Check SPDX License Headers #2302
GitHub Actions / unit-test-results
Feb 27, 2025 in 0s
All 474 tests pass, 1 skipped in 1m 44s
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / unit-test-results
1 skipped test found
There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
Raw output
DatumPipe 1939-03-31T23:40:00Z -> 01-04-1939 00:00 ‑ DatumPipe 1939-03-31T23:40:00Z -> 01-04-1939 00:00
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / unit-test-results
475 tests found
There are 475 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
AutocompleteComponent Suffix action should revert back to the search action when the clear action has been pressed ‑ AutocompleteComponent Suffix action should revert back to the search action when the clear action has been pressed
AutocompleteComponent Suffix action should show the clear action when a value has been selected ‑ AutocompleteComponent Suffix action should show the clear action when a value has been selected
AutocompleteComponent Suffix action should show the search action when initiating ‑ AutocompleteComponent Suffix action should show the search action when initiating
AutocompleteValidators asyncOptionInList object input should return null if control value matches an option in the list ‑ AutocompleteValidators asyncOptionInList object input should return null if control value matches an option in the list
AutocompleteValidators asyncOptionInList object input should return { match: true } if control value does not match any option in the list ‑ AutocompleteValidators asyncOptionInList object input should return { match: true } if control value does not match any option in the list
AutocompleteValidators asyncOptionInList should return null if control value is null ‑ AutocompleteValidators asyncOptionInList should return null if control value is null
AutocompleteValidators asyncOptionInList string input should return null if control value matches an option in the list ‑ AutocompleteValidators asyncOptionInList string input should return null if control value matches an option in the list
AutocompleteValidators asyncOptionInList string input should return { match: true } if control value does not match any option in the list ‑ AutocompleteValidators asyncOptionInList string input should return { match: true } if control value does not match any option in the list
BackButtonDirective should call navigation back ‑ BackButtonDirective should call navigation back
BackButtonDirective should create an instance ‑ BackButtonDirective should create an instance
BatchProcessService showProgress after the timeout it should call to stop the progress ‑ BatchProcessService showProgress after the timeout it should call to stop the progress
BatchProcessService showProgress should call the timeout callback after the timeout ‑ BatchProcessService showProgress should call the timeout callback after the timeout
BatchProcessService showProgress should open the process dialog ‑ BatchProcessService showProgress should open the process dialog
BatchProcessService showProgress should set a timeout when a timeout is passed ‑ BatchProcessService showProgress should set a timeout when a timeout is passed
BatchProcessService stop remove all subscriptions ‑ BatchProcessService stop remove all subscriptions
BatchProcessService stop should close the process dialog ‑ BatchProcessService stop should close the process dialog
BatchProcessService subscribe should set websocket subscriptions ‑ BatchProcessService subscribe should set websocket subscriptions
CustomValidators BSN validation: for 123456782 it should return null ‑ CustomValidators BSN validation: for 123456782 it should return null
CustomValidators BSN validation: for 123456789 it should return {"bsn": true} ‑ CustomValidators BSN validation: for 123456789 it should return {"bsn": true}
CustomValidators Company name validation: for Invalid*Name it should return {"bedrijfsnaam": true} ‑ CustomValidators Company name validation: for Invalid*Name it should return {"bedrijfsnaam": true}
CustomValidators Company name validation: for ValidName it should return null ‑ CustomValidators Company name validation: for ValidName it should return null
CustomValidators Email validation: for test@ it should return {"email": true} ‑ CustomValidators Email validation: for test@ it should return {"email": true}
CustomValidators Email validation: for [email protected] it should return null ‑ CustomValidators Email validation: for [email protected] it should return null
CustomValidators House number validation: for 123 it should return null ‑ CustomValidators House number validation: for 123 it should return null
CustomValidators House number validation: for 123A it should return {"huisnummer": true} ‑ CustomValidators House number validation: for 123A it should return {"huisnummer": true}
CustomValidators KVK validation: for 1234567 it should return {"kvk": true} ‑ CustomValidators KVK validation: for 1234567 it should return {"kvk": true}
CustomValidators KVK validation: for 12345678 it should return null ‑ CustomValidators KVK validation: for 12345678 it should return null
CustomValidators Postal code validation: for 1234A it should return {"postcode": true} ‑ CustomValidators Postal code validation: for 1234A it should return {"postcode": true}
CustomValidators Postal code validation: for 1234AB it should return null ‑ CustomValidators Postal code validation: for 1234AB it should return null
CustomValidators RSIN validation: for 12345678 it should return {"rsin": true} ‑ CustomValidators RSIN validation: for 12345678 it should return {"rsin": true}
CustomValidators RSIN validation: for 123456789 it should return null ‑ CustomValidators RSIN validation: for 123456789 it should return null
CustomValidators Vestigingsnummer validation: for 12345678901 it should return {"vestigingsnummer": true} ‑ CustomValidators Vestigingsnummer validation: for 12345678901 it should return {"vestigingsnummer": true}
CustomValidators Vestigingsnummer validation: for 123456789012 it should return null ‑ CustomValidators Vestigingsnummer validation: for 123456789012 it should return null
