This ns-3 code is based on the work proposed in the paper:
[1] A. Ichkov, A. Schott, P. Mähönen and L. Simić, 'flexRLM: Flexible Radio Link Monitoring for Multi-User Downlink Millimeter-Wave Networks', in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2023, May 2023.
This code enables multi-user downlink millimeter-wave end-to-end network simulations utilizing 5G-NR standard-compliant beam management downlink operations. It is based on the flexRLM framework, a coordinator-based flexible radio link monitoring (RLM) framework that enables joint beam management and low complexity load-balancing in multi-user mm-wave downlink networks.
If you use this module in your research, please cite [1].
The code for the framework and the default models provided by ns-3 is built as a set of libraries. User simulations are expected to be written as simple programs that make use of these ns-3 libraries.
To build the set of default libraries and the example programs included in this package, you need to use the tool 'waf':
./waf configure --disable-werror
./waf build
in the directory which contains this README file. The files built will be copied in the build/ directory.
The flexRLM ns-3 framework is built as an extension to the ns-3 5G-LENA module, which is a pluggable module to the ns-3 base simulator.
On recent Linux systems, once you have built ns-3, it should be easy to run the sample program with the following command:
./waf --run
The simulation results generated by this program can be found in /out/test/.
This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2, as like as ns-3. See the LICENSE file for more details.