The Illumio Shield organization contains tools and integrations for Illumio products.
All content in Illumio Shield repositories is provided AS-IS by their contributors and maintainers, and is NOT covered by any Illumio Service Level Agreement or warranty. Unless stated otherwise, all Illumio Shield repositories are released and distributed as open source software subject to the Apache 2.0 LICENSE. Please read the entire license for additional information regarding the permissions and limitations of the software provided.
Bug reports and feature requests can be submitted as GitHub Issues for the relevant repository. Please include a detailed description, including use case/instructions to reproduce. Note, however, that there is no commitment or timeframe to address any submission. Repository owners may provide contact information; if so, their responses are on a best-effort basis.
In addition, community support may be available through the Illumio Community Portal.
Please redact any sensitive information from bug reports or log traces, since Issues and Pull Requests may be publicly visible.
Users are encouraged to contribute suggestions or content to any of the Illumio Shield repositories. Any and all contributions are appreciated!
See the Contributing document for details.
For issues or questions that cannot be submitted via GitHub Issues, please send an email to the Illumio App Integrations Team with the name of the repository in the subject line. Please refer to our Vulnerability Disclosure for information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Illumio Shield repositories.