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"bsn": true} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"bsn": true}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"custom": [Object]} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"custom": [Object]}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"email": true} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"email": true}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"huisnummer": true} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"huisnummer": true}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"kvk": true} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"kvk": true}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"max": [Object]} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"max": [Object]}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"maxlength": [Object]} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"maxlength": [Object]}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"min": [Object]} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"min": [Object]}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"minlength": [Object]} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"minlength": [Object]}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"pattern": [Object]} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"pattern": [Object]}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"postcode": true} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"postcode": true}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"required": true} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"required": true}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"rsin": true} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"rsin": true}
CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"vestigingsnummer": true} ‑ CustomValidators error messages should return correct error message for {"vestigingsnummer": true}
DateConditionals isAfterDate should return false if the control value is after the actual date ‑ DateConditionals isAfterDate should return false if the control value is after the actual date
DateConditionals isAfterDate should return true if the control value is before the actual date ‑ DateConditionals isAfterDate should return true if the control value is before the actual date
DatumPipe 1939-03-31T23:40:00Z -> 01-04-1939 00:00 ‑ DatumPipe 1939-03-31T23:40:00Z -> 01-04-1939 00:00
DatumPipe 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z -> 23-06-2021 00:00 ‑ DatumPipe 2021-06-22T22:00:00Z -> 23-06-2021 00:00
DatumPipe 2021-06-23T00:00:00Z -> 23-06-2021 02:00 ‑ DatumPipe 2021-06-23T00:00:00Z -> 23-06-2021 02:00
DatumPipe 2021-06-23T02:00:00Z -> 23-06-2021 04:00 ‑ DatumPipe 2021-06-23T02:00:00Z -> 23-06-2021 04:00
DatumPipe default format ‑ DatumPipe default format
DatumPipe full format ‑ DatumPipe full format
DatumPipe fullDate format ‑ DatumPipe fullDate format
DatumPipe iso date 1939-04-01 -> 1939-04-01 ‑ DatumPipe iso date 1939-04-01 -> 1939-04-01
DatumPipe iso date 2021-05-24 -> 24-05-2021 ‑ DatumPipe iso date 2021-05-24 -> 24-05-2021
DatumPipe long format ‑ DatumPipe long format
DatumPipe longDate format ‑ DatumPipe longDate format
DatumPipe medium format ‑ DatumPipe medium format
DatumPipe mediumDate format ‑ DatumPipe mediumDate format
DatumPipe short format ‑ DatumPipe short format
DatumPipe shortDate format ‑ DatumPipe shortDate format
EmptyPipe create an instance ‑ EmptyPipe create an instance
EmptyPipe should return - because value does not contain existing args ‑ EmptyPipe should return - because value does not contain existing args
EmptyPipe should return - ‑ EmptyPipe should return -
EmptyPipe should return Jaap ‑ EmptyPipe should return Jaap
FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam for the file "foo.pdf" it should return {"color": "darkred", "icon": "fa-file-pdf", "type": "pdf"} ‑ FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam for the file "foo.pdf" it should return {"color": "darkred", "icon": "fa-file-pdf", "type": "pdf"}
FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam for the file "foo.rtf" it should return {"icon": "fa-file-word", "type": "rtf"} ‑ FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam for the file "foo.rtf" it should return {"icon": "fa-file-word", "type": "rtf"}
FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the filetype is "foo.nonexistent" ‑ FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the filetype is "foo.nonexistent"
FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the filetype is "foo.unknowntype" ‑ FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the filetype is "foo.unknowntype"
FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the input is 5 ‑ FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the input is 5
FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the input is [Error: test] ‑ FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the input is [Error: test]
FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the input is null ‑ FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the input is null
FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the input is undefined ‑ FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the input is undefined
FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the input is {} ‑ FileIcon getIconByBestandsnaam should return an unknown type when the input is {}
FormFieldDirective should create an instance ‑ FormFieldDirective should create an instance
FoutAfhandelingService should be created ‑ FoutAfhandelingService should be created
FoutAfhandelingService should return an observable error message when httpErrorAfhandelen is called with a server error ‑ FoutAfhandelingService should return an observable error message when httpErrorAfhandelen is called with a server error
FoutAfhandelingService should return an observable error message when openFoutDialog is called ‑ FoutAfhandelingService should return an observable error message when openFoutDialog is called
GoogleMapsServiceService should be created ‑ GoogleMapsServiceService should be created
HttpClientTesting Http PUT works with all expected types ‑ HttpClientTesting Http PUT works with all expected types
HttpClientTesting Http delete works with all expected types ‑ HttpClientTesting Http delete works with all expected types
