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Inmanta web console



This project is the current frontend for the Inmanta service orchestrator.
The eventual goal is to replace the current dashboard entirely.
The console is developed in TypeScript using React and React Query.
Testing is performed using Cypress and Jest.

UX Guideliness

The frontend uses (Patternfly)[] for its UI components. The choice of the framework is motived by:

  • Use by many (mostly RedHat backed) infra products (Cockpit, OpenStack, OpenShift, Keycloak, etc.). The advantage of this is that the scope of the component is similar and the design will have some familiarity.
  • There are extensive UX guidelines included with the project both in general and per component.

Development setup/ Scripts

Command Description
prebuild runs yarn clean
build builds the project with webpack in prod mode
start runs the project with webpack in dev mode and live reload
test tests the project with Jest
test:ci test command for the CI pipeline
format runs prettier and formats the code
format:check runs prettier without formatting the code
lint runs the linter and generates a report in the command line
lint:fix runs the linter and fixes possible warnings/errors
build:bundle-profile runs webpack --config --profile --json > stats.json
bundle-profile:analyze runs yarn build:bundle-profile && webpack-bundle-analyzer ./stats.json
clean runs rimraf dist
delete:reports deletes the Cypress reports
precypress-test runs yarn run delete:reports
cypress-test:oss runs the Cypress tests headless for OSS (requires install:orchestrator:oss)
cypress-test:iso runs the Cypress tests headless for ISO (requires install:orchestrator:iso)
cypress-test:keycloak runs the Cypress tests headless for OSS+Keycloak (requires install:orchestrator:keycloak)
package-cleanup runs node clean_up_packages
check-circular-deps runs madge --circular ./src/index.tsx
install:orchestrator:keycloak creates a docker container with an OSS orchestrator with Keycloak
install:orchestrator Base command to install more specific versions of the orchestrator. The different arguments are: version release branch. For more details, see (local-setup repo)[]
install:orchestrator:iso creates a docker container with the latest ISO orchestrator
install:orchestrator:oss creates a docker container with the latest dev OSS orchestrator
install:orchestrator:ci CI command to setup the orchestrator on Jenkins. Requires different arguments depending on the needed test suite. See install:orchestrator
kill-server removes the temp-folder and kills the containers
update:dist manual update of the dist-folder in the container. Requires a container to run.


You will need to create a file in shell-scripts folder containing the variable GITLAB_TOKEN. It should look like so: export GITLAB_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (xxxx equals your PAT token, of course.)


To enable authentication with keycloak, you can use environment variables, e.g. add the following variable to a dotenv (.env in the root of the project) file (further information on


You can also specify the url of the keycloak server in the same file:

KEYCLOAK_URL=<Your keycloak server url>

Alternatively, the keycloak parameters can also be specified in an external file in the production environment, called config.js, following the example src/config.js file.

The base url of the backend services can also be specified here, e.g.:


Testing the Web-console with Cypress

Cypress can be configured via cypress.json (or command line arguments). It is always best to run the install commands from the web-console repository.


To setup the containers for the latest version of ISO, you can run these steps:

yarn install:orchestrator:iso

If you need to run the test-suit headless you can chain it with:


or run npx cypress open if you need to run the tests in the cypress UI.


(If you want to run the cypress UI) Adjust the cypress.json file to have

  env: {
    edition: "oss",
    project: "oss-frontend",

Then :

yarn install:orchestrator:oss

If you need to run the test-suit headless you can chain it with:


or run npx cypress open if you need to run the tests in the cypress UI.