The IC AMQP Plugin is built with maven for dependency management. All you'll need to get started is maven.
$ git clone
$ cd PDI-Plugin-Step-AMQP
$ mvn package
This will produce a pentaho plugin in target/ic-amqp-plugin-pdi-<version>.zip
This archive can then be extracted into your Pentaho Data Integration plugin directory.
Property | Description |
Type | If the step is a consumer or a producer |
URI | AMQP connection URI (amqp://userName:password@hostName:portNumber/virtualHost) |
Username | Username , can be specified as variables |
Password | Password , can be specified as variables, can be Encrypted |
Host | Host, can be specified as variables |
Port | Port , can be specified with variables |
Vhost | VirtualHost , can be specified with variables |
UseSsl | to use ssl or not |
Body | Field that will be used as message body |
Delivery Tag | Carry amqpDeliveryTag, used for confirmation |
Exchange/Queue name | The exchange name for producers or queue name for consumers |
Routing key | Field that store the routing key |
Message Headers | Header Name, Field Name Map (mapping between headers and row field names) |
Limit | Max number of message reads when using as consumer |
Declare | work with pre configured Exchange, Queue and Binding, or manage them by plugin |
Durable | Durability for message |
Autodelete | Autodelete Exchange or Queue after produce,consume |
Exclusive | for queue , exclusive usage |
Binding | Target, Routing, Target type ( queue or exchange in PRODUCER mode ) specified |
Wait for Messages | Consumer waiting for messages mode |
Wait Timeout | Consumer waiting for messages mode, waiting timeout, 0 for no timeout |
PrefetchCount | Consumer mode, basicQos parameter |
Requeue | For consumer. after receiving messages, Nack them with requeue flag |
Property | Description |
Ack Msg Step name | Name of step which input row will be monitored and each deliveryTag value will be used to Confirm messages received |
Ack Msg Step DeliveryTag Field | Name of field carry delivery tag value in input stream of AckMsg Step |
Rejected Msg Step Name | Name of step which input row will be monitored and each deliveryTag value will be used to Reject ( dead-letter ) messages received |
Rejected Msg Step DeliveryTag Field | Name of field carry delivery tag value in input stream of Rejected Msg Step |
- No declaration for target, These must be "declared" before they can be used.
- PrefetchCount is incomaptible with Transcations, as kettle