June 2024 release:
- new tools: NGSDExportIgvGeneTrack
- BamFilter: added parameter for maximum insert size
- NGSDAddVariantsGermline: now imports REs as well
- NGSDExportSamples: new paramters
. - SampleGender: new parameter
for long-read data. - SampleSimilarity: new parameter
for long-read data. - SampleSimilarity: new parameter
to make WES, WGS and lrGS results more comparable. - UpdHunter: new parameter
to write out a IGV track with informative variants. - VcfCalculatePRS: new parameter
and support for variants that are to be imputed independent of the sample genotype. - NGSD:
- added tables for somatic SVs: somatic_somatic_sv_callset, somatic_sv_deletion, somatic_sv_duplication, somatic_sv_insertion, somatic_sv_inversion, somatic_sv_translocation, somatic_report_configuration_sv
- added tables for repeat expansions: repeat_expansion, repeat_expansion_genotype, re_callset, report_configuration_re
- processed_sample table: added boolean
to flag samples for resequencing to increase depth/coverage
Note: Please do not use the auto-generated 'Source code' packages - they will not work!