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Experiment tuning Azure Functions' Event Hub host.json settings for high-volume streaming scenarios

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Experiment. Azure Functions and Event Hubs: optimising for throughput

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Note: Best consumed chilled with my blog discusssing this experiment in detail


A Terraform-automated series of independent experiments empirically measuring throughput and latency of an Event Hub-triggered Azure Function on a Consumption Plan for different combinations of:

  • number of Partitions in the Event Hub
  • maxBatchSize setting in host.json
  • prefetchCount setting in host.json


  1. Owner access to an Azure subscription
  2. Linux box with Terraform and Azure CLI in $PATH


  1. git clone && cd azure-functions-scaleout
  2. Create a Service Principal for Terraform by following these instructions
  • (Option A) create ./terraform/ with the SP credentials as below:

    cat << 'EOF' > ./terraform/
    "subscription_id" = "<REPLACE_ME>"
    "client_id" = "<REPLACE_ME>"
    "client_secret" = "<REPLACE_ME>"
    "tenant_id" = "<REPLACE_ME>"
    "region" = "West US 2"
  • (Option B) create environmental variables with the SP credentials:

    export TF_VAR_subscription_id="<REPLACE_ME>"
    export TF_VAR_client_id="<REPLACE_ME>"
    export TF_VAR_client_secret="<REPLACE_ME>"
    export TF_VAR_tenant_id="<REPLACE_ME>"
    export TF_VAR_region="West US 2"

    Note 1: Terraform will be calling az from time to time, hence Azure credentials can not be passed via a more familiar ARM_* env variables method

    Note 2: by default, all Azure service will be provisioned in West US 2, to choose a different region, modify the region or TF_VAR_region setting accordingly, ensuring the chosen region can run both Application Insights and Log Analytics. At the time of writing, West US 2 and Southeast Asia were the two good candidates

  1. Edit ./terraform/ to adjust the settings below. By default, 60 iterations will be performed covering every combination of array values (60=1x3x5x4x1x1), executed in parallel in batches of 12, 15 minutes per batch.
    ## Adjustable Parameters
    ITERATION_SLEEP=15m 			# Duration for each iteration
    MAX_PARALLEL_EXPERIMENTS=12 		# Parallel iterations to run
    LANGUAGES=( node )			# Azure Function consumer lang
    PARTITIONS=( 4 8 32 )			# Event Hub Partition Count
    BATCH_SIZES=( 1 16 64 256 512 )		# maxBatchSize values
    PREFETCH_SIZES=( 0 128 512 2048 )	# prefetchCount values
    CHECKPOINT_SIZES=( 10 )			# batchCheckpointFrequency values
    THROUGHPUT_UNITS=( 20 )			# Event Hub Throughput Units
  2. Run nohup /bin/bash ./terraform/ > output.out 2>&1 &

Experiment Detail

The experiment will iterate through every possible combination of the following arrays' values as defined in


Preparation Phase

A new resource group rg-telemetry-<suffix> is created with these services and will be shared by all iterations:

  • Azure Application Insights for Azure Functions metrics
  • Log Analytics Workspace for Event Hub metrics
  • Consumption Plan Azure Function: deployment helper with the following application settings:

    The purpose of this helper is to be able dynamically generate a zipdeploy file with the correct host.json settings for every iteration of the experiment

Iteration Phase

Iterations are deployed in parallel, in batches of $MAX_PARALLEL_EXPERIMENTS. Each iteration:

  1. ...creates a new resource group exp-<experiment_id>-<language>-<partition_count>-<TUs>-<batch_size>-<prefetch_count>-<checkpoint_freq>-<suffix>
  2. ...provisions a Standard Event Hub Namespace with $THROUGHPUT_UNITS TUs with a single Event Hub with $PARTITIONS partitions, enables monitoring via the provisioned Log Analytics Workspace
  3. ...provisions a Consumption plan Azure Function v2 consumer bound to that event hub with host.json configured acccordingly. The function consumes messages from the event hub and stores latency as a custom metric in the provisioned Application Insights instance
    1. nodejs consumer template
    2. dotnet core consumer template
  4. ...provisions a load generator as an [Azure Container Instance] ( instance running 5 container images of iizotov/azure-sb-loadgenerator-dotnetcore:latest flooding the Event Hub with messages saturating the ingress
  5. ...sleeps for $ITERATION_SLEEP and tears down the exp-... resource group

The process is repeated until there are no more iterations left.

Analysis Time!

To join the collected Event Hub metrics in the Log Analytics Workspace to the Azure Function custom metrics in Appplication Insights, the following Kusto query can be used:

// Application Insights instance, grab all custom metrics
let ai_raw_metrics = app("ai-33rl7yxp").customMetrics;

// derive instance counts from "cloud_RoleInstance" metric in AI, summarize by iteration and P1M
let ai_P1M_instance_count=ai_raw_metrics
| where name in ("batchSize")
| summarize 
        by TimeStamp=bin(timestamp, 1m), Experiment=tolower(tostring(customDimensions.experiment)), MetricName="InstanceCount";

// summarize batchSize and batchAverageLatency custom metrics in AI by iteration and P1M
let ai_P1M_metrics = ai_raw_metrics
| where name in ("batchSize", "batchAverageLatency")
| project MetricName=name, TimeStamp=timestamp, Value=value, Experiment=tolower(tostring(customDimensions.experiment))
| summarize 
        by bin(TimeStamp, 1m), Experiment, MetricName;

// extract OutgoingMessages and IncomingMessages EH metrics, summarize by iteration and P1M
let eh_P1M_metrics = AzureMetrics
| where ResourceProvider == "MICROSOFT.EVENTHUB"
| where TimeGrain == "PT1M" 
| where MetricName in ("OutgoingMessages", "IncomingMessages")
| project Value=Total, Count, Maximum, Minimum, TimeStamp=TimeGenerated, MetricName, Experiment=tolower(Resource)
| summarize 
        by bin(TimeStamp, 1m), Experiment, MetricName;

// now that every metric is a P1M metric, union them all  
| union eh_P1M_metrics
| union ai_P1M_instance_count

This can be analysed directly or exported to Power BI for a more interactive slicing and dicing experiment


The code included in this sample is not intended to be a set of best practices on how to build scalable enterprise grade applications. This is beyond the scope of this educational experiment.

Related Links


Experiment tuning Azure Functions' Event Hub host.json settings for high-volume streaming scenarios






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