Allow foreign key on delete cascade to be generated using liquibase hibernate
This is project takes liquibase-hibernate plugin and adds in functionality to allow foreign key rule: on delete = cascade After installing the project using maven, it can be used as liquibase-hibernate and any on delete cascades will be added to the changelogs.
Currently hibernate only has no action or cascade as OnDeleteActions.
Because of this, only when adding a new foreign key with an @OnDelete(action = OnDeleteAction.CASCADE)
annotation will result in a change to the foreign key in the changelog. Existing foreign keys will never have their
on delete rule altered, and changes to these should be created manually in the changelog.
Currently this project should be downloaded and installed locally, and then added as a dependency to your maven pom.xml
git clone
cd liquibase-hibernate-fk-on-delete
mvn install
This library has been set up to replace liquibase-hibernate5, and can be used as a dependency for the liquibase-maven-plugin.
If your project's pom.xml
currently has the plugin and liquibase-hibernate5 (below)
Then replace liquibase-hibernate5 with liquibase-hibernate5-fk-ondelete,
You can now use the maven goal as usual, after setting up your liquibase properties.
mvn liquibase:generateChangeLog