An SQL migrator that is easy to embed.
To create a new conduit project in the current directory, run:
$ conduit init
By default, conduit initializes a new project in $(cwd)/migrations
. To create the project in a different location, use:
$ conduit init --migrations-dir path/to/project
Why create conduit when tools like Goose, golang-migrate, and atlas already exist?
While existing tools are great for general-purpose migrations, conduit is designed specifically for building custom, embeddable migration frameworks.
The need for conduit emerged when during development of shield, an authentication framework with deep database integration.
For more detailed exploration of conduit's motivations check out
Will there be support for databases other than Postgres?
At this moment, it is unlikely that support for databases other than Postgres will be added. conduit is built around pgx, a robust Go Postgres driver, and utilizes Postgres-specific features like advisory locks to manage migrations.