HttpClientTesting Http get works with all expected types ‑ HttpClientTesting Http get works with all expected types
HttpClientTesting Http post works with all expected types ‑ HttpClientTesting Http post works with all expected types
InformatieObjectEditComponent when an `infoObject` is passed should build the form ‑ InformatieObjectEditComponent when an `infoObject` is passed should build the form
InformatieObjectEditComponent when an `infoObject` is passed should call `identityService.readLoggedInUser` ‑ InformatieObjectEditComponent when an `infoObject` is passed should call `identityService.readLoggedInUser`
InformatieObjectEditComponent when no `infoObject` is present should not build the form ‑ InformatieObjectEditComponent when no `infoObject` is present should not build the form
InformatieObjectEditComponent when no `infoObject` is present should not call `identityService.readLoggedInUser` ‑ InformatieObjectEditComponent when no `infoObject` is present should not call `identityService.readLoggedInUser`
InformatieObjectService should be created ‑ InformatieObjectService should be created
InformatieObjectViewComponent actie.nieuwe.versie.toevoegen should not have a button when the user does not have the right to add a new version ‑ InformatieObjectViewComponent actie.nieuwe.versie.toevoegen should not have a button when the user does not have the right to add a new version
InformatieObjectViewComponent actie.nieuwe.versie.toevoegen should open the sidebar when clicked ‑ InformatieObjectViewComponent actie.nieuwe.versie.toevoegen should open the sidebar when clicked
KlantenService readBedrijf for the rsinOfVestigingsnummer 12345678 it should call the vestiging endpoint ‑ KlantenService readBedrijf for the rsinOfVestigingsnummer 12345678 it should call the vestiging endpoint
KlantenService readBedrijf for the rsinOfVestigingsnummer 123456789 it should call the rechtspersoon endpoint ‑ KlantenService readBedrijf for the rsinOfVestigingsnummer 123456789 it should call the rechtspersoon endpoint
KlantenService readBedrijf for the rsinOfVestigingsnummer 1234567890 it should call the vestiging endpoint ‑ KlantenService readBedrijf for the rsinOfVestigingsnummer 1234567890 it should call the vestiging endpoint
LocationService should be created ‑ LocationService should be created
MaterialFormBuilderService should be created ‑ MaterialFormBuilderService should be created
MedewerkerGroepComponent when the group value changes should update the employee ‑ MedewerkerGroepComponent when the group value changes should update the employee
Mimetype to extension pipe should create the correct key values for all expected strings ‑ Mimetype to extension pipe should create the correct key values for all expected strings
Mimetype to extension pipe should safely parse the provided value if the mimtype does not exist in list ‑ Mimetype to extension pipe should safely parse the provided value if the mimtype does not exist in list
NavigationService should be created ‑ NavigationService should be created
NotitiesComponent should create ‑ NotitiesComponent should create
NotitiesComponent should set new text and current username on notitie edit ‑ NotitiesComponent should set new text and current username on notitie edit
OrderUtil Will sort [[Object], [Object], [Object]] to [[Object], [Object], [Object]] when sorting by a ‑ OrderUtil Will sort [[Object], [Object], [Object]] to [[Object], [Object], [Object]] when sorting by a
OrderUtil Will sort [[Object], [Object], [Object]] to [[Object], [Object], [Object]] when sorting by b ‑ OrderUtil Will sort [[Object], [Object], [Object]] to [[Object], [Object], [Object]] when sorting by b
OrderUtil orderAsIs will return the array as is ‑ OrderUtil orderAsIs will return the array as is
OrderUtil orderBy Will sort ["a", "b"] to ["a", "b"] when no key is provided ‑ OrderUtil orderBy Will sort ["a", "b"] to ["a", "b"] when no key is provided
OrderUtil orderBy Will sort ["b", "a"] to ["a", "b"] when no key is provided ‑ OrderUtil orderBy Will sort ["b", "a"] to ["a", "b"] when no key is provided
OrderUtil orderBy Will sort [1, 2] to [1, 2] when no key is provided ‑ OrderUtil orderBy Will sort [1, 2] to [1, 2] when no key is provided
OrderUtil orderBy Will sort [2, 1] to [1, 2] when no key is provided ‑ OrderUtil orderBy Will sort [2, 1] to [1, 2] when no key is provided
ParameterEditComponent Case handler should set the case handlers which are in the selected group ‑ ParameterEditComponent Case handler should set the case handlers which are in the selected group
ParameterEditComponent Case handler should update the case handlers when the group changes ‑ ParameterEditComponent Case handler should update the case handlers when the group changes
PlanItemServiceService should be created ‑ PlanItemServiceService should be created
SessionStorageService key value v should be equal to v ‑ SessionStorageService key value v should be equal to v
SessionStorageService should break the reference ‑ SessionStorageService should break the reference
SessionStorageService should call clear ‑ SessionStorageService should call clear
SessionStorageService should return Jaap ‑ SessionStorageService should return Jaap
SessionStorageService should return a gebruikersnaam with naam Jaap ‑ SessionStorageService should return a gebruikersnaam with naam Jaap
SignaleringenService should be created ‑ SignaleringenService should be created
SmartDocumentsService service functions tests All functions - Should handle empty array ‑ SmartDocumentsService service functions tests All functions - Should handle empty array
SmartDocumentsService service functions tests addParentIdsToMakeTemplatesUnique - Should add parentGroupId to all templates ‑ SmartDocumentsService service functions tests addParentIdsToMakeTemplatesUnique - Should add parentGroupId to all templates
SmartDocumentsService service functions tests addTemplateMappings - Should add all the mappings from flat array into SmartDocuments with parent id's ‑ SmartDocumentsService service functions tests addTemplateMappings - Should add all the mappings from flat array into SmartDocuments with parent id's
SmartDocumentsService service functions tests flattenNestedGroupsToRootGroups - Should flatten mapped SmartDocuments with parents id's nested array into flat groups array ‑ SmartDocumentsService service functions tests flattenNestedGroupsToRootGroups - Should flatten mapped SmartDocuments with parents id's nested array into flat groups array
