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chore: update release notes for publish 1.29.0-1992 #31

chore: update release notes for publish 1.29.0-1992

chore: update release notes for publish 1.29.0-1992 #31

name: 'commit-message-check'
name: check-subject
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: check-subject-type
uses: gsactions/commit-message-checker@v2
checkAllCommitMessages: 'true' # optional: this checks all commits associated with a pull request
excludeDescription: 'true' # optional: this excludes the description body of a pull request
accessToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
pattern: '^(change:|feat:|improve:|perf:|dep:|docs:|test:|ci:|style:|refactor:|fix:|fixdoc:|fixup:|merge|Merge|update|Update|bumpver:|chore:|build:) .+$'
flags: 'gm'
error: |
Subject line has to contain a commit type, e.g.: "chore: blabla" or a merge commit e.g.: "merge xxx".
Valid types are:
change - API breaking change
feat - API compatible new feature
improve - Become better without functional changes
perf - Performance improvement
dep - dependency update
docs - docs update
test - test udpate
ci - CI workflow update
refactor - refactor without function change.
fix - fix bug
fixdoc - fix doc
fixup - minor change: e.g., fix sth mentioned in a review.
bumpver - Bump to a new version.
chore - Nothing important.
build - bot: dependabot.