Release v2.8.0
14 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
What's Changed
- 🗑️ Remove unused code with ts-prune #800
- ✨ Lazy load iframe added by our iframe scripts #805
- 🐛 fix modale “sauvegarder son test”
- ⬆️ use nosgestesclimat 3.5.0
- ✨ Activate beta.gouv Matomo (#803)
- 🐛 Fix wrong content being displayed upon groups and orga fetching (#809)
- ✨ Re-add restart button on landing pages (#811)
- ✨ Stats: MAJ boards metabase (NGC-1517) (#812)
- 🔥 actions/plus pages (NGC-1544) (#793)
- 🐛 Fix organisation link in Header not fetching data (#818)
- 🐛 priority only applies on applicable question (NGC-1563) (#816)
- ♻️ Remove lazy loading from our iframe scripts (#820)
- ✨ Add new blog homepage, category and article pages (#789)
- ✨ New footer (#824)
- ⬆️ use nosgestesclimat 3.5.1 (#823)
Full Changelog: v2.6.1...v2.8.0