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…ially toCat in CategoryAutomation.
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wjbs committed Mar 10, 2024
1 parent b9b3c46 commit 1cd3c0d
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,989 additions and 14 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions ViCaR/Classes/BraidedMonoidal.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,4 +53,11 @@ Class BraidedMonoidalCategory (C : Type) `{MonoidalCategory C} : Type := {
Notation "'B_' x , y" := (braiding x y) (at level 39, no associativity).

Definition MonoidalCategory_of_BraidedMonoidalCategory
{C : Type} `{BraidedMonoidalCategory C} : MonoidalCategory C
:= _.
Coercion MonoidalCategory_of_BraidedMonoidalCategory
: BraidedMonoidalCategory >-> MonoidalCategory.

Local Close Scope Cat.
39 changes: 37 additions & 2 deletions ViCaR/Classes/Category.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Declare Scope Cat_scope.
Delimit Scope Cat_scope with Cat.
Local Open Scope Cat.

Reserved Notation "A ~> B" (at level 50).
Reserved Notation "A ~> B" (at level 55).
Reserved Notation "f ≃ g" (at level 60).
Reserved Notation "A ≅ B" (at level 60).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,8 +37,43 @@ Class Category (C : Type) : Type := {
right_unit {A B : C} {f : A ~> B} : compose f (c_identity B) ≃ f;

(* Notations didn't work with:
Class Category (C : Type) (morphism : C -> C -> Type)
(equiv : forall {A B : C}, relation (morphism A B))
(compose : forall {A B M : C}, morphism A B -> morphism B M -> morphism A M)
(c_identity : forall (A : C), morphism A A)
: Type := {
(* where "A ~> B" := (morphism A B); *)
(* Morphism equivalence *)
(* where "f ≃ g" := (equiv f g) : Cat_scope; *)
equiv_rel {A B : C} : equivalence (morphism A B) equiv
where "A ~> B" := (morphism A B);
(* Object equivalence
obj_equiv : relation C
where "A ≅ B" := (obj_equiv A B) : Cat_scope;
obj_equiv_rel : equivalence C obj_equiv; *)
compose_compat {A B M : C} :
forall (f g : A ~> B), equiv f g ->
forall (h j : B ~> M), equiv h j ->
equiv (compose f h) (compose g j)
where "f ≃ g" := (equiv f g) : Cat_scope;
assoc {A B M N : C}
{f : A ~> B} {g : B ~> M} {h : M ~> N} :
compose (compose f g) h ≃ compose f (compose g h);
left_unit {A B : C} {f : A ~> B} : compose (c_identity A) f ≃ f;
right_unit {A B : C} {f : A ~> B} : compose f (c_identity B) ≃ f;

Notation "'id_' A" := (c_identity A) (at level 10, no associativity).
Notation "A ~> B" := (morphism A B) : Cat_scope.
Notation "A ~> B" := (morphism A B) (at level 55, no associativity) : Cat_scope.
Notation "f ≃ g" := (equiv f g) : Cat_scope. (* \simeq *)
Infix "∘" := compose (at level 40, left associativity) : Cat_scope. (* \circ *)

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305 changes: 305 additions & 0 deletions ViCaR/Classes/CategoryAutomation.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
Require Export CategoryTypeclass.

Ltac assert_not_dup x :=
(* try match goal with *)
try match goal with
| f := ?T : ?T', g := ?T : ?T' |- _ => tryif unify x f then fail 2 else fail 1

Ltac saturate_instances class :=
(progress repeat (
let x:= fresh in let o := open_constr:(class _) in
unshelve evar (x:o); [typeclasses eauto|];
(* let t:= type of x in idtac x ":" t; *) assert_not_dup x))
|| (progress repeat (
let x:= fresh in let o := open_constr:(class _ _) in
unshelve evar (x:o); [typeclasses eauto|]; assert_not_dup x))
|| (progress repeat (
let x:= fresh in let o := open_constr:(class _ _ _) in
unshelve evar (x:o); [typeclasses eauto|]; assert_not_dup x))
|| (progress repeat (
let x:= fresh in let o := open_constr:(class _ _ _ _) in
unshelve evar (x:o); [typeclasses eauto|]; assert_not_dup x))
|| (progress repeat (
let x:= fresh in let o := open_constr:(class _ _ _ _ _) in
unshelve evar (x:o); [typeclasses eauto|]; assert_not_dup x))
|| (progress repeat (
let x:= fresh in let o := open_constr:(class _ _ _ _ _ _) in
unshelve evar (x:o); [typeclasses eauto|]; assert_not_dup x))
|| idtac.

