changelog from all commits made since the last successful Workflow on this branch.

Action behaves identically to the above changelog action, except that you do not pass from and to inputs.

Example usage:

  - name: Generate Changelog
    uses: inovait/actions-common/changelog-since-last-build@v11
      git_commit_url_prefix: ''
      jira_url: ''
      target_file: "CHANGELOG.MD"



Action is used to publish files to Spotlight.

Example usage:

  - name: Publish to spotlight
    uses: inovait/actions-common/spotlight-publish@v7
      api_key: '...'
      destination: 'release'
      version: "1.2.3"
      track: "Develop"
      files: |


  • api_key - your API key for Spotlight, ideally stored in Action Secrets
  • destination - Either workspace (publish files to Spotlight workspace) or release (make a new Spotlight release)
  • files - List of files to upload. You can use globs (**, *) and you can specify multiple files by specifying them in multiple lines.

Extra arguments when destination is set to release:

  • version - Version to publish in semver format. Can be omitted when uploading ipa files, otherwise mandatory.
  • track - Name of the release track. Can be omitted when uploading ipa files, otherwise mandatory.


Get Jira tickets mentioned in commits

Action will find any Jira tickets mentioned in commits from specified range. Commits can be specified:

  1. At the beginning of the commit's summary, in square brackets. Such as: [ABC-123] feat: add a feature
  2. Anywhere in the commit body:
feat: add a feature

this fixes ABC-123


  • from (Required) - Commit to start generating changelog from (exclusive)
  • to (Optional) - Last commit (inclusive) to generate changelog from
  • onlyResolvedTickets (Optional) - When set to true, only include tickets where ticket mention in commit is preceded by a resolution keyword (for example fixes ABC-123 instead of just ABC-123)


  • tickets - Comma-separated list of tickets
- name: Get jira tickets
  uses: inovait/actions-common/jira-get-tickets-from-commits@v7
  id: jira-tickets
    from: 13d7b87c7f6ac5d2e0064a229cf6b2e97766d97f
    to: 1b1a0f2f5790837d0986934ab080a02123cfd763
- run: 'echo Jira tickets: ${{ }}'

Get Jira tickets mentioned in commits since last successful build

Action behaves identically to the above jira action, except that you do not pass from and to inputs.

- name: Get jira tickets
  uses: inovait/actions-common/jira-get-tickets-since-last-build@v11
  id: jira-tickets
- run: 'echo Jira tickets: ${{ }}'


Before you do any of the below actions, you have to login to Jira. See Jira Login for more info.

Example usage:

- name: Login to Jira
  uses: atlassian/gajira-login@v3
    JIRA_BASE_URL: ${{ secrets.JIRA_BASE_URL }}
    JIRA_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.JIRA_API_TOKEN }}

Add a comment to jira ticket(s)


  • tickets - Comma-separated list of tickets. Can be output of the above "get jira tickets" task.
  • jql - JQL query. When specified, action will add a comment to all tickets that match this JQL.
    (either tickets or jql is required)
  • comment - Comment to make. Can be in Atlassian Document Format.

Example usage:

- name: Make a jira comment
  uses: inovait/actions-common/jira-comment@v7
    tickets: JT-1,JT-2
    comment: 'This ticket is included in build 1.2.${{ env.BUILD_NUMBER }}.'

Transition jira ticket(s)


  • tickets - Comma-separated list of tickets to transition. Can be output of the above "get jira tickets" task.
  • jql - JQL query. When specified, action will consider all tickets that match this JQL for transition.
    (either tickets or jql is required)
  • from - (Optional) Only transition tickets that are currently in this state
  • to - State to transition to
  • resolution - (Optional) Sets the resolution of tickets to specified value

Example usage:

- name: Transition tickets to test
  uses: inovait/actions-common/jira-transition@v7
    tickets: JT-1,JT-2
    from: 'In Progress'
    to: 'Ready to Test'
    resolution: '{"Bug": "Fixed", "Default": "Done"}'

Update fields on jira ticket(s)


  • tickets - Comma-separated list of tickets to update. Can be output of the above "get jira tickets" task.
  • jql - JQL query. When specified, action will update all tickets that match this JQL for transition.
    (either tickets or jql is required)
  • field - (Optional) Custom field for specifying field of tickets to append

Possible fields to update:

fixVersion, priority

Example usage:

- name: Update jira tickets
  uses: inovait/actions-common/jira-update@v7
    tickets: JT-1,JT-2
    fixVersion: '1.0.0'
    priority: 'Low'

Custom field example usage:

- name: Update jira tickets
  uses: inovait/actions-common/jira-update@v7
    tickets: JT-1,JT-2
    field: 'customfield_10029+=New_Tag'


Bump version

Increase semantic version. Version can be input in two ways:

  • version - direct old version input, feel free to use github action contexts. New version can be accessed using output action output.
  • versionFile - old version is read from the specified text file, and new version is written back to the file

You also need to specify increment which tells the action which part of the version should be bumped. Can be major, minor, patch, none or auto.

In auto mode, release type will be automatically selected based on commit messages from provided range. Commits need to follow Conventional Commits spec for this to work. You also need to specify these in auto mode:

  • from (Required) - Commit to start searching from (exclusive)
  • to (Optional) - Last commit (inclusive) to include in search

Example usage:

- name: Bump minor version
  uses: inovait/actions-common/bump-version@v10
    versionFile: 'version.txt'
    increment: minor
- name: Bump major version from file
  id: version-step
  uses: inovait/actions-common/bump-version@v10
    version: '1.0.0'
    increment: major
- echo: 'New version: ${{ steps.version-step.outputs.version }}'
- name: Bump version from commits
  id: version-step
  uses: inovait/actions-common/bump-version@v10
    versionFile: 'version.txt'
    increment: auto
    from: 13d7b87c7f6ac5d2e0064a229cf6b2e97766d97f
    to: 1b1a0f2f5790837d0986934ab080a02123cfd763

Bump version from commits since last build

Action behaves identically to the above version bump action, except that increment is always auto and you do not pass from and to inputs - they will be automatically populated to include all commits made since last successful build of this workflow.

- name: Bump version from commits since last build
  id: version-step
  uses: inovait/actions-common/bump-version-since-last-build@v11
    versionFile: 'version.txt'


Common reusable github workflows







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