Releases: immanuelfodor/shaarli-markdown-toolbar
Releases · immanuelfodor/shaarli-markdown-toolbar
Improvements 🚀
- Revert custom base path calculation after merge of shaarli/Shaarli#1558
Compatibility 🛡️
Tested with Shaarli 0.12.0
Bugfixes 🐛
- Ensure plugin resources loading from the right directory (subpath Shaarli install or version 0.12.0-beta new URLs)
Improvements 🚀
- Revert custom route normalization logic after merge of shaarli/Shaarli#1537
Compatibility 🛡️
Tested with Shaarli 0.12.0-beta
Improvements 🚀
- Implement necessary changes to be compatible with Shaarli v0.12.0-beta as it has introduced a major internal rewrite (shaarli/Shaarli#1511). This release should be backwards compatible with older Shaarli instances as well. (#4)
Compatibility 🛡️
Tested with Shaarli 0.12.0-beta
Improvements 🚀
- Now the plugin uses its own jQuery version in no-conflict mode and does not depend on other loaded Shaarli plugins (#1 by @ArthurHoaro)
Please clear browser cache after updating to this release.
Compatibility 🛡️
Tested from Shaarli 0.9.2 to 0.10.4
New features 🎉
- The first Shaarli Markdown Toolbar plugin version that is released to the community.
Compatibility 🛡️
Tested with Shaarli 0.9.2