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This repository contains the reference Fluentd plugin for the InfluxDB 2.0.

Note: This plugin is for use with InfluxDB 2.x. For InfluxDB 1.x instances, please use the fluent-plugin-influxdb plugin.



The plugin is bundled as a gem and is hosted on Rubygems. You can install the gem as follows:

fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-influxdb-v2 -v 1.10.0



Store Fluentd event to InfluxDB 2 database.


Option Description Type Default
url InfluxDB URL to connect to (ex. https://localhost:8086). String https://localhost:8086
token Access Token used for authenticating/authorizing the InfluxDB request sent by client. String
use_ssl Turn on/off SSL for HTTP communication. bool true
verify_mode Sets the flags for the certification verification at beginning of SSL/TLS session. "#{OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE}" or "#{OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER}" none
bucket Specifies the destination bucket for writes. String
org Specifies the destination organization for writes. String
measurement The name of the measurement. If not specified, Fluentd's tag is used. String nil
tag_keys The list of record keys that are stored in InfluxDB as 'tag'. Array []
tag_fluentd Specifies if the Fluentd's event tag is included into InfluxDB tags (ex. 'fluentd=system.logs'). bool false
field_keys The list of record keys that are stored in InfluxDB as 'field'. If it's not specified than as fields are used all record keys. Array []
field_cast_to_float Turn on/off auto casting Integer value to Float. Helper to avoid mismatch error: 'series type mismatch: already Integer but got Float'. bool false
time_precision The time precision of timestamp. You should specify either second (s), millisecond (ms), microsecond (us), or nanosecond (ns). String ns
time_key A name of the record key that used as a 'timestamp' instead of event timestamp. If a record key doesn't exists or hasn't value then is used event timestamp. String nil
line_protocol_key A name of the record key that contains LineProtocol. The value of this key is used for ingesting data into InfluxDB. If a record key doesn't exists or hasn't value then is used event timestamp. String nil
Minimal configuration
<match influxdb2.**>
    @type influxdb2

    # InfluxDB URL to connect to (ex. https://localhost:8086).
    url             https://localhost:8086
    # Access Token used for authenticating/authorizing the InfluxDB request sent by client.
    token           my-token

    # Specifies the destination bucket for writes.
    bucket          my-bucket
    # Specifies the destination organization for writes.
    org             my-org
Full configuration
<match influxdb2.**>
    @type influxdb2

    # InfluxDB URL to connect to (ex. https://localhost:8086).
    url                     https://localhost:8086
    # Access Token used for authenticating/authorizing the InfluxDB request sent by client.
    token                   my-token
    # Turn on/off SSL for HTTP communication.
    use_ssl                 true
    # Sets the flags for the certification verification at beginning of SSL/TLS session.
    # For more info see -
    verify_mode             "#{OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE}"

    # Specifies the destination bucket for writes.
    bucket                  my-bucket
    # Specifies the destination organization for writes.
    org                     my-org

    # The name of the measurement. If not specified, Fluentd's tag is used. 
    measurement             h2o
    # The list of record keys that are stored in InfluxDB as 'tag'.
    tag_keys                ["location", "type"]
    # Specifies if the Fluentd's event tag is included into InfluxDB tags (ex. 'fluentd=system.logs).'
    tag_fluentd             true
    # The list of record keys that are stored in InfluxDB as 'field'. 
    # If it's not specified than as fields are used all record keys.
    field_keys              ["value"]
    # Turn on/off auto casting Integer value to Float. 
    # Helper to avoid mismatch error: 'series type mismatch: already Integer but got Float'.
    field_cast_to_float     true

    # The time precision of timestamp. You should specify either second (s), millisecond (ms), 
    # microsecond (us), or nanosecond (ns).
    time_precision          s
    # A name of the record key that used as a 'timestamp' instead of event timestamp.
    # If a record key doesn't exists or hasn't value then is used event timestamp.	
    time_key                time


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.