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almost working, just have to debug TranslateTex
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imeckler committed Sep 23, 2014
1 parent 3963914 commit 183e8dd
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Showing 5 changed files with 85 additions and 48 deletions.
63 changes: 40 additions & 23 deletions Compile.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -126,16 +126,16 @@ paragraph = tag' "p" . pure
compileComment :: Comment FullLocation -> T.Text
compileComment (Comment mayName comm) =
div "comment"
(maybe id ((:) . div "name" . pure . compileTexBlock) mayName
[div "node-content" [paragraph $ compileTexBlock comm]])
(maybe id ((:) . div "name" . pure . compileBlock) mayName
[div "node-content" [paragraph $ compileBlock comm]])

compileTheoremStatement :: TheoremStatement FullLocation -> T.Text
compileTheoremStatement (AssumeProve assumps results) =
div "theorem-statement" [
tag' "h3" ["Assume"],
tag' "ul" (map (tag' "li" . pure . compileTexBlock) assumps),
tag' "ul" (map (tag' "li" . pure . compileBlock) assumps),
tag' "h3" ["Prove"],
tag' "ul" (map (tag' "li" . pure . compileTexBlock) results)
tag' "ul" (map (tag' "li" . pure . compileBlock) results)

maybeToList = maybe [] pure
Expand All @@ -154,14 +154,29 @@ compileSuchThat (SuchThat conds mayProof) =
maybeToList (compileProof <$> mayLocalProof))

compileTexBlock :: Block FullLocation -> T.Text
compileTexBlock = mconcat . map (either T.pack compileLoc) . unBlock
compileLoc (Ref lab, (d, i)) =
mconcatMap f = mconcat . map f

compileBlock :: Block FullLocation -> T.Text
compileBlock = mconcatMap compileChunk . unBlock where

compileChunk (Raw t) = t
compileChunk (Braced b) = "{" <> compileBlock b <> "}"
compileChunk (Env e args b) = T.concat
[ "\\begin{", T.pack e, "}"
, mconcatMap compileArg args
, compileBlock b
compileChunk (Command c args) = T.concat
[ "\\", T.pack c, maybe "{}" (mconcatMap compileArg) args ]

compileChunk (Reference (Ref lab, (d, i))) =
attrTag "a" [("href", T.cons '#' (T.pack lab))] [
"$\\langle" <> showT d <> "\\rangle" <> showT i <> "$"

compileArg (FixArg b) = "{" <> compileBlock b <> "}"
compileArg (OptArg b) = "[" <> compileBlock b <> "]"

posToAttr :: (Int, Int) -> T.Text
posToAttr (d, i) = showT d <> "," <> showT i

Expand All @@ -178,14 +193,14 @@ li = tag "li"
compileMaybeJustified :: MaybeJustifiedF (Int, Int) FullLocation -> T.Text
compileMaybeJustified (stmt, mayJustification) =
li "list-item"
(div "statement" [compileTexBlock stmt] :
(div "statement" [compileBlock stmt] :
maybeToList (compileProof <$> mayJustification))

compileStep :: Located StepF -> T.Text
compileStep (Cases pos lab cases) = nodeDiv pos lab "cases" (map compileCase cases) where
compileCase (desc, proof) =
div "case" [
div "case-description" [compileTexBlock desc], compileProof proof
div "case-description" [compileBlock desc], compileProof proof

compileStep (Let pos lab bindings suchThat) =
Expand All @@ -195,39 +210,39 @@ compileStep (Let pos lab bindings suchThat) =

compileStep (Take pos lab bindings suchThat) =
nodeDiv pos lab "take" (
ul "bindings" (map (li "binding" . pure . compileTexBlock) bindings) :
ul "bindings" (map (li "binding" . pure . compileBlock) bindings) :
maybeToList (compileSuchThat <$> suchThat)

compileStep (Claim pos lab stmt proof) =
nodeDiv pos lab "claim" (
div "statement" [compileTexBlock stmt] : maybeToList (compileProof <$> proof))
div "statement" [compileBlock stmt] : maybeToList (compileProof <$> proof))

compileStep (Suppose pos lab assumps results mayProof) =
nodeDiv pos lab "suppose" (
ul "assumptions" (map (li "list-item" . pure . compileTexBlock) assumps)
: ul "results" (map (li "list-item" . pure . compileTexBlock) results)
ul "assumptions" (map (li "list-item" . pure . compileBlock) assumps)
: ul "results" (map (li "list-item" . pure . compileBlock) results)
: maybeToList (compileProof <$> mayProof))

-- TODO: Refactor code so this shares with compileComment
compileStep (CommentStep pos lab (Comment mayName comm)) =
nodeDiv pos lab "comment"
(maybe id ((:) . div "name" . pure . compileTexBlock) mayName
[div "node-content" [paragraph $ compileTexBlock comm]])
(maybe id ((:) . div "name" . pure . compileBlock) mayName
[div "node-content" [paragraph $ compileBlock comm]])

compileLocatedComment pos lab (Comment mayName comm) =
nodeDiv pos lab "comment"
(maybe id ((:) . div "name" . pure . compileTexBlock) mayName
[div "node-content" [paragraph $ compileTexBlock comm]])
(maybe id ((:) . div "name" . pure . compileBlock) mayName
[div "node-content" [paragraph $ compileBlock comm]])

compileProof :: Located ProofF -> T.Text
compileProof (Simple proof) = div "proof simple-proof" [compileTexBlock proof]
compileProof (Simple proof) = div "proof simple-proof" [compileBlock proof]
compileProof (Steps steps) = div "proof steps-proof" (map compileStep steps)

compileDecl :: Located DeclarationF -> T.Text
compileDecl (Theorem pos lab kind name stmt proof) =
attrTag "div" attrs [
div "name" [compileTexBlock name],
div "name" [compileBlock name],
compileTheoremStatement stmt,
compileProof proof
Expand All @@ -236,13 +251,15 @@ compileDecl (Theorem pos lab kind name stmt proof) =
: ("data-pos", posToAttr pos)
: maybeToList (fmap (("id",) . T.pack . labelString) lab)

