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Chuck May edited this page Feb 4, 2019 · 9 revisions

A StagingSchema represents sets of specific staging instructions. Determining the schema to use for staging is based on primary site, histology and sometimes additional discrimator values. A StagingSchema includes the following information:

  • schema identifier (i.e. "prostate")
  • algorithm identifier (i.e. "cs")
  • algorithm version (i.e. "02.05.50")
  • name
  • title
  • subtitle
  • description and notes (contains Markdown)
  • schema selection criteria
  • input definitions describing the data needed for staging
  • output definitions describing the data produced from staging
  • list of table identifiers involved in the schema
  • a list of initial output values set at the start of staging
  • a list of mappings which represent the logic used to calculate staging output

To get a list of all schema identifiers,

Set<String> schemaIds = staging.getSchemaIds();

To get a single schema by identifer,

StagingSchema schema = staging.getSchema("prostate");

Internal structure

The schemas are represented internally by JSON files (which are the same JSON files that SEER*API provides). For example, here are all the schemas used for algorithm "cs" and version "02.05.50"

CS Schemas

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