ZAX is a mobile frontend for the Zabbix enterprise monitoring system. It is free and has no limits.
This app shows you not only active triggers, events and latest item data, but has a few more features:
- view current problems
- view events
- view latest Items
- view screens
- mark events as acknowledged
- history for items (graphs)
- push notifications - trigger updates in realtime (using Pubnub) - for setup instructions, see
- HTTP auth for proxy
- two homescreen widgets
- Zabbix 2.x support
For more information and screenshots, see our homepage:
This app uses the following libraries:
- ActionBarSherlock (
- ViewPagerIndicator (
- NineOldAndroids (
- OrmLite (
- Jackson Core (
- GraphView for Android (
- Pubnub ( A big thank you to all developers of these great products!