A Clojure wrapper around the JBoss AS7 "REST" management API.
Right now, the support is fairly basic. You can check to see if the server is up, shut it down, add a deployment, deploy said deployment, or remove said deployment.
You can use jboss-as.api/request
to call other management
operations. Pass it a URI like "http://localhost:9990/management".
(require '[jboss-as.management :as mgt])
;;; Create a server
(def server (mgt/create-server :jboss-home (System/getenv "JBOSS_HOME")))
;;; Start it up
(mgt/start server)
;;; Wait for it
(mgt/wait-for-ready? server)
;;; Deploy an app
(mgt/deploy server "my-deployment.clj" (.toUrl some-descriptor-file))
;;; See if it's deployed
(mgt/deployed? server "my-deployment.clj")
;;; Undeploy it
(mgt/undeploy server "my-deployment.clj")
;;; Shutdown the server
(mgt/stop server)
Copyright © 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.