- Красимир Етов - https://github.com/KrasimirEtov
- Иван Китуков - https://github.com/imkitukov
Smart Dormitory has some of the following functionalities:
- Continius integration:
- Authentication
- User can delete his own profile
- Sensor operations:
- Register
- Edit
- Delete
- Details
- Google Maps representation
- Real-Time notifications with SignalR
- Notifications history saving
- Handy admininistrator area with full feature set like:
- Assigning roles to different users
- Lock users
- Register/Edit/Delete sensor for a concrete user
- View Map of all registered sensors
- Add new measure types
- Hangfire Dashboard access
- Manipulate all user sensors
- ASP.NET Core - v2.2
- Entity Framework Core - v2.2
- Material Design for Boostrap 4 - v4.5.14
- Hangfire - v1.6.21
- jQuery - v3.3.1
- JustGage - v1.29
- Toastr - v2.1.4
- Moq - v4.10.1
- MS Test Framework - v1.4.0
- SignalR
- Razor Pages
- JavaScript
- Google Maps API