Infynno Solution's TMDB Challenge for Nextjs Developers
- Figma Design:
- TMDB API Docs:
- Start by forking the repository.
- Implement the specified design and APIs from TMDB.
- Push your code to your GitHub repository.
- Create a pull request and share the URL to [email protected]
We prefer you to use Tailwind CSS and Nextjs 14 only.
- Movie Slider (
- Featured Movie ( or (
- Featured Casts (
Refer to the TMDB API documentation
Ensure correct implementation by following the TMDB image basics guide
No, we require you to use the latest Nextjs App Router.
While not mandatory due to the absence of mobile design requirements, incorporating responsiveness would be appreciated.
Feel free to adopt any industry-standard folder structure or libraries that align with best practices.
Using the latest features of the Nextjs 13/14 (Server Functions, Suspense, Lazy, Error Boundries, Caching).