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infinition edited this page Jul 5, 2024 · 1 revision NetworkScanner

This document describes the detailed step-by-step process of how the NetworkScanner class works, including the specific methods, classes, and functions used at each step.

Initialization and Start of Scan

Creating NetworkScanner Instance

  • Code:
    self.scanner = NetworkScanner(self.shared_data)
  • Purpose: Initializes the NetworkScanner with shared data.

Starting the Scan

  • Code:
    with self.semaphore:
  • Purpose: Acquires a semaphore to limit the number of concurrent threads and calls the scan method to start the scanning process.

NetworkScanner Class

__init__ Method

  • Purpose: Initializes various attributes such as shared_data, logger, console, semaphore, and nmap.PortScanner.

scan Method

  • Purpose: Main method that coordinates the entire scanning process.
  • Key Steps:
    1. Set scanner status.
    2. Call get_network to retrieve network information.
    3. Initialize ScanPorts and start scanning ports.
    4. Call update_netkb to update the network knowledge base.
    5. Optionally call display_csv to display results.
    6. Use LiveStatusUpdater to update live status and clean scan results.

get_network Method

  • Purpose: Retrieves the network's default gateway and subnet.

get_mac_address Method

  • Purpose: Retrieves the MAC address for a given IP and hostname.

check_if_csv_scan_file_exists Method

  • Purpose: Prepares necessary CSV files for the scan.

sort_and_write_csv Method

  • Purpose: Sorts and writes the scanned results to a CSV file.

update_netkb Method

  • Purpose: Updates the network knowledge base with scan results.

display_csv Method

  • Purpose: Displays the CSV file content using the Rich library for enhanced visualization.

ScanPorts Class

__init__ Method

  • Purpose: Initializes attributes including file paths, lists for IP data, and open ports.

scan_network_and_write_to_csv Method

  • Purpose: Scans the network and writes the results to a CSV file.
  • Key Steps:
    1. Call check_if_csv_scan_file_exists to prepare CSV files.
    2. Use nmap to scan the network for live hosts.
    3. Start threads to scan each host.

scan_host Method

  • Purpose: Scans a specific host to check if it is alive and retrieves its hostname and MAC address.

start Method

  • Purpose: Starts the network and port scanning process.

PortScanner Class

__init__ Method

  • Purpose: Initializes the PortScanner with the target IP, open ports list, and port ranges.

scan Method

  • Purpose: Uses sockets to check if a specific port is open.

start Method

  • Purpose: Starts scanning ports within the specified range and additional ports using threads.

scan_with_semaphore Method

  • Purpose: Scans a port using a semaphore to limit concurrent threads.

LiveStatusUpdater Class

__init__ Method

  • Purpose: Initializes the LiveStatusUpdater with source and output CSV paths.

read_csv Method

  • Purpose: Reads the source CSV file into a DataFrame.

calculate_open_ports Method

  • Purpose: Calculates the total number of open ports for alive hosts.

calculate_hosts_counts Method

  • Purpose: Calculates the total and alive host counts.

save_results Method

  • Purpose: Saves the calculated results to the output CSV file.

update_livestatus Method

  • Purpose: Updates the live status of hosts and saves the results.

clean_scan_results Method

  • Purpose: Cleans up old scan result files.


  1. Create NetworkScanner Instance:

    scanner = NetworkScanner(shared_data)
  2. Start the Scan:

    with scanner.semaphore:


The NetworkScanner class orchestrates a comprehensive network scanning process, using various helper methods and classes to:

  • Retrieve network information.
  • Scan the network for live hosts and open ports.
  • Update and display scan results.
  • Maintain a network knowledge base and live status of hosts.

This detailed breakdown should help in understanding the functioning and usage of the NetworkScanner class.