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Self Service Operators

Note: Readme is slightly outdated atm

This is a small collection of self service operators for Kubernetes. It's tailored to a setup where you want to enable people to use a Kubernetes-Cluster without the need to apply to a central authority if you want to deploy new apps.

Self Service Project Operator

With this operator, you can enable users to create a namespace which they can administer themselves without providing them any read or write access to the rest of the cluster.

What it does

The only necessary RBAC-permissions users need is the right to create resources of type If a project-manifest gets applied, operator will create a namespace which gets pre-filled with Kubernetes resources (probably mainly service accounts RBAC roles & rolebindings) as configured. Additionally it'll craete a rolebinding to a configurable ClusterRole granting the owner of the project special permisssions within this namespace (e.g. admin).

operator flow

Example scenario

We have a company test Kubernetes-Cluster where employees should be able to deploy apps in dedicated namespaces without the need to create a support ticket. Furthermore they should not have cluster-wide access to resources.

When an employee authenticates against Kubernetes, they belong to a group that has the permission to create a self-service project (more permissions are not needed):

kind: Project
  annotations: copy skip
  name: sample-self-service-project
  owner: [email protected]

(ignore the annotations for now).

Once this resource is applied, the following happens:

  • the owner of this project ([email protected]) has the right to update or delete the just created project resource
  • a namespace with the project's name sample-self-service-project is created, the owner is the project resource
  • the owner of the project gets the cluster-role admin (or a different role) for this namespace
  • several other Kubernetes resources are created within the namespace (for example: RBAC permissions for other groups or users, etc.)


Via Helm

helm repo add self-services

Yaml-representations of the resources that should be created in the new namespace must be stored in Kubernetes-Secrets. Each secret must have the annotation: grant

in order to be accessible to the operator. Each secret can store multiple items in it's data fields. Each item is addressed in the form:<secret-name>.<data-item-name>: copy # allowed values are 'copy' or 'skip'

If the value of the annotation is copy, this manifest will be applied in the new namespace. The operator can be configured with default manifests -- if a default manifest should be ommited, it's possible to explicitly set the value skip for this manifest.

If all data items of a secret should be applied or skipped, simply omit the <data-item-name> part:<secret-name>: copy # copy all data items of the secret

If a manifest yaml source contains the string{{owner}}, the occurence will be replaced by the value of the owner of the project. Likewise, occurences with {{project}} will be replaced by the project's / namespace's name.

Only namespaced resources are allowed -- cluster resources are forbidden.

The operator will apply the manifests addressed in the default manifests secret, followed by the manifests referenced in the annotations in listed order. Likewise, data items will be applied in the order they are stored in the secrets.


On namespace creation, add a role binding that grants all users of the group employees the cluster role view within this namespace. Furthermore create a service account viewer which gets bound to the same cluster role:

# service account
kubectl create serviceaccount --dry-run=client -oyaml viewer > viewer-sa.yaml

# rolebinding (note the '{{project}}' placeholder)
kubectl create rolebinding --dry-run=client --clusterrole=view --serviceaccount="{{project}}:viewer" --group=employees -oyaml viewer-binding > viewer-binding.yaml

# save these two manifests in a secret for usage by the operator
kubectl create secret generic --from-file=viewer-sa=viewer-sa.yaml --from-file=viewer-bindings=viewer-binding.yaml -oyaml permissions

# set annotation to make this secret accessible to the operator
kubectl patch secret permissions -p '{"metadata":{"annotations": {"":"grant"}}}'

In order to copy/skip manifests saved in this secret, set annotations like this in the project manifest: copy

# this 'skip' statement is only necessary, if this manifest would be copied by default skip

Note, that the manifests are not limited to rolebindings and service accounts -- it's as well possible to apply a job that should run on namespace creation or to add a deployment, etc.

Running tests

This operator contains a lot of integration tests. In order to run tests, the test suite statically uses the Kubernetes config


in order to not accidentally run tests on a real cluster. If you need extensive logging during testing, set the logging level accordingly:

# run tests and output debug messages from test modules
RUST_LOG="r#mod::project=debug" cargo test -- --nocapture

# run tests and output debug messages from test modules and the self service itself
RUST_LOG="r#mod::project=debug,self_service_operators=debug" cargo test -- --nocapture

Installing helm chart from repo with self-built Image

The default configuration for the helm chart ist to use image with the tag being set to the app version. In order to test a locally build image, create a special docker tag and overwrite image tag during deployment:

docker build --progress=plain -t .

# if you use the kind cluster with the
./ load_image
kubectl delete -n ssp deploy ssp-self-service-operators && helm upgrade --install --namespace ssp --create-namespace --set logVerbosity=debug --set image.tag=local-build ssp --set image.pullPolicy=IfNotPresent ./charts/self-service-operators