SmartDocumentsService service functions tests getOnlyMappedTemplates - Should strip all unmapped branches from the mapped SmartDocuments with parents id's ‑ SmartDocumentsService service functions tests getOnlyMappedTemplates - Should strip all unmapped branches from the mapped SmartDocuments with parents id's
SmartDocumentsService service functions tests getTemplateMappings - Should put all mappings from mapped SmartDocuments with parent id's into a flat array ‑ SmartDocumentsService service functions tests getTemplateMappings - Should put all mappings from mapped SmartDocuments with parent id's into a flat array
TaakFormulierenService should be created ‑ TaakFormulierenService should be created
TaakService should be created ‑ TaakService should be created
TaakViewComponent documentCreated should reload the "taak" when a UPDATED on ZAAK_INFORMATIEOBJECTEN is received ‑ TaakViewComponent documentCreated should reload the "taak" when a UPDATED on ZAAK_INFORMATIEOBJECTEN is received
TaakViewComponent documentCreated should subscribe to UPDATED on ZAAK_INFORMATIEOBJECTEN ‑ TaakViewComponent documentCreated should subscribe to UPDATED on ZAAK_INFORMATIEOBJECTEN
TekstvlakEditDialogComponent should instantiate with the value passed ‑ TekstvlakEditDialogComponent should instantiate with the value passed
TekstvlakEditDialogComponent should save the value from the form control to the data object ‑ TekstvlakEditDialogComponent should save the value from the form control to the data object
UtilService should be created ‑ UtilService should be created
UtilService should open snackbar with correct message and action and return onAction observable ‑ UtilService should open snackbar with correct message and action and return onAction observable
UtilService should open the progress dialog with correct data and return afterClosed observable ‑ UtilService should open the progress dialog with correct data and return afterClosed observable
UtilService should return an array of objects with labels and values from enum ‑ UtilService should return an array of objects with labels and values from enum
UtilService should return an array of objects with labels and values from enum, excluding specified values ‑ UtilService should return an array of objects with labels and values from enum, excluding specified values
UtilService should return the correct key for a given value from the enum ‑ UtilService should return the correct key for a given value from the enum
UtilService should return undefined for a value not in the enum ‑ UtilService should return undefined for a value not in the enum
UtilService should set the title correctly using translate and update headerTitle ‑ UtilService should set the title correctly using translate and update headerTitle
Vertrouwelijkaanduiding-to-translation-pipe should create the correct key values for all expected strings ‑ Vertrouwelijkaanduiding-to-translation-pipe should create the correct key values for all expected strings
Vertrouwelijkaanduiding-to-translation-pipe should throw error when any other strings are provided ‑ Vertrouwelijkaanduiding-to-translation-pipe should throw error when any other strings are provided
ZaakCreateComponent zaaktypeGeselecteerd should call getMedewerkerGroupFormField with the default behandelaar and groep ‑ ZaakCreateComponent zaaktypeGeselecteerd should call getMedewerkerGroupFormField with the default behandelaar and groep
ZaakFormulierenService should be created ‑ ZaakFormulierenService should be created
ZaakService should be created ‑ ZaakService should be created
createFormData should call the mapping function if specified ‑ createFormData should call the mapping function if specified
createFormData should handle arrays with mapping functions ‑ createFormData should handle arrays with mapping functions
createFormData should handle arrays without mapping functions ‑ createFormData should handle arrays without mapping functions
createFormData should overwrite filename if specified in the mapper ‑ createFormData should overwrite filename if specified in the mapper
createFormData should preserve key and call toString on value if that method exists and no mapping is specified ‑ createFormData should preserve key and call toString on value if that method exists and no mapping is specified
createFormData should preserve key and value for Blobs if no mapping is specified ‑ createFormData should preserve key and value for Blobs if no mapping is specified
createFormData should preserve key and value for strings if no mapping is specified ‑ createFormData should preserve key and value for strings if no mapping is specified
createFormData should skip keys that are not specified in the mapper ‑ createFormData should skip keys that are not specified in the mapper
createFormData should skip keys that are null, undefined or an empty string ‑ createFormData should skip keys that are null, undefined or an empty string
net.atos.client.brp.BrpClientServiceTest ‑ Then: it should return null
net.atos.client.brp.BrpClientServiceTest ‑ Then: it should return the first person
net.atos.client.brp.BrpClientServiceTest ‑ Then: it should return the person
net.atos.client.util.JWTTokenGeneratorTest ‑ Then: it should be a valid JWT token
net.atos.client.zgw.brc.BrcClientServiceTest ‑ Then: it should return the list of besluiten
net.atos.client.zgw.brc.BrcClientServiceTest ‑ Then: the update reason should added as a HTTP header and the besluit should be updated
net.atos.client.zgw.shared.ZGWApiServiceTest ‑ Then: a behandelaar medewerker role without a betrokkene identificatie should be returned
net.atos.client.zgw.shared.ZGWApiServiceTest ‑ Then: no group should be returned
net.atos.client.zgw.shared.ZGWApiServiceTest ‑ Then: the behandelaar medewerker role should be returned
net.atos.client.zgw.shared.ZGWApiServiceTest ‑ Then: the existing zaak result should be updated
net.atos.client.zgw.shared.ZGWApiServiceTest ‑ Then: the group should be returned
net.atos.client.zgw.shared.ZGWApiServiceTest ‑ Then: the initiator should be returned
net.atos.client.zgw.shared.ZGWApiServiceTest ‑ Then: the zaak is created in the ZGW API with the correct 'uiterlijke einddatum afdoening'
