Release 22.0225
Levil AHRS protocol, G-Meter extension, fine tuning for AHRS sensor fusion, and minor fixes.
- New protocol implementation to support Levil NMEA $RPYL and $APENV1 protocol elements
- Second configurable limit G meter limit for a lower 'yellow' limit e.g. outside of maneuvering speed
- Gating for low gyro sensor drift below 1° per second improves compass tilt compensation
- Fixed vector dot product using normalized vectors improves adaptive filter for AHRS horizon and compass tilt compensation
- Print only one digit for precision in G meter setup
- Code migration to C++ for further usage of quaternions and 3D vectors for compass tilt compensation (code optimisation)
- Redraw compass info in any scenario when returning to variometer screen
- More precise graphics by fixed rounding for thermal center aid
- Improved robustness for erratic sensor readings with broken hardware