To share "how to read and write driver modules with python". Devices and drivers are different for each users, so please read it for reference only.
This project does not include "device driver, modules, any other files". if you needed to get device drivers, connect manufactures or make yourself.
I checked this code run at my target board, so you should fix to fit your target board.
#target board settings: raspberry pi 3 b+, raspberry pi os(64-bit)
This project was created assuming a digital door lock. !!!NOT A REAL DIGITAL DOOR LOCK SOURCE CODE!!!
The creator(me) take no responsibility for this project. If there is a problem with the license, please contact us and we will correct or delete it.
이 프로젝트는 파이썬으로 디바이스 드라이버를 불러오고, 디바이스 장치를 사용하는 방법에 대해 참고용으로 올려놓은 파일입니다.
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#타겟 보드 세팅: raspberry pi 3 b+, raspberry pi os(64-bit)
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