net.atos.client.zgw.shared.ZGWApiServiceTest ‑ Then: the zaak result should be created
net.atos.client.zgw.shared.exception.ZgwErrorExceptionMapperTest ‑ Then: The status code should be mapped
net.atos.client.zgw.shared.exception.ZgwErrorExceptionMapperTest ‑ Then: The status code should not be mapped
net.atos.client.zgw.ztc.ZtcClientServiceTest ‑ Then: cache starts evicting
net.atos.client.zgw.ztc.ZtcClientServiceTest ‑ Then: cache statistics should be ok
net.atos.client.zgw.ztc.ZtcClientServiceTest ‑ Then: it should cached the same time
net.atos.client.zgw.ztc.ZtcClientServiceTest ‑ Then: it should fetch the value from the cache
net.atos.client.zgw.ztc.ZtcClientServiceTest ‑ Then: it should generate the value and store it in the cache
net.atos.client.zgw.ztc.ZtcClientServiceTest ‑ Then: it should return time after test was started
net.atos.client.zgw.ztc.ZtcClientServiceTest ‑ Then: it should return valid zaaktype
net.atos.client.zgw.ztc.ZtcClientServiceTest ‑ Then: time should be updated
net.atos.zac.admin.ReferenceTableAdminServiceTest ‑ Then: an exception is thrown and the reference table is not deleted
net.atos.zac.admin.ReferenceTableAdminServiceTest ‑ Then: an exception should be thrown and the reference table is not deleted since it is not allowed to delete system reference tables
net.atos.zac.admin.ReferenceTableAdminServiceTest ‑ Then: the reference table should be successfully deleted
net.atos.zac.admin.ReferenceTableServiceTest ‑ Then: the reference table is returned
net.atos.zac.admin.ReferenceTableServiceTest ‑ Then: the reference table values are returned sorted by sort order
net.atos.zac.admin.ZaakafhandelParameterBeheerServiceTest ‑ Then: The new zaak type is stored
net.atos.zac.admin.ZaakafhandelParameterBeheerServiceTest ‑ Then: The related zaakafhandelparameters is stored through the entity manager
net.atos.zac.admin.ZaakafhandelParameterBeheerServiceTest ‑ Then: The zaaktype simple values have been copied from the original
net.atos.zac.admin.ZaakafhandelParameterBeheerServiceTest ‑ Then: both zaakafhandelparameters should be returned
net.atos.zac.admin.ZaakafhandelParameterBeheerServiceTest ‑ Then: the zaakafhandelparameters should be returned
net.atos.zac.admin.ZaakafhandelParameterBeheerServiceTest ‑ Then: two zaakafhandelparameters should be returned ‑ Then: an exception should be thrown indicating that system values cannot be updated ‑ Then: the communication channels are returned successfully excluding E-formulier ‑ Then: the communication channels are returned successfully including E-formulier ‑ Then: the reference table is updated successfully and only contains the two new values and the new name thereby completely replacing the existing value(s) and the existing name ‑ Then: the server error page texts are returned ‑ Then: an exception is thrown ‑ Then: an exception should be thrown indicating that the provided productaanvraagtype is already in use ‑ Then: exception is thrown ‑ Then: the zaakafhandelparameters should be created ‑ Then: the zaakafhandelparameters should be updated and both the zaakafhandelparameters read cache as well as the zaakafhandelparameters list cache should be updated ‑ Then: the created object is correct ‑ Then: it should invoke the BAG client service with the correct arguments and return the expected addresses ‑ Then: the expected BAG object should be returned ‑ Then: it should return the correct data ‑ Then: a CSV with the search results is returned ‑ Then: it creates besluit and information object ‑ Then: it throws exception ‑ Then: update is executed correctly ‑ Then: it throws exception with correct message ‑ Then: it throws exception with message that mentions the task id ‑ Then: it throws exception with no message ‑ Then: the document creation service is called to create the document ‑ Then: correct object is returned ‑ Then: the correct object is built ‑ Then: it throws exception with no message ‑ Then: the changes are stored in the backing services ‑ Then: the current version of the enkelvoudig informatieobject is returned ‑ Then: the enkelvoudig informatieobject is added to the zaak ‑ Then: the enkelvoudig informatieobject is not added to the zaak but is removed from the HTTP session ‑ Then: the information object types are returned ‑ Then: the returned enkelvoudige informatie objecten are as expected ‑ Then: correct zaak info object is returned ‑ Then: policy check is skipped ‑ Then: thrown exception mentions the task id ‑ Then: An empty list is returned ‑ Then: An list is returned containing the expected object ‑ Then: The exception bubbles up ‑ Then: the obejct is correctly converted to a 'enkelvoudiginformatieobject with lock request' ‑ Then: the provided data is converted correctly ‑ Then: it detects it as invalid ‑ Then: it detects it as valid ‑ Then: an exception should be thrown ‑ Then: it should return the vestiging including contact details ‑ Then: it should return the vestiging without contact details ‑ Then: it should throw an exception ‑ Then: the person should be returned and should have contact details ‑ Then: the person should be returned and should not have contact details ‑ Then: the vestigingsprofiel is returned correctly ‑ Then: conversion contains the address details, separated with NBSP ‑ Then: conversion contains the country description ‑ Then: conversion is correct ‑ Then: conversion yields no indications ‑ Then: the an IllegalStateException should be thrown ‑ Then: the document is deleted ‑ Then: the exception from OpenZaak is rethrown ‑ Then: there are no exceptions ‑ Then: A CMMN human task plan item is started and the zaak is opgeschort and re-indexed ‑ Then: A CMMN human task plan item is started and the zaak is re-indexed ‑ Then: An exception is thrown and the human task item is not started and the zaak is not indexed ‑ Then: The task is created with its own fatal date ‑ Then: The task is created with the zaak fatal date ‑ Then: it throws exception with no message ‑ Then: the zaak is settled and the email is sent ‑ Then: correct response is returned ‑ Then: exception is thrown ‑ Then: it returns correct history lines ‑ Then: it throws exception with no message ‑ Then: the changes are stored ‑ Then: the document is signed, the task is completed and the search index service is