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Laraval for Brunch

Laravel is a great framework for building sites in PHP. The power of composer is awesome. Brunch is a great way to assemble front-end components. This skeleton provides both in an initial configuration. Included in the configuration are presets to use Bower, SASS/Compass, and CoffeeScript. All of your code should be placed in app/ (see below for structure details). Configurations for the Bower, Brunch, Compass, Composer, PHPunit, and NPM are included in the root.

File Structure

/ Repository root
| app/ - Everything specific to your web application
| | assets/   - Static files which will be copied without modification to
| | |           public/
| | | assets/ - All assets for the application
| | | | font/ - Symlink to FontAwesome font directory
| | \_\_images/ - Static images (DataTables images are symlinked here)
| |
| | commands/ - Your commands for artisan go here
| | config/   - Laravel configuration files
| | controllers/ - Laravel controllers
| | css/ - Plain CSS files for your site. These will be joined in brunch and
| |        copied to public/assets/css
| | css-generated/ - CSS files generated from SASS/Compass. These will be
| |                  joined in brunch and copied to public/assets/css
| | database/ - Laravel database files
| | | migrations/ - Laravel database schema migration classes
| | \_seeds/      - Laravel database seeding classes
| |
| | js/ - JavaScript and CoffeeScript files for your site. These will be
| |       joined in brunch and copied to public/assets/css
| | lang/    - Laravel language/internationalization files
| | models/  - Laravel ORM models
| | sass/    - SASS/Compass files. These will be generated then joined in
| |            brunch before being copied to public/assets/css
| | start/   - Laravel post-bootstrap setup
| | storage/ - Where Laravel will dump generated views, logs, session data
| | tests/   - Put all of your unit, BDD, etc tests here
| \_views/   - Laravel Blade templates go here
| bootstrap/        - Laravel bootstrap setup
| bower_components/ - Where Bower will install its files. Brunch integrates
|                     with whatever is reported to Bower as a main file.
|                     Javascript and CSS will be joined in brunch and copied
|                     to public/assets/js or public/assets/css
| node_modules/     - Where Node/NPM will install its files. This is
|                     primarily for brunch plugins.
| public/           - The public root directory for your http server.
\_vendor/           - Where Composer will install its files.


The file structure is organised to make it quite painless to start over:

$ rm -rf app/css-generated public bower_components node_modules vendor composer.lock
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ composer install

Autoloading in Laravel

While Laravel does not require application models and controllers to be namespaced, I prefer to conform as much as possible to PSR-0. Composer is configured to autoload the app root namespace from the app/ directory (e.g. app/model/Page should exist at app/model/Page.php). Eventually, I hope to have everything autoloaded for the app namespace.


Base skeleton of Laravel and brunch






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