-- TODO: MathJax requires us to put everything in math mode so
-- input should be checked to make sure it is actually macros.
compileDecl (Macros macros) =
div "macros" [ "$$" <> T.pack macros <> "$$" ]
div "macros" [ "$$" <> compileBlock macros <> "$$" ]

compileDecl (Definition pos lab name clauses) =
nodeDiv pos lab "definition"
[ div "name" [compileTexBlock name]
, div "node-content" (map (coproduct compileTexBlock compileComment) clauses)
[ div "name" [compileBlock name]
, div "node-content" (map (coproduct compileBlock compileComment) clauses)

compileDecl (CommentDecl pos lab comm) = compileLocatedComment pos lab comm
Expand Down
44 changes: 24 additions & 20 deletions Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,11 @@ import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Options.Applicative hiding (Parser)
import qualified Options.Applicative as O
import Paths_proof (getDataFileName)
import Text.LaTeX.Base.Parser
import TranslateTex (translate)
import DecoratedTex (decorate)
import Paths_proof (getDataFileName)
import Types

data AppData = AppData
{ filePath :: FilePath
Expand All @@ -33,35 +36,36 @@ loadResources =
<*> mapM readFile' ["lib/js/jquery.min.js", "src/js/proof.js"]
where readFile' = getDataFileName >=> T.readFile

data Format = Proof | Tex
fileFormat s = case ext s of { "proof" -> Just Proof; "tex" -> Just Tex; _ -> Nothing }
data Format = Proof | Tex deriving (Show)

fileFormat s = case ext s of { "proof" -> Right Proof; "tex" -> Right Tex; e -> Left e }
where ext = reverse . takeWhile (/= '.') . reverse

outputPath = (++ ".html") . stripExtension
stripExtension = reverse . tail' . dropWhile (/= '.') . reverse
where tail' = \case {[] -> []; (_:xs) -> xs}

main' reader filePath = do
reader filePath >>= \case
Left err -> print err
fmap runExcept (reader filePath) >>= \case
Left err -> putStrLn err
Right doc -> do
res <- loadResources
case runExcept (compile res doc) of
Left err -> putStrLn err
Right docTxt -> T.writeFile (outputPath filePath) docTxt

proofReader = parseFromFile document
texReader filePath = do
tex <- left show <$> parseFromFile filePath
ExceptT (Identity tex) >>= decorate >>= translate
proofReader :: FilePath -> IO (Except String RawDocument)
proofReader = fmap (ExceptT . pure . left show) . parseFromFile document

texReader :: FilePath -> IO (Except String RawDocument)
texReader =
fmap (ExceptT . pure . left show >=> decorate >=> translate) . parseLaTeXFile

main :: IO ()
main = do
AppData { filePath } <- execParser opts
parseFromFile document filePath >>= \case
Left err -> print err
Right doc -> do
res <- loadResources
case runExcept (compile res doc) of
Left err -> putStrLn err
Right docTxt -> T.writeFile (outputPath filePath) docTxt
outputPath = (++ ".html") . stripExtension
stripExtension = reverse . tail' . dropWhile (/= '.') . reverse
where tail' = \case {[] -> []; (_:xs) -> xs}
case fileFormat filePath of
Right Proof -> main' proofReader filePath
Right Tex -> main' texReader filePath
Left e -> putStrLn $ "Unknown file type: " ++ e

22 changes: 20 additions & 2 deletions Parse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,16 +5,34 @@ import Types
import Utils
-- import Text.Parsec hiding (label)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Prelude hiding (take)
-- import Control.Applicative hiding (many, (<|>), optional)
import Data.Functor.Coproduct
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import DecoratedTex
import Parse.Common
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.LaTeX.Base.Parser
import Text.Parsec.Prim hiding (label)

-- TODO: Make macros
-- TODO: Implement scope checking for labels

import System.IO.Unsafe

usprint s = pure (unsafePerformIO (print s) `seq` ())

-- TODO: Figure out bad line numbers
texBlock :: Parsec String () (Block Ref)
texBlock = (<?> "texBlock") $ do
symbol "[|"
etex <- parseLaTeX . T.pack <$> manyTill anyChar (try (symbol "|]"))
tex <- either throwParseError pure etex
either fail pure (runExcept $ decorate tex)
throwParseError err = mkPT (\_ -> return (Consumed (return (Error err))))

comment' :: Parser a -> Parser (a, Comment Ref)
comment' p = do
symbol "comment"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,7 +147,7 @@ theorem = do
macros :: Parser (Raw DeclarationF)
macros = do
symbol "macros"
Macros <$> literalText
Macros . Block . pure . Raw . T.pack <$> literalText
where literalText = symbol "[|" *> manyTill anyChar (try (symbol "|]"))

document :: Parser RawDocument
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions Parse/Common.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ module Parse.Common (
) where

import Types
import Text.Parsec hiding (satisfy, label)
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Control.Applicative hiding (many, (<|>), optional)
import Control.Monad

type Parser = Parsec String ()

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion example.proof
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ theorem (root2irrat) [|$\sqrt{2}$ is irrational|]
take [
[| $p, q \in \bz$ |]
] such that [
[| $p/q = \sqrt{2} |] because [| Assumed $\sqrt{2} \in \bq$, definition of $\bq$ |]
[| $p/q = \sqrt{2}$ |] because [| Assumed $\sqrt{2} \in \bq$, definition of $\bq$ |]

let [
Expand Down

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