invoked ‑ Then: the task is completed and the search index service is invoked ‑ Then: the task is correctly assigned ‑ Then: the tasks are assigned to the group and user ‑ Then: the tasks are returned ‑ Then: it filters out the unsupported events ‑ Then: it returns correct history lines ‑ can read StatusEnum class ‑ cannot read null as type ‑ cannot read unknown classes ‑ errors on empty string ‑ errors on mis-formatted string ‑ errors on missing data ‑ parses a well formatted enum value ‑ parses a well formatted fully specified enum value ‑ can read LocalDate class ‑ cannot read null as type ‑ cannot read unknown classes ‑ errors on empty string ‑ errors on mis-formatted string ‑ errors with empty stream ‑ parses a different time zone ‑ parses a well formatted string ‑ returns null on missing data ‑ can read RESTTaal class ‑ cannot read null as type ‑ cannot read unknown classes ‑ errors on incorrect data ‑ errors on mis-formatted string ‑ errors on missing data ‑ parses a well formatted string ‑ can read UUID class ‑ cannot read null as type ‑ cannot read unknown classes ‑ errors on empty string ‑ errors on mis-formatted string ‑ errors on missing data ‑ parses a well formatted string ‑ Then: free, used, total and max memory are shown ‑ Then: it returns caches and memory links ‑ Then: stats are returned correctly ‑ can read ZonedDateTime class ‑ cannot read null as type ‑ cannot read unknown classes ‑ errors on empty string ‑ errors on mis-formatted string ‑ errors on missing data ‑ errors with empty stream ‑ parses a well formatted string ‑ Then: it should return a bad request status with error message equal to the value of the error code and it should log the exception including a generic error message ‑ Then: it should return a bad request status with error message equal to the value of the error code and it should log the exception including the error message ‑ Then: it should return the BAG server error code and no exception message and log the exception ‑ Then: it should return the BRC server error code and no exception message and log the exception ‑ Then: it should return the DRC server error code and log the exception ‑ Then: it should return the Klanten server error code and no exception message and log the exception ‑ Then: it should return the Objecten server error code and no exception message and log the exception ‑ Then: it should return the ZRC server error code and log the exception ‑ Then: it should return the ZTC server error code and log the exception ‑ Then: it should return the ZTC server error code and no exception message and log the exception ‑ Then: it should return the ZTC server error code and the exception message and log the exception ‑ Then: it should return the expected error code and no exception message and log the exception ‑ Then: it should return the general server error error code with an exception message and log the exception ‑ Then: it should return the generic server error code and the exception message and log the exception ‑ Then: it should return the proper error code and no exception message and log the exception ‑ Then: a HTTP OK response is returned with a 'Content-Disposition' HTTP header and the diagram as input stream ‑ Then: a policy exception should be thrown ‑ Then: a zaak is created using the ZGW API and a zaak is started in the ZAC CMMN service ‑ Then: it fails ‑ Then: it is ended with result ‑ Then: it throws an error ‑ Then: the initiator should be removed from the zaak ‑ Then: the old initiator should be removed and the new one should be added to the zaak ‑ Then: the two zaken are successfully linked ‑ Then: the two zaken are successfully linked, the index is updated and a screen event is sent ‑ Then: the two zaken are successfully unlinked ‑ Then: the zaak is assigned both to the group and the user, and the zaken search index is updated ‑ Then: the zaak is returned and any zaak signaleringen are deleted ‑ Then: the zaak is updated correctly ‑ Then: the zaakdata is correctly updated ‑ Then: the zaakinformatieobject is unlinked from the zaak and the related informatieobject is removed from the search index and is added as an inboxdocument ‑ Then: the zaaktypes are returned for which the user is authorised ‑ Then: the zaken are assigned to the group and user ‑ Then: zaak is updated with the new data ‑ Then: the resultaattype is converted correctly ‑ Then: the besluit is correctly converted and should have a vervalreden of type 'tijdelijk' ‑ Then: the conversion is correct ‑ Then: the zaak should be converted correctly ‑ Then: it contains only the minimal set of properties ‑ Then: update is correct
net.atos.zac.authentication.UserPrincipalFilterTest ‑ Then: filterChain is invoked
net.atos.zac.authentication.UserPrincipalFilterTest ‑ Then: the existing HTTP session is invalidated and the user is added to a new HTTP session
net.atos.zac.authentication.UserPrincipalFilterTest ‑ Then: the user is retrieved from security context and is added to the HTTP session and the user should have access to all zaakttypes
net.atos.zac.authentication.UserPrincipalFilterTest ‑ Then: the user is retrieved from security context and is added to the HTTP session and the user should have access to only that zaaktype for which zaakafhandelparameters are defined with the same domain as is present in the user's roles
net.atos.zac.configuratie.ConfiguratieServiceTest ‑ Then: BSN is validated
net.atos.zac.configuratie.ConfiguratieServiceTest ‑ Then: Correct url is built
net.atos.zac.configuratie.ConfiguratieServiceTest ‑ Then: correct url is built
net.atos.zac.documentcreation.DocumentCreationServiceTest ‑ Then: Correct URl is provided
net.atos.zac.documentcreation.DocumentCreationServiceTest ‑ Then: ZaakInformatieobject is stored
net.atos.zac.documentcreation.DocumentCreationServiceTest ‑ Then: correct URL is built
net.atos.zac.documentcreation.DocumentCreationServiceTest ‑ Then: the smart documents service is called to create an attended document and a document creation response is returned
net.atos.zac.documentcreation.converter.DocumentCreationDataConverterTest ‑ Then: the data is created correctly
net.atos.zac.flowable.ZaakVariabelenServiceTest ‑ Then: the zaak UUID is correctly returned
net.atos.zac.flowable.bpmn.BpmnServiceTest ‑ Then: 'false is returned
