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iks github user edited this page Jul 15, 2014 · 3 revisions

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The class descriptor in the meta model of the StandardModelProvider offers the following calls:

java.lang.String getMetaInfoValueFor(java.lang.String metaInfoName)

Returns: value for (first) MetaInfo element with metaInfoName

java.util.List<java.lang.String> getAllMetaInfoValuesFor(java.lang.String metaInfoName)

Returns: list of values for MetaInfo elements with metaInfoName

java.util.List getMetaInfoList()

Returns: list of MetaInfo elements of the current hierarchy level

java.util.List getAllMetaInfos()

Returns: list of MetaInfo elements including those of containing hierarchy levels

boolean doesHaveMetaInfo(java.lang.String metaInfoName, java.lang.String value)

Returns: true if the current MetaInfo list contains an element with metaInfoName and value

boolean doesHaveAnyMetaInfosWithName(java.lang.String metaInfoName)

Returns: zrue if the current MetaInfo list contains at least one element with metaInfoName

java.lang.String getCommaSeparatedListOfAllMetaInfoValuesFor(java.lang.String metaInfoName)

Returns: String containing the comma separated list of values for MetaInfo elements with metaInfoName

since v1.1.0

java.lang.String isValueAvailable(java.lang.String metaInfoValue)

Returns: false metaInfoValue represents “! Metainfo not found !”

since v1.3.0

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