INDIGO IAM Dashboard is the web application of INDIGO IAM developed by INFN.
The dashboard is implemented in TypeScript, using React and Next.js. OpenID Connect/OAuth2 authorization flow is handled by Auth.js.
In order to run the web application, working INDIGO IAM instance is required.
The dashboard acts as a INDIGO IAM Login Service client and thus, registering the client is required to receive an access token.
To register a new client, go to the chosen INDIGO IAM instance, login as admin and create a new client with the configuration described below.
In the client main page, add all needed redirect uris, in the form of
(without the trailing /
To enable development of the dashboard on your local machine, the redirect uri must be
For a production deployment, the redirect uri will be, for example
where is the URL where the dashboard is located.
In the Scopes tab, assure that the following scopes are enabled
In the Grant Types tab, enable authorization_code
Finally, in the Crypto section, enable PKCE with SHA-256 has algorithm.
To launch the development environment, an installation of Node.js is the only mandatory requirement. This project currently relies upon Node 22 LTS.
Create a file named .env
located to the project root directory and define the
following variables:
# .env
IAM_AUTHORITY_URL= # or http://localhost:8081
IAM_SCOPES="openid profile scim:read scim:write iam:admin.write"
AUTH_SECRET=<authentication_secret> # see below
is a variable to securely protect session cookies
for authentication. You could generate a secret running
openssl rand -base64 32
Note this is considered a sensitive credentials do decrypt session cookies and thus the Access Token. Do not share the secret especially the once generated for production deployment.
First install the required dependencies with
npm run install
and then start the Next.js development server running
npm run dev
Something similar to the following should be prompted:
> [email protected] dev
> next dev
▲ Next.js 14.2.2
- Local: http://localhost:3000
- Environments: .env
✓ Starting...
✓ Ready in 9.5s
The dashboard is then available at http://localhost:3000.
A Docker image is automatically built using GitHub Action.
The same environment variables are required, plus the AUTH_URL
variable. The
latter is need when the application is behind a docker image or proxy which
hides the current hostname.
Create the following environment file, giving your preferred name, for example
# prod.env
IAM_SCOPES="openid profile scim:read scim:write iam:admin.write"
AUTH_URL=<dashboard_hostname> # e.g.
To start the application run
docker run -p <some-port>:80 --env-file=prod.env cnafsoftwaredevel/iam-dashboard:latest
- Sudo mode (panic!)
- Add Table component
- Validate password before submission
- What happens if I change password when there is no password at all?
- Finish the "Add to group" functionality
- Add "Change membership end time"
- Add "Link external account" feature
- Add "Link Certificate"
- Add "Request Certificate"
- Add "Add managed proxy certificate"
- Add "Add ssh key"
- Add "Set attribute"
- Create the users table
- Add "Delete user" button per each row
- Maybe add a multiple selection to delete multiple users in bulk
- Create the groups page
- Add "Add Root Group" feature
- Add "Add Subgroup" button per each row
- Add "Delete Group" button per each row
- Create "Registration Request" tab
- Create "Group requests" tab
- Add "Edit AUP"
- Add "Request AUP Signature"
- Add "Delete AUP"
- Add Clients table
- Add "New Client"
- Add "Edit client" per each row
- Add "Delete client" per each row
- Add Client "edit" page with tabs (todo, form submission):
- Main (client name, client id, client description, redirect URIs, contacts, etc)
- Credentials (Token endpoint auth method, client secret, registration access token, regenerate registration a.c., Public key set, JWK URI)
- Scopes (System scope, Custom scope)
- Grant types
- Tokens (A.T. timeout, ID T. timeout, R.T settings & timeout, Device code timeout)
- Crypto (PKCE settings)
- Other info (Homepage URL, ToS, Policy)
- Owners (Show owners, assign owner)
- Add Scopes table
- Add "Edit Scope" button per each row (Description, default scope, restricted)
- Add "Delete scope" button per each row