net.atos.zac.flowable.bpmn.BpmnServiceTest ‑ Then: 'true is returned
net.atos.zac.flowable.bpmn.BpmnServiceTest ‑ Then: a Flowable BPMN process instance should be started
net.atos.zac.flowable.bpmn.BpmnServiceTest ‑ Then: an exception should be thrown
net.atos.zac.flowable.cmmn.CMMNServiceTest ‑ Then: it is successfully started
net.atos.zac.flowable.cmmn.CMMNServiceTest ‑ Then: it is successfully terminated
net.atos.zac.flowable.cmmn.CMMNServiceTest ‑ Then: the case is successfully deleted
net.atos.zac.flowable.cmmn.UpdateZaakLifecycleListenerTest ‑ Then: the state for the zaak is updated in the ZGW API
net.atos.zac.flowable.task.FlowableTaskServiceTest ‑ Then: the historic task is returned
net.atos.zac.flowable.task.FlowableTaskServiceTest ‑ Then: the open task is returned
net.atos.zac.flowable.task.TaakVariabelenServiceTest ‑ Then: it returns the right information
net.atos.zac.flowable.task.TaakVariabelenServiceTest ‑ Then: it throws an exception
net.atos.zac.healthcheck.model.ZaaktypeInrichtingscheckTest ‑ Then: it is reported as invalid
net.atos.zac.healthcheck.model.ZaaktypeInrichtingscheckTest ‑ Then: it is reported as valid
net.atos.zac.history.ZaakHistoryServiceTest ‑ Then: it should contain a line
net.atos.zac.history.ZaakHistoryServiceTest ‑ Then: it should contain no lines
net.atos.zac.history.ZaakHistoryServiceTest ‑ Then: it should not contain lines
net.atos.zac.history.ZaakHistoryServiceTest ‑ Then: it should not throw an exception
net.atos.zac.history.ZaakHistoryServiceTest ‑ Then: it should return correct data
net.atos.zac.history.ZaakHistoryServiceTest ‑ Then: it should return correct data, with null values for oudeWaarde and nieuweWaarde
net.atos.zac.history.converter.ZaakHistoryLineConverterTest ‑ Then: it should return a correct regel list
net.atos.zac.history.converter.ZaakHistoryPartialUpdateConverterTest ‑ Then: it is converted correctly
net.atos.zac.identity.IdentityServiceTest ‑ Then: the user is retrieved from Keycloak
net.atos.zac.identity.IdentityServiceTest ‑ Then: the users are retrieved from Keycloak, sorted by full name
net.atos.zac.identity.IdentityServiceTest ‑ Then: the users in the group are retrieved from Keycloak, sorted by full name
net.atos.zac.mail.MailServiceTest ‑ Then: an e-mail is sent and a PDF document is created from the e-mail data and is attached to the zaak using the ZGW APIs
net.atos.zac.mail.MailServiceTest ‑ Then: an e-mail is sent with the task data and no PDF document is created
net.atos.zac.mail.model.MailAdresTest ‑ Then: it should error
net.atos.zac.mail.model.MailAdresTest ‑ Then: it should succeed
net.atos.zac.mailtemplates.MailTemplateHelperTest ‑ Then: I should get the correct mail template
net.atos.zac.policy.PolicyServiceTest ‑ Then: correct ZaakData is sent to OPA
net.atos.zac.policy.PolicyServiceTest ‑ Then: the correct data is sent to OPA
net.atos.zac.policy.PolicyServiceTest ‑ Then: the evaluation client is called with the correct arguments
net.atos.zac.policy.input.UserInputTest ‑ Then: it throws exception with correct message
net.atos.zac.policy.input.UserInputTest ‑ Then: no exception is thrown
net.atos.zac.productaanvraag.ProductaanvraagServiceTest ‑ Then: a zaak should be created and a CMMN case process should be started
net.atos.zac.productaanvraag.ProductaanvraagServiceTest ‑ Then: a zaak should be created, an initiator role of type 'natuurlijk persoon' should be created for the zaak and a CMMN case process should be started
net.atos.zac.productaanvraag.ProductaanvraagServiceTest ‑ Then: a zaak should be created, an initiator role of type 'vestiging' should be created for the zaak and a CMMN case process should be started
net.atos.zac.productaanvraag.ProductaanvraagServiceTest ‑ Then: a zaak should be created, no initiator role should be created for the zaak and a CMMN case process should be started
net.atos.zac.productaanvraag.ProductaanvraagServiceTest ‑ Then: a zaak should be created, roles should be created for all supported betrokkenen types for which there are role types defined in the ZTC client service, except for the behandelaar betrokkene, and a CMMN case process should be started
net.atos.zac.productaanvraag.ProductaanvraagServiceTest ‑ Then: all key-value pairs in the aanvraaggegevens are returned
net.atos.zac.productaanvraag.ProductaanvraagServiceTest ‑ Then: an inbox productaanvraag should be created and a zaak should not be created, and a CMMN case process should not be started
net.atos.zac.productaanvraag.ProductaanvraagServiceTest ‑ Then: an inbox productaanvraag should be created, no zaak should be created and no CMMN case process should be started
net.atos.zac.productaanvraag.ProductaanvraagServiceTest ‑ Then: for every bijlage a zaakInformatieobject should be created
net.atos.zac.productaanvraag.ProductaanvraagServiceTest ‑ Then: the productaanvraag of type 'productaanvraag Dimpact' is returned and contains the expected data
net.atos.zac.shared.helper.SuspensionZaakHelperTest ‑ Then: it throws exception with no message
net.atos.zac.shared.helper.SuspensionZaakHelperTest ‑ Then: the correct dates are set
net.atos.zac.shared.helper.SuspensionZaakHelperTest ‑ Then: the zaak should be postponed and the final date should be extended with x days
net.atos.zac.shared.helper.SuspensionZaakHelperTest ‑ Then: the zaak should be resumed
net.atos.zac.signalering.SignaleringServiceTest ‑ Then: old signaleringen have been deleted
net.atos.zac.signalering.SignaleringServiceTest ‑ Then: paging is used to return the signalering
net.atos.zac.signalering.SignaleringServiceTest ‑ Then: the signalering is sent to the correct service
net.atos.zac.signalering.SignaleringServiceTest ‑ Then: the two signaleringen are deleted and one screen event is sent
net.atos.zac.signalering.ZaakTaskDueDateEmailNotificationServiceTest ‑ Then: one task due date email notifications should be sent
net.atos.zac.signalering.ZaakTaskDueDateEmailNotificationServiceTest ‑ Then: one zaak due date email notifications should be sent
net.atos.zac.smartdocuments.SmartDocumentsServiceTest ‑ Then: a file object representing the content is returned
net.atos.zac.smartdocuments.SmartDocumentsServiceTest ‑ Then: it returns `false`
net.atos.zac.smartdocuments.SmartDocumentsServiceTest ‑ Then: it should return a list of templates