Ltac fold_Category cC :=
match type of cC with Category ?C =>
let catify f := constr:(@f C cC) in
let base_fn f := (let raw := catify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let cat_fold f :=
(let base := base_fn @f in
let catted := catify @f in
change base with catted in *) in
try cat_fold @morphism; (* has issues, e.g., with ZX -
might be fixable, but likely not necessary*)
cat_fold @compose;
cat_fold @c_identity;
let cid := base_fn @c_identity in
(repeat progress (
let H := fresh in let x := fresh in evar (x : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let cidx := eval cbn in (cid x') in
pose (eq_refl : cidx = cC.(c_identity) x') as H;
erewrite H; clear x H));
let eqbase := base_fn @equiv in
let eqcat := catify @equiv in
change eqbase with eqcat; (* I think this is a no-op *)
repeat (progress match goal with
|- eqbase ?A ?B ?f ?g
=> change (eqbase A B f g) with (eqcat A B f g)
try let H' := fresh in
enough (H':(@equiv _ _ _ _ _ _)) by (eapply H')

Ltac fold_all_categories :=
saturate_instances Category;
repeat match goal with
| x := ?cC : Category ?C |- _ => (* idtac x ":=" cC ": Category" C ; *)
fold_Category cC; subst x
(* | x : Category ?C |- _ => idtac x; fold_Category x; subst x *)

Ltac fold_MonoidalCategory mC :=
match type of mC with @MonoidalCategory ?C ?cC =>
let catify f := constr:(@f C cC) in
let mcatify f := constr:(@f C cC mC) in
let base_fn f :=
(let t := eval cbn in f in constr:(t)) in
let cbase_fn f := (let raw := catify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let mbase_fn f := (let raw := mcatify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let f_fold f :=
(let base := base_fn @f in
change base with f) in
let cat_fold f :=
(let base := cbase_fn @f in
let catted := catify @f in
change base with catted in *) in
let mcat_fold f :=
(let base := mbase_fn @f in
let catted := mcatify @f in
change base with catted in *) in
let tens := mbase_fn @tensor in
let ob_base := base_fn (@obj2_map C C C cC cC cC tens) in
change ob_base with mC.(tensor).(obj2_map);
let mor_base := base_fn (@morphism2_map C C C cC cC cC tens) in
change mor_base with (@morphism2_map C C C cC cC cC mC.(tensor))
(* (@tensor C cC mC).(@morphism2_map C C C cC cC cC) *);
mcat_fold @I;
let lunit := mbase_fn @left_unitor in
repeat progress (
let H := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (x : C); (* TODO: Test this - last I tried it was uncooperative *)
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let lunitx := eval cbn in ((lunit x').(forward)) in
pose (eq_refl : lunitx = (mC.(left_unitor) (A:=x')).(forward)) as H;
erewrite H; clear x H);
let runit := mbase_fn @right_unitor in
repeat progress (
let H := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (x : C); (* TODO: Test this - last I tried it was uncooperative *)
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let runitx := eval cbn in ((runit x').(forward)) in
pose (eq_refl : runitx = (mC.(right_unitor) (A:=x')).(forward)) as H;
erewrite H; clear x H)

Ltac fold_all_monoidal_categories :=
saturate_instances MonoidalCategory;
repeat match goal with
| x := ?mC : MonoidalCategory ?C |- _ => (* idtac x ":=" cC ": Category" C ; *)
fold_MonoidalCategory mC; subst x
(* | x : Category ?C |- _ => idtac x; fold_Category x; subst x *)

Ltac fold_BraidedMonoidalCategory bC :=
match type of bC with @BraidedMonoidalCategory ?C ?cC ?mC =>
let catify f := constr:(@f C cC) in
let mcatify f := constr:(@f C cC mC) in
let bcatify f := constr:(@f C cC mC bC) in
let base_fn f :=
(let t := eval cbn in f in constr:(t)) in
let cbase_fn f := (let raw := catify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let mbase_fn f := (let raw := mcatify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let bbase_fn f := (let raw := bcatify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let f_fold f :=
(let base := base_fn @f in
change base with f) in
let cat_fold f :=
(let base := cbase_fn @f in
let catted := catify @f in
change base with catted in *) in
let mcat_fold f :=
(let base := mbase_fn @f in
let catted := mcatify @f in
change base with catted in *) in
let bcat_fold f :=
(let base := bbase_fn @f in
let catted := bcatify @f in
change base with catted in *) in
let braid := bbase_fn @braiding in
let braidbase := constr:(ltac:(first [exact (ltac:(eval unfold braid in braid)) | exact braid])) in
let braidforw := eval cbn in
(fun A B => (braidbase.(component2_iso) A B).(forward)) in
repeat progress (let H := fresh in let y := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (y : C); evar (x : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in let y' := eval unfold y in y in
let braidforwxy := eval cbn in (braidforw x' y') in
pose (eq_refl : braidforwxy =
(bC.(braiding).(component2_iso) x' y').(forward)) as H;
erewrite H; clear x y H);

let braidrev := eval cbn in
(fun A B => (braidbase.(component2_iso) A B).(reverse)) in
repeat progress (let H := fresh in let y := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (y : C); evar (x : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in let y' := eval unfold y in y in
let braidrevxy := eval cbn in (braidrev x' y') in
pose (eq_refl : braidrevxy =
(bC.(braiding).(component2_iso) x' y').(reverse)) as H;
erewrite H; clear x y H)

Ltac fold_all_braided_monoidal_categories :=
saturate_instances BraidedMonoidalCategory;
repeat match goal with
| x := ?bC : BraidedMonoidalCategory ?C |- _ =>
fold_BraidedMonoidalCategory bC; subst x

Ltac fold_CompactClosedCategory ccC :=
match type of ccC with @CompactClosedCategory ?C ?cC ?mC ?bC ?sC =>
let catify f := constr:(@f C cC) in
let mcatify f := constr:(@f C cC mC) in
let bcatify f := constr:(@f C cC mC bC) in
let cccatify f := constr:(@f C cC mC bC sC ccC) in
let base_fn f :=
(let t := eval cbn in f in constr:(t)) in
let cbase_fn f := (let raw := catify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let mbase_fn f := (let raw := mcatify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let bbase_fn f := (let raw := bcatify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let ccbase_fn f := (let raw := cccatify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let f_fold f :=
(let base := base_fn @f in
change base with f) in
let cat_fold f :=
(let base := cbase_fn @f in
let catted := catify @f in
change base with catted in *) in
let mcat_fold f :=
(let base := mbase_fn @f in
let catted := mcatify @f in
change base with catted in *) in
let bcat_fold f :=
(let base := bbase_fn @f in
let catted := bcatify @f in
change base with catted in *) in
let cccat_fold f :=
(let base := ccbase_fn @f in
let catted := cccatify @f in
change base with catted in *) in

let dua := ccbase_fn @dual in
(unify dua (@id C) (*; idtac "would loop" *) ) || (
repeat progress (
let H := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (x : C); (* TODO: Test this - last I tried it was uncooperative *)
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let duax := eval cbn in (dua x') in
pose (eq_refl : duax = ccC.(dual) x') as H;
erewrite H; clear x H));

cccat_fold @unit;
cccat_fold @counit;

let uni := ccbase_fn @unit in
repeat progress (let H := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (x : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let unix := eval cbn in (uni x') in
pose (eq_refl : unix =
ccC.(unit) (A:=x')) as H;
erewrite H; clear x H);

let couni := ccbase_fn @counit in
repeat progress (let H := fresh in let x := fresh in
evar (x : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let counix := eval cbn in (couni x') in
pose (eq_refl : counix =
ccC.(counit) (A:=x')) as H;
erewrite H; clear x H)

Ltac fold_all_compact_closed_categories :=
saturate_instances CompactClosedCategory;
repeat match goal with
| x := ?ccC : CompactClosedCategory ?C |- _ =>
fold_CompactClosedCategory ccC; subst x

Ltac fold_DaggerCategory dC :=
match type of dC with @DaggerCategory ?C ?cC =>
let catify f := constr:(@f C cC) in
let dcatify f := constr:(@f C cC dC) in
let base_fn f :=
(let t := eval cbn in f in constr:(t)) in
let cbase_fn f := (let raw := catify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let dbase_fn f := (let raw := dcatify f in
let t := eval cbn in raw in constr:(t)) in
let f_fold f :=
(let base := base_fn @f in
change base with f) in
let cat_fold f :=
(let base := cbase_fn @f in
let catted := catify @f in
change base with catted in *) in
let dcat_fold f :=
(let base := dbase_fn @f in
let catted := dcatify @f in
change base with catted in *) in

dcat_fold @adjoint;

let adj := dbase_fn @adjoint in
repeat progress (let H := fresh in
let x := fresh in let y := fresh in
evar (x : C); evar (y : C);
let x' := eval unfold x in x in
let y' := eval unfold y in y in
let adjxy := eval cbn in (adj x' y') in
pose (eq_refl : adjxy =
dC.(adjoint) (A:=x') (B:=y')) as H;
erewrite H; clear x y H)

Ltac fold_all_dagger_categories :=
saturate_instances DaggerCategory;
repeat match goal with
| x := ?dC : DaggerCategory ?C |- _ =>
fold_DaggerCategory dC; subst x

Ltac to_Cat :=
fold_all_categories; fold_all_monoidal_categories;
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions ViCaR/Classes/Monoidal.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -100,9 +100,11 @@ Class MonoidalCategory (C : Type) `{cC : Category C} : Type := {
Infix "×" := tensor (at level 40, left associativity) : Cat_scope. (* \times *)
Infix "⊗" := tensor.(morphism2_map) (at level 40, left associativity) (* : Cat_scope *) . (* \otimes *)
Notation "'λ_' x" := (@left_unitor x) (at level 30, no associativity). (* \lambda *)
Notation "'ρ_' x" := (@right_unitor x) (at level 30, no associativity). (* \rho *)
Notation "A '⊗' B" :=
(@morphism2_map _ _ _ _ _ _ (@tensor _ _ _) _ _ _ _ A B)
(at level 40, left associativity) (* : Cat_scope *) . (* \otimes *)
Notation "'λ_' x" := (@left_unitor _ _ _ x) (at level 30, no associativity). (* \lambda *)
Notation "'ρ_' x" := (@right_unitor _ _ _ x) (at level 30, no associativity). (* \rho *)

(* TODO: Conflicts with VyZX, I think. Or maybe QuantumLib.
Notation "A '⨂' B" := (@morphism2_map _ _ _ _ _ _ (tensor) _ _ _ _ A B)
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