Wassenger SMS Transport Integration for >= Mautic 2.13 Integration is just another SMS transport along with core Twillio or Plivo https://github.com/mtcextendee/mautic-plivo-bundle
For more info about Wassenger follow https://www.wassenger.com/
composer require mtcextendee/mautic-wassenger-bundle
php app/console mautic:plugins:reload
- Go to Mautic > Settings > Plugins
- You should see new Wassenger integration
- Active integration and setup it
- Authentication credentials can be found at
- Then go to Configuration > Text message settings and select Wassenger SMS as default transport to use
- For more info about text message Mautic support, follow docs https://www.mautic.org/docs/en/sms/index.html
- Plugins from Mautic Extendee Family https://mtcextendee.com/plugins
- Mautic themes https://mtcextendee.com/themes