- react
- axios
- react-dnd
- redux
- final-form / react-final-form
- immutability-helper
- styled-components
You can use any additonal library you want
The design is provided at specs/
Design is created with Adobe XD. The export is a lil bit blury.
In github you can star repositories you like and you want to view later. The star process is very idiomatic and you cannot group your starred repositories.
The application should group repositories by categories in self created lists.
- You can search for repositories and add them to a global list
- You can additional create new lists by typing a category name
- You can move repositories around to another lists
- The repositories are stored in local storage
- should work in chrome, when you get it in IE11 your king :D
- Your search will consider repositories and peoples/organisations
- you can delete entries
- when you scroll in a list the heading of the list will be docked on top
npm run development