Video Torrent Creator Application developed in NodeJS using TMDB API's and OMDB NPM Module.
** The project is developed and made open source for learning purpose. **
Creates a torrent package of video file that will include:
- video file (mp4, avi, mpeg, mov etc)
- info.json (Information of video or movie fetched from IMDB or TMDB as per parameters passed)
- 3 screenshots from actual video
- 1 official IMDB or TMDB poster
- .SRT (Sub title files) if found any
All the files will be packaged into one torrent file with best seeders and trackers online right now.
Usage (Development):
- git clone
- cd video-torrent-maker-imdb-tmdb
- npm install
- npm start "./directory_path_to_video_files" "imdb OR tmdb"
Command for TMDB: npm start "./directory_path_to_video_files" "tmdb" OR npm start "./directory_path_to_video_files" Command for IMDB: npm start "./directory_path_to_video_files" "imdb"
Usage (Executables): main-win.exe "./directory_path_to_video_files" "imdb OR tmdb"
- FFMPEG is required to extract screenshots from video file.
- Make sure to run with sudo or adminitrator privileges
- To all the contributers of npm module creators, TMDB, OMDB for providing such an amazing modules and helping the community.