A collection of test templates demonstrating various plotting functionalities and features using PySide6 and PlotPy.
This repository contains example templates for different types of plots and visualization features. It serves as a reference implementation for common plotting scenarios and GUI implementations.
A basic plot template that demonstrates:
- Setting up a QMainWindow with PySide6
- Creating a basic plot widget using PlotPy
- Implementing a minimal plotting application structure
- Python 3.x
- PySide6
- PlotPy
- NumPy
To run any template, use Python from the command line:
python baseplot.py
├── baseplot.py # Basic plot template
└── README.md # Project documentation
Feel free to add new templates or improve existing ones. Each template should:
- Demonstrate a specific plotting feature or functionality
- Include clear comments explaining the implementation
- Follow the existing project structure