This repository contains the reference Fluentd plugin for the InfluxDB 2.0.
Note: This plugin is for use with InfluxDB 2.x. For InfluxDB 1.x instances, please use the fluent-plugin-influxdb plugin.
The plugin is bundled as a gem and is hosted on Rubygems. You can install the gem as follows:
fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-influxdb-v2 -v 1.10.0
Store Fluentd event to InfluxDB 2 database.
Option | Description | Type | Default |
url | InfluxDB URL to connect to (ex. https://localhost:8086). | String | https://localhost:8086 |
token | Access Token used for authenticating/authorizing the InfluxDB request sent by client. | String | |
use_ssl | Turn on/off SSL for HTTP communication. | bool | true |
verify_mode | Sets the flags for the certification verification at beginning of SSL/TLS session. | "#{OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE}" or "#{OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER}" |
none |
bucket | Specifies the destination bucket for writes. | String | |
org | Specifies the destination organization for writes. | String | |
measurement | The name of the measurement. If not specified, Fluentd's tag is used. | String | nil |
tag_keys | The list of record keys that are stored in InfluxDB as 'tag'. | Array | [] |
tag_fluentd | Specifies if the Fluentd's event tag is included into InfluxDB tags (ex. 'fluentd=system.logs'). | bool | false |
field_keys | The list of record keys that are stored in InfluxDB as 'field'. If it's not specified than as fields are used all record keys. | Array | [] |
field_cast_to_float | Turn on/off auto casting Integer value to Float. Helper to avoid mismatch error: 'series type mismatch: already Integer but got Float'. | bool | false |
time_precision | The time precision of timestamp. You should specify either second (s), millisecond (ms), microsecond (us), or nanosecond (ns). | String | ns |
time_key | A name of the record key that used as a 'timestamp' instead of event timestamp. If a record key doesn't exists or hasn't value then is used event timestamp. | String | nil |
line_protocol_key | A name of the record key that contains LineProtocol. The value of this key is used for ingesting data into InfluxDB. If a record key doesn't exists or hasn't value then is used event timestamp. | String | nil |
<match influxdb2.**>
@type influxdb2
# InfluxDB URL to connect to (ex. https://localhost:8086).
url https://localhost:8086
# Access Token used for authenticating/authorizing the InfluxDB request sent by client.
token my-token
# Specifies the destination bucket for writes.
bucket my-bucket
# Specifies the destination organization for writes.
org my-org
<match influxdb2.**>
@type influxdb2
# InfluxDB URL to connect to (ex. https://localhost:8086).
url https://localhost:8086
# Access Token used for authenticating/authorizing the InfluxDB request sent by client.
token my-token
# Turn on/off SSL for HTTP communication.
use_ssl true
# Sets the flags for the certification verification at beginning of SSL/TLS session.
# For more info see -
verify_mode "#{OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE}"
# Specifies the destination bucket for writes.
bucket my-bucket
# Specifies the destination organization for writes.
org my-org
# The name of the measurement. If not specified, Fluentd's tag is used.
measurement h2o
# The list of record keys that are stored in InfluxDB as 'tag'.
tag_keys ["location", "type"]
# Specifies if the Fluentd's event tag is included into InfluxDB tags (ex. 'fluentd=system.logs).'
tag_fluentd true
# The list of record keys that are stored in InfluxDB as 'field'.
# If it's not specified than as fields are used all record keys.
field_keys ["value"]
# Turn on/off auto casting Integer value to Float.
# Helper to avoid mismatch error: 'series type mismatch: already Integer but got Float'.
field_cast_to_float true
# The time precision of timestamp. You should specify either second (s), millisecond (ms),
# microsecond (us), or nanosecond (ns).
time_precision s
# A name of the record key that used as a 'timestamp' instead of event timestamp.
# If a record key doesn't exists or hasn't value then is used event timestamp.
time_key time
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.