CLOTHEX E-Commerce Website Using React.js
This e-commerce website, built using React.js, serves as a good frontend project. It is designed to showcase various features, including product listings, shopping carts, and login pages.🛒🌟
Table of Contents
CLOTHEX E-Commerce Website
Learning from the Project
Navbar: Create a navigation bar for easy access to the cart.
Product Cards: Display product information (image, title, description, price).
Increment and Decrement Functions: Implement buttons to adjust item quantities.
Update Functions: Update the cart based on user actions.
Cart Management: Users can add products to their cart and remove them as needed.
Calculation: Calculate the total bill.
Remove Item: Allow users to remove items from the cart.
Profile Page: Users have their own profile page where they can view their orders and order history.
Modern CSS, including flexbox and CSS Grid for layout.
Multipage Ecommerce Website Project with Signin & Singup page.
Use common components and layout patterns for professional 🌐website design and development.
Build amazing👍 professional and responsive websites.
Learning from the Project
In this construct week project, we have used the import-export functionality to export and import the navbar and footer section, it gave the learning to reuse the same code on different pages without complication.