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Extract python code from Dynamo graphs

Use cases:

  • Track changes in python nodes in source control systems like git
  • Work on python code in your favorite code editor outside Dynamo. dyn2py can also update Dynamo graphs from previously exported python files.


Windows portable and installer

Prebuilt portable exe and installer available from github releases.

No requirements, just download dyn2py.exe or dyn2py-installer.exe from release assets:

Installer automatically adds the install folder to the path, so simply dyn2py can be called from anywhere.

With pip

For usage as a module or as a command line program

Requirements: python, pip

pip install dyn2py


As a standalone command line program

> dyn2py --help
usage: dyn2py [-h] [-v] [-l LOGLEVEL] [-n] [-F] [-b] [-f {py,dyn}] [-u] [-p path/to/folder] [source ...]

Extract python code from Dynamo graphs

positional arguments:
  source                path to a Dynamo graph, a python script or a folder containing them

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -l LOGLEVEL, --loglevel LOGLEVEL
                        set log level, possible options: HEADLESS, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG
  -n, --dry-run         do not modify files, only show log
  -F, --force           overwrite even if the files are older
  -b, --backup          create a backup for updated files
  -f {py,dyn}, --filter {py,dyn}
                        only check python or Dynamo graphs, skip the others, useful for folders

dynamo options, only for processing Dynamo graphs:
  -u, --update          update Dynamo graph from python scripts in the same folder
  -p path/to/folder, --python-folder path/to/folder
                        extract python scripts to this folder, read python scripts from here with --update

The script by default overwrites older files with newer files.
Do not move the source Dynamo graphs, or update won't work with them later.
Multiple sources are supported, separate them by spaces.
HEADLESS loglevel only prints modified filenames.


Notes: In Windows cmd use backward slashes as path separators, in any other shells use forward slashes. Powershell accepts both of them. Wrap paths with spaces in double quotes.

# Extract all nodes next to a Dynamo file:
dyn2py path/to/dynamofile.dyn

# Update a Dynamo file from previously exported and modified python files:
dyn2py --update path/to/dynamofile.dyn

# Extract python nodes to a specific folder, process multiple Dynamo files:
dyn2py --python-folder path/to/pythonfiles path/to/dynamofile1.dyn path/to/dynamofile2.dyn

# Update Dynamo files from python files from a folder. Only check python files, create backups:
dyn2py --filter py --backup path/to/pythonfiles

Git hooks

Git hooks are a built-in feature of Git that allow developers to automate tasks throughout the Git workflow. Read more here:

With the pre-commit hook it's possible to add more files to the currently initialized commit.

You can find an example pre-commit hook here: pre-commit. Copy this file to the .git/hooks folder of your repo of Dynamo graphs. This folder is hidden by default, but it should exist in all initialized git repo. Do not rename this file.

This script will go through staged .dyn files and export python scripts from them, and add them to the current commit. Now you can check changed lines in a diff tool, you can see changed python code in a PR!

As a python module

Full API documentation available here:


Extract all nodes from python nodes next to a Dynamo file:

import dyn2py

# Open a Dynamo graph:
dynamo_file = dyn2py.DynamoFile("path/to/dynamofile.dyn")

# Extract python nodes:

# Save all python nodes as separate files:

Update python node from a python file:

import dyn2py

# Open a python file:
python_file = dyn2py.PythonFile("path/to/")

# Update the node in the graph:

# Save modified Dynamo graph:

Update all python nodes of a Dynamo grapg from a different folder, save backups:

import dyn2py

# open a Dynamo graph:
dynamo_file = dyn2py.DynamoFile("path/to/dynamofile.dyn")

# Get python files from a dofferent folder:
python_files = dynamo_file.get_related_python_files(python_folder="path/to/pythonfiles")

# Read python files and update the graph:
[python_file.update_dynamo() for python_file in python_files]

# Save open Dynamo graphs:

For more examples check tests in the tests folder on Github

They should work in Dynamo, inside CPython3 nodes.


If you have a problem, open an issue on Github

You can also ask about this project on Dynamo Forum, don't forget to ping me: @infeeeee


Only supports Dynamo 2 files, Dynamo 1 files are reported and ignored. Please update them to Dynamo 2 by opening them in Dynamo 2.

Both IronPython2 and CPython3 nodes are supported! IronPython2 nodes won't be updated to CPython3, they will be imported as-is.

Cannot create new python nodes, only existing ones can be updated.



Requirements: git, python, pip

git clone
cd dyn2py
pip install -e .

With venv:

git clone
cd dyn2py
python -m venv .venv
. ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .

Build for Windows

pip install -e .[build]
pyinstaller dyn2py.spec

Create installer for Windows

Live module documentation

pip install -e .[doc]
pdoc -d google dyn2py

Unit tests

VSCode should automatically discover unit tests.

To run them manually:

python -m unittest discover -v -s ./tests -p "test_*.py"

New release

  1. Update version number in pyproject.toml
  2. Create and publish a git tag with that number