net.atos.zac.smartdocuments.SmartDocumentsServiceTest ‑ Then: it throws an exception
net.atos.zac.smartdocuments.SmartDocumentsServiceTest ‑ Then: the attended SmartDocuments document creation wizard is started and a document creation response is returned
net.atos.zac.smartdocuments.SmartDocumentsTemplatesServiceTest ‑ Then: exception is thrown
net.atos.zac.smartdocuments.SmartDocumentsTemplatesServiceTest ‑ Then: it returns an empty set
net.atos.zac.smartdocuments.SmartDocumentsTemplatesServiceTest ‑ Then: the template is returned ‑ Then: it produces a correct set of strings ‑ Then: error should hint what's wrong ‑ Then: it does not error
net.atos.zac.smartdocuments.templates.SmartDocumentsTemplateConverterTest ‑ Then: it produces a correct REST model
net.atos.zac.smartdocuments.templates.SmartDocumentsTemplateConverterTest ‑ Then: it produces a correct jpa representation
net.atos.zac.smartdocuments.templates.SmartDocumentsTemplateConverterTest ‑ Then: it produces the right rest model
net.atos.zac.solr.SolrDeployerServiceTest ‑ Then: the Solr schema should be updated to the available version and the zaken should be reindexed
net.atos.zac.task.TaskServiceTest ‑ Then: taken are released, the index is updated and signalering and signaleringen and screen events are sent
net.atos.zac.task.TaskServiceTest ‑ Then: the first task is skipped and the second task is assigned to the group,
net.atos.zac.task.TaskServiceTest ‑ Then: the first task is skipped and the second task is released to the user,
net.atos.zac.task.TaskServiceTest ‑ Then: the search index is still updated and the TAKEN_VERDELEN screen event is still sent
net.atos.zac.task.TaskServiceTest ‑ Then: the tasks are assigned to the group
net.atos.zac.task.TaskServiceTest ‑ Then: the tasks are assigned to the group and released from the current assignee
net.atos.zac.task.TaskServiceTest ‑ Then: the tasks are assigned to the group and user
net.atos.zac.task.TaskServiceTest ‑ Then: the tasks are assigned to the group and user, the index is updated and signalering and screen events are sent
net.atos.zac.util.BSNValidatorTest ‑ Then: exception is thrown
net.atos.zac.util.BSNValidatorTest ‑ Then: no exception is thrown
net.atos.zac.util.JsonbConfigurationTest ‑ Then: the date-time string is correctly formatted
net.atos.zac.util.time.ZonedDateTimeParamConverterTest ‑ Then: it should convert correctly
net.atos.zac.websocket.SessionRegistryTest ‑ Then: a session for this event is _not_ added to the session registry
net.atos.zac.websocket.SessionRegistryTest ‑ Then: a session for this event is added to the session registry
net.atos.zac.websocket.SessionRegistryTest ‑ Then: all registered events for this session are removed from the registry
net.atos.zac.zaak.ZaakServiceTest ‑ Then: an exception is thrown and the betrokkene is not added to the zaak again
net.atos.zac.zaak.ZaakServiceTest ‑ Then: both zaken should no longer have a user assigned but the group should still be assigned and the search index should be updated and a screen event of type 'zaken vrijgeven' should sent
net.atos.zac.zaak.ZaakServiceTest ‑ Then: for both zaken the group and user roles and the search index should be updated and a screen event of type 'zaken verdelen' should sent
net.atos.zac.zaak.ZaakServiceTest ‑ Then: for both zaken the group roles should be updated and the user roles should be deleted
net.atos.zac.zaak.ZaakServiceTest ‑ Then: it should not throw any exceptions
net.atos.zac.zaak.ZaakServiceTest ‑ Then: it should throw an exception
net.atos.zac.zaak.ZaakServiceTest ‑ Then: only for the open zaak the group and user roles and the search index should be updated and a screen event of type 'zaken verdelen' should sent and the closed zaak should be skipped
net.atos.zac.zaak.ZaakServiceTest ‑ Then: only the open zaak should no longer have a user assigned but the group should still be assigned and the search index should be updated and a screen event of type 'zaken vrijgeven' should sent
net.atos.zac.zaak.ZaakServiceTest ‑ Then: the betrokkene is added to the zaak again with role type 'belanghebbende'
net.atos.zac.zaak.ZaakServiceTest ‑ Then: the betrokkene is successfully added to the zaak
net.atos.zac.zaak.ZaakServiceTest ‑ Then: the exception should be thrown and for neither of the zaken the group and user role nor the search index should be updated and no screen event of type 'zaken verdelen' should be sent
net.atos.zac.zaak.ZaakServiceTest ‑ Then: the list should consist of the two betrokkenen not of type initiator or behandelaar
net.atos.zac.zoeken.IndexingServiceTest ‑ Then: aborts and does not try to list zaken
net.atos.zac.zoeken.IndexingServiceTest ‑ Then: continues without exception
net.atos.zac.zoeken.IndexingServiceTest ‑ Then: ignores errors
net.atos.zac.zoeken.IndexingServiceTest ‑ Then: it finishes successfully
net.atos.zac.zoeken.IndexingServiceTest ‑ Then: two zaak zoek objecten should be added to the Solr client and both related object ids should be removed as 'marked for indexing'
net.atos.zac.zoeken.ZoekenServiceTest ‑ Then: it should return a zoekresultaat containing a document zoek object with the correct sorting
net.atos.zac.zoeken.ZoekenServiceTest ‑ Then: it should return a zoekresultaat containing a taak zoek object
net.atos.zac.zoeken.ZoekenServiceTest ‑ Then: it should return a zoekresultaat containing the two zaak zoek objecten
net.atos.zac.zoeken.converter.ZaakZoekObjectConverterTest ‑ Then: the zaak zoek object should contain expected data that is converted from the zaak ‑ Then: an exception should be thrown ‑ Then: the object should be serialised to a null value ‑ Then: the object should be serialised to a point JSON string ‑ Then: a 'forbidden' response is returned ‑ Then: an inbox document is created, the informatieobject is added to the search index, and no screen event is sent ‑ Then: the 'functional user' is added to the HTTP sessionm the productaanvraag service is invoked and a 'no content' response is returned ‑ Then: the CMMN case is successfully deleted, the zaak is removed from the search index, any signaleringen related to the zaak are deleted and a screen event is sent ‑ Then: the informatieobject is added to the search index and a screen event is sent ‑ Then: the zaaktype aanvraag service is invoked and a 'no content' response is returned ‑ Then: length is correct