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IC AMQP Plugin

Build Status

Compatible with PDI/Kettle 5.x


The IC AMQP Plugin is built with maven for dependency management. All you'll need to get started is maven.

$ git clone
$ cd PDI-Plugin-Step-AMQP
$ mvn package

This will produce a pentaho plugin in target/ic-amqp-plugin-pdi-<version>.zip This archive can then be extracted into your Pentaho Data Integration plugin directory.

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PDI Step Configuration

Property Description
Type If the step is a consumer or a producer
URI AMQP connection URI (amqp://userName:password@hostName:portNumber/virtualHost)
Username Username , can be specified as variables
Password Password , can be specified as variables, can be Encrypted
Host Host, can be specified as variables
Port Port , can be specified with variables
Vhost VirtualHost , can be specified with variables
UseSsl to use ssl or not
Body Field that will be used as message body
Delivery Tag Carry amqpDeliveryTag, used for confirmation
Exchange/Queue name The exchange name for producers or queue name for consumers
Routing key Field that store the routing key
Message Headers Header Name, Field Name Map (mapping between headers and row field names)
Limit Max number of message reads when using as consumer
Declare work with pre configured Exchange, Queue and Binding, or manage them by plugin
Durable Durability for message
Autodelete Autodelete Exchange or Queue after produce,consume
Exclusive for queue , exclusive usage
Binding Target, Routing, Target type ( queue or exchange in PRODUCER mode ) specified
Wait for Messages Consumer waiting for messages mode
Wait Timeout Consumer waiting for messages mode, waiting timeout, 0 for no timeout
PrefetchCount Consumer mode, basicQos parameter
Requeue For consumer. after receiving messages, Nack them with requeue flag

STEP Confirmation steps ralted

Property Description
Ack Msg Step name Name of step which input row will be monitored and each deliveryTag value will be used to Confirm messages received
Ack Msg Step DeliveryTag Field Name of field carry delivery tag value in input stream of AckMsg Step
Rejected Msg Step Name Name of step which input row will be monitored and each deliveryTag value will be used to Reject ( dead-letter ) messages received
Rejected Msg Step DeliveryTag Field Name of field carry delivery tag value in input stream of Rejected Msg Step


  • No declaration for target, These must be "declared" before they can be used.
  • PrefetchCount is incomaptible with Transcations, as kettle


AMQP Plugin for PDI







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