- Basic postgres connection pool for Django using gevent ** assumes you monkeypatch somewhere when using this backend
clone via git and python setup.py install
easy_install django-psycopg2-pool
Assuming you have Django installed and this app installed,
- set
in your db backend settings - this may be required if you have south: in settings.py, have a line like:
'default': "south.db.postgresql_psycopg2",
- Set
to 100 or so in your db settings and tweak this number so that each worker process has adequate postgres connections available to it. If you have four worker processes andmax_connections
for postgres is 101, then 25 is a reasonable pool size that will still let you run manage commands like south. Each connection to postgres will fork a postgres worker, visible runningpstree -pa
on Linux systems. Raisingmax_connections
in postgres can consume a lot of memory ifwork_mem
is set high. Work_mem is necessary to do in-memory sorts before spilling to the disk, so don't set this too low just to have tons of postgres threads running.
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django_psycopg2_pool.gevent',
'NAME': 'myproject_db',
'USER': 'myproject',
'PASSWORD': 'mypassword',
'HOST': '/var/run/postgresql', # When running postgres on unix socket
'PORT': '', # Empty if using unix socket
'POOL_SIZE' : 20, # slightly less than postgres max_connections / worker processes
This package includes a modified version of the gevent example psycopg2_pool Thank you to the author(s) of gevent and psyocopg2_pool
- feel free to contribute!
- maybe this can be done in eventlet as well? I